Service management
Strategy Service concept Culture (natonal corporatonn compettons empowerment
Performance objectves (measurementn THE HOLE PACKAGE!!
Chapter 13, 16, 17 and 5&11 not everything
Service Management: About customers, employees and relatonship between this)
Services are:
- Intangible you can’t touch the knowledge
- Simultaneous produced and consumed at the same tme
- Heterogeneous It’s diferent like the surrounding aspect, producer and de consumer
- Perishable it cannot be stocked, it must be produced at the tme it is given
Services cannot be standardized, but how more it is standardized, the more homogeneous it gets.
Classificaton of service: Mills & Margulies
1. Maintenance interactve services recepton
- Standardized
- Processes
- physical infrastructure
- customer knows what he or she wants and how the process going on
- simple decisions
2. Task interactve services ICT
- Need more knowledge
- Bit more professionalism (training)
- Can be innovatve
- Customer knows what he or she wants, but not how the process works
3. Personal interactve services consular
- Customer don’t know what he or she want and how the process going on
- Attitude
- Complex knowledge
- communicaton
,Service Profit Chain circle of failure is import at this
Take care of the employee happy employee happy customer profit and growth.
Care for your employees, so they deliver good service, so you have satsfied customers.
The Service Scape
Surroundings of the service have a lot of infuence of the service.
,Begin: 3 Omgeving dimensies (environmental dimensionsn
Ambient conditonss binnenklimaat (zintuigen, horen zien reuken duss temperatuur, geluid, geur,
Space functons Hoe is de ruimte ingericht en hoe gebruik je dat (indeling, meubilair, apparatuur)
Signs, symbols and artfactss Hoe gemakkelijk vindt je de weg (bewegwijzering, naamplaatjes,
Holisitc environment: Het samenhangende geheel. Hoe je de dienstomgeving ziet, ervaart,
meemaakt, ziet
Moderators: Mensen die onderdeel uit maken. Het levert een reacte op van de klanten en
Internal responses (interne reacte, zowel medewerker als klantn
Cognitefs Reacte in het hoofd (kennis, begrip en overtuiging)
Emotoneels Welke emote roept het op, stemming (plezier, opwinding)
Fysiologischs Wat voel ik ervan, pijn, comfortabel (warm, koud, kippenvel)
Eind: Gedrag(behaviorn
To Approachs Benaderbaar, aantrekkelijk
To avoids Hier moet ik zijn, maar wil ik niet zijn
The Service concept
The service concept is a key tool that can communicate
the set of benefits (tangibles and
experiences) to the customers in order to demonstrate
the potental added value of the services provided.
Costumer value for example reducing waitng tme
Operatons and technology > invest in the machines,
change the setup of the restaurant
Service Concept > people with more knowledge
Service concept is…
- Is a shared and artculate understanding of the nature of the service provided and received, which
should give informaton abouts
- The organising idea
- The service provided (the delivery)
- The service received
- The customer experience
- The service outcomess “products” i.e. benefits, emotons, judgements value and intentons
, - The service values the customers assessment of the benefits of the service weighed against
all costs involved
Perspectve Service Management
- Delving deeper into the subject of Services Management.
- Developing a theoretcal based opinion on various subjects discussed in class.
- Learning to actvely communicate this opinion.
- Practcing the English language, spoken as well as writen skills.