1.2 Differences between people (FSWP1-022-A)
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR)
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College 2 - Psychoanalytisch perspectief
- College aantekeningen • 8 pagina's • 2020
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College 2 binnen het vak 1.2 - Differences between people. Het college bespreekt voornamelijk Freud en alles wat met zijn psychoanalytisch perspectief te maken heeft. Zo wordt er onder andere gekeken naar Freud's model of mind, structuur van persoonlijkheid, defense mechanisms, psychoseksuele fases, psychoanalyse en kritiek.
College 3 - Intelligentie
- College aantekeningen • 6 pagina's • 2020
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College 3 binnen het vak 2.2 Differences between people. Het college betreft theorieën wat betreft onder andere intelligentie, de G-factor, de geschiedenis van intelligentie, nature vs. nurture, onderzoek en the Flynn effect.
- Voordeelbundel • 8 items • 2019
- €21,49
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A cheaper alternative than buying notes for each problem/topic in social psychology. Contains notes on topics 1 - 8: Psychoanalytical approach, Behaviouristic approach, Humanistic approach, Psychometric approach, Trait approach, Interactionism appro.
Block 1.2 - Problem 1:
- College aantekeningen • 11 pagina's • 2019
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Discussed: Freud's theory of personality, Assumptions of Psychoanalytic theory, 3 parts of personality / level of consciousness, Psychoanalytic personality theory (ID, Ego, Superego - definitions, explanations, examples), Anxiety and Defence Mechanisms, Psychosexual development stages, Criticisms on Freud's theories
Block 1.2 - Problem 2:
- College aantekeningen • 9 pagina's • 2019
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Discussed: Classical conditioning, Pavlov's experiment, Classification of conditioning, Effects of Classical conditioning, Conditioning and fear, Little Albert Experiment, Types of Reinforcement and punishment, Definitions and explanations to vocab words, Notes on articles, and more!
Teveel maand over aan het eind van je geld?
Block 1.2 - Problem 3: "Humanistic Approach"
- College aantekeningen • 8 pagina's • 2019
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Discussed: How childhood has an impact on future personality development; What Carl Roger's view is on personality development; How children imitate behaviour according to Bandura.

Includes: The need for positive regard, Conditions of worth, Introjection and Identification, The self and processes of defence, Client Centered therapy, Bandura's experiment, Social cognitive theory, Categories that influence observational learning, notes on articles and MORE!
Block 1.2 - Problem 4: "Psychometric Approach"
- College aantekeningen • 7 pagina's • 2019
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Discussed: What is intelligence - is it possible to measure; Are there different types of intelligence, and what they are; Is it possible to inherit intelligence; What is the Flynn-Effect; Is intelligence measured the same globally? 

Includes: Definitions, explanations, and examples of vocab words, Theories of intelligence from: Francis Galton, James Mckeen-Cattell, Alfred Binet, William Stern, Charles Spearman, Philip Vernon, David Wechsler, Louis Thurstone, Carl, Howard Gardner, and Robert St...
Block 1.2. - Problem 5: "Trait Approach"
- College aantekeningen • 7 pagina's • 2019
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Discussed: The four temperaments of Hippocrates; Taxonomies / Theories of: Gordon Allport, Raymond B. Cattell, Hans J. Eysenck, and McCrae and Costa; Big Five theory, criticisms, and MORE!
Block 1.2 - Problem 6: "Interactionism Approach"
- College aantekeningen • 8 pagina's • 2019
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Discussed: Why people react differently in different situations; Why a person's behaviour is consistent over time; Why some people react differently in the same situation; How personal characteristics and situations interact; and Which/Why some traits change over time, and why some traits do not change. 

Includes: Formulas, definitions, explanations, and examples of vocab words, Notes on articles and MORE!
Block 1.2 - Problem 7:
- College aantekeningen • 7 pagina's • 2019
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- €6,49
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Discussed: To What extent genes and environment shape our personality and behaviour; How we can study the heritability of personality. 

Includes: Definitions, explanations, and examples of vocab words, Formulas, Methods of testing, Results of testing, Buss' and Plomin's Temperaments (Activity level, Sociability, Emotionality, Impulsivity), How the temperaments results to the Big Five, Attitudes and Beliefs, Shared vs. Non-Shared Environment, Genotype-Environment Correlation
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