Literature included:
Week 1
ARTICLE 1: Schivinski, B., Christodoulides G., & Dabrowski, D. “Measuring
Consumers’ Engagement With Brand-Related Social-Media Content: Development
and Validation of a Scale That Identifies Levels of Social-Media Engagement with
Brands.” Journal of advertising research 56.1 (2016): 64–80.
Conference paper: Perreault, M.-C., & Mosconi, E.(2018).Social media
engagement: Content strategy and metrics research opportunities, Paper
presented at the Proceedings of the 51st HI International Conference on System
ARTICLE 2: Osei-Frimpong, K., McLean, G. & Famiyeh. S. (2019) “Social Media
Brand Engagement Practices: Examining the Role of Consumer Brand Knowledge,
Social Pressure, Social Relatedness, and Brand Trust.” Information technology &
people (West Linn, Or.) 33.4, 1235–1254.
Week 2
ARTICLE 3: Berger, J. (2014). Word of Mouth and Interpersonal Communication:
A Review and Directions for Future Research. Journal of consumer psychology
24(4), 586–607.
ARTICLE 4: Swani, K., & Labrecque. L, I. (2020). Like, Comment, or Share? Self-
Presentation Vs. Brand Relationships as Drivers of Social Media Engagement
Choices. Marketing letters 31(2-3), 279–298.
Week 3
ARTICLE 5: Hodas, Nathan O, Ryan Butner, and Court Corley. “How a User’s
Personality Influences Content Engagement in Social Media.” Social Informatics.
Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016. 481–493. Web.
,ARTICLE 6: Tsai, Wan-Hsiu Sunny, and Linjuan Rita Men. “Consumer
Engagement with Brands on Social Network Sites: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of
China and the USA.” Journal of marketing communications 23.1 (2017): 2–21. Web
Week 4
ARTICLE 7: Colicev, A., Malshe, A., Pauwels, K., & O’Connor, P. (2018).
Improving Consumer Mindset Metrics and Shareholder Value through Social
Media: The Different Roles of Owned and Earned Media. Journal of
Marketing, 82(1), 37–56.
ARTICLE 8: Argyris, Y. A., Wang, Z., Kim, Y., & Yin, Z. (2020). The effects of visual
congruence on increasing consumers’ brand engagement: An empirical
investigation of influencer marketing on instagram using deep-learning
algorithms for automatic image classification. Computers in Human
Behavior, 112, 106443.
ARTICLE 9: Giakoumaki, C., & Krepapa, A. (2019). Brand engagement in self‐
concept and consumer engagement in social media: The role of the
source. Psychology & Marketing, 37(3).
Week 5
ARTICLE 10: McShane, et al. “Emoji, Playfulness, and Brand Engagement on
Twitter.” Journal of interactive marketing 53 (2021): 96–110. Web.
ARTICLE 11: Villarroel Ordenes, F. et al. “Cutting through Content Clutter: How
Speech and Image Acts Drive Consumer Sharing of Social Media Brand Messages.”
The Journal of consumer research 45.5 (2019): 988–1012. Web.
,ARTICLE 12: Barry, James M, and Sandra S Graça. “HUMOR EFFECTIVENESS
IN SOCIAL VIDEO ENGAGEMENT.” Journal of marketing theory and practice 26.1-
2 (2018): 158–180. Web.
ARTICLE 13: Swani, Kunal et al. “What Messages to Post? Evaluating the
Popularity of Social Media Communications in Business Versus Consumer
Markets.” Industrial marketing management 62 (2017): 77–87. Web.
Week 6
ARTICLE 14: Kanuri, V. K., Chen, Y., & Sridhar, S. (Hari). (2018). Scheduling
content on social media: Theory, evidence, and application. Journal of
Marketing, 82(6), 89–108.
ARTICLE 15: Voorveld, H. A.M., Van Noort, G., Muntinga, D. G., & Bronner, F.
(2018). Engagement with social media and social media advertising: The
differentiating role of platform type.
Social Media Marketing
Week 1
ARTICLE 1: Schivinski, B., Christodoulides G., & Dabrowski, D. “Measuring
Consumers’ Engagement With Brand-Related Social-Media Content: Development
and Validation of a Scale That Identifies Levels of Social-Media Engagement with
Brands.” Journal of advertising research 56.1 (2016): 64–80.
Developing a scale to measure the consumers engagement with brand-
related social media content
This scale will differentiate between different levels and types of
engagement with brand on social media
This scale is different to existing scales because rather than looking at
engagement with the brand it measures the engagement with the brand-
related social-media content, so it is more specific
The Literature
Social media has significantly changed how we interact with brands
Current study is based on previous literature surrounding the “Consumer’s
Online Brand-Related Activities” framework
There are certain levels of engagement that the consumer can partake in –
note: these are hierarchical
, o 1- CONSUMING: Seeing a picture of a brand, here they are simply
consuming brand related media
o 2- CONTRIBUTION: Engaging with the media by commenting or
liking, the move from being an observer to being a “media
o 3- CREATING: Consumers can also upload their own media about
certain brands (e.g. photo of your new shoes), here you are creating
brand related content
o Consumer’s online brand related activities:
“A set of brand-related activities on the part of the consumer
that vary in the degree to which the consumers interacts with
social media and engages in the consumption, contribution,
and creation of media content.”
Note: The same person can be a consumer, contributor and a creator of
content for the same brand
o The same consumers may choose to contribute for
one brand but only consume for another brand
Studies found that there are indeed three types of
consumer brand related activities
o Consuming, contributing and creation
Authors identified 35 different activities within these three
o Consuming:
Reading posts related to a brand on SM,
following blogs related to a specific brand,
following a specific brand on SM
o Contributing:
Commenting on videos related to a specific
brand, sharing brand related content
o Creating:
Posting pictures of a specific brand, initiating
posts about a specific brand
Conference paper: Perreault, M.-C., & Mosconi, E.(2018).Social media
engagement: Content strategy and metrics research opportunities, Paper
presented at the Proceedings of the 51st HI International Conference on System
Objective of this paper is identify factors of social media engagement
metrics adopted to define social media brands’ content strategy
o Literature thus far shows that social media engagement is thus far a
misunderstood concept that has primarily been linked to different
levels of customer relationships
RQ: How is content strategy related to metrics of customer brand
engagement on social media platforms?