Op deze pagina vind je alle documenten, voordeelbundels en oefenvragen die worden aangeboden door verkoper zinaal-joubori.
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8 items
Summary Tort Law
the summary is provides everything discussed during lectures and workshops including the full texts of the relevant articles and the relevant cases.
- Samenvatting
- • 39 pagina's •
the summary is provides everything discussed during lectures and workshops including the full texts of the relevant articles and the relevant cases.
Contract Law required articles & cases
the document includes all relevant articles form the DCC and PECL as well as all relevant cases for the EU, NL and Engeland.
- Voordeelbundel
- Overig
- • 37 pagina's •
the document includes all relevant articles form the DCC and PECL as well as all relevant cases for the EU, NL and Engeland.
Summary Contract Law
the summary is provides everything discussed during lectures and workshops including the full texts of the relevant articles and the relevant paragraphs of the cases.
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 22 pagina's •
the summary is provides everything discussed during lectures and workshops including the full texts of the relevant articles and the relevant paragraphs of the cases.
Summary Civil Procedure
the summary includes everything discussed during the lectures and the workshops as well as the full text of the principles and the relevant case law>
- Samenvatting
- • 48 pagina's •
the summary includes everything discussed during the lectures and the workshops as well as the full text of the principles and the relevant case law>
Summary Internal Market Law
the summary includes everything discussed during the lectures and the workshops as well as the relevant case laws and articles.
- Samenvatting
- • 24 pagina's •
the summary includes everything discussed during the lectures and the workshops as well as the relevant case laws and articles.
Summary Constitutional Law
the summary includes everything discussed during the lectures and the workshops as well as all relevant case laws and articles.
- Samenvatting
- • 23 pagina's •
the summary includes everything discussed during the lectures and the workshops as well as all relevant case laws and articles.
Summary European Criminal law
the summary includes everything discussed during the lectures and the workshops. all case laws and relevant articles are included as well.
- Samenvatting
- • 49 pagina's •
the summary includes everything discussed during the lectures and the workshops. all case laws and relevant articles are included as well.
Summary International Criminal Law
the summary includes everything discussed during the lectures and the workshops. All relevant articles are included in full text in the endnotes.
- Samenvatting
- • 33 pagina's •
the summary includes everything discussed during the lectures and the workshops. All relevant articles are included in full text in the endnotes.
Summary Internal Market Law
Summary Constitutional Law