Year 3 Cluster Abdomen
Maastricht University (UM)
Alle 11 resultaten
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Cluster Abdomen - Everything!
- Voordeelbundel • 8 items • 2017
- €25,49
- 1x verkocht
- + meer info
This bundle contains all the summaries for every single educational activity provided in the abdomen cluster. Everything you need to get an excellent in your exams is right here!
Cluster Abdomen - Lectures
- Samenvatting • 18 pagina's • 2017
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €3,49
- 1x verkocht
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This document is a summary of all useful lectures not included in the written exam and which do not fit with the main topics covered at each outpatient clinic but which may nonetheless be useful during the oral exam. The themes covered include virology (hepatitis), medical microbiology (UTIs), radiology and pathology (especially upper GI bleeding), pharmacology, artificial nutrition and the general practice. 
The lectures not covered here can be found either in the Basics for the Exam document o...
Cluster Abdomen - The GI Tract
- Samenvatting • 43 pagina's • 2017
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €5,49
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This document is a summary of everything discussed as part of the GI Tract in the abdomen cluster. It corresponds to the educational activities given with the 'Surgery' OPCs. This covers all the learning goals (ie. gallstones, pancreatitis, cancers, anal pathology, etc), an example of a patient case (SOEPEL), and relevant lectures. A reminder of the relevant anatomy is also included. As this topic was much longer than the other topics covered in the cluster this is a longer document. Much of the...
Cluster Abdomen - Dermatology
- Samenvatting • 11 pagina's • 2017
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €3,49
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This is a summary of the educational activities provided in the abdomen cluster regarding Dermatology. This includes learning goals (ie. urticaria, psoriasis), lectures, and skillslab (chronic venous insufficiency). The link to abdominal diseases is also discussed.
Cluster Abdomen - Pediatrics
- Samenvatting • 22 pagina's • 2017
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- €3,49
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This document covers all the educational activities provided under the theme 'paediatrics' in the abdomen cluster. This covers the learning goals (ie. GERD, obstipation and diarrhoea, abdominal pain), an example of a patient case (SOEPEL), and relevant lectures.
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Cluster Abdomen - Urology
- Samenvatting • 20 pagina's • 2017
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €3,49
- 1x verkocht
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This document covers everything discussed in cluster abdomen regarding urology: learning goals (ie. kidney stones, pyelonephritis), an example of a patient case (SOEPEL), relevant lectures and skillslab. The entire topic is covered here.
Cluster Abdomen - Written Exam
- Voordeelbundel • 2 items • 2017
- €6,99
- 2x verkocht
- + meer info
This bundle contains all the information required to pass the Abdomen Cluster written exam. 
This includes anatomy (abdominal cavity, pelvis, inguinal canal), medical microbiology, molecular cell biology (cervical, ovarian and colorectal cancers), radiotherapy and physiology (be aware that these change per cluster but may be similar).
Cluster Abdomen - Basics for the Exam
- Samenvatting • 48 pagina's • 2017
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €3,49
- 1x verkocht
- + meer info
Cluster Abdomen has a challenging written exam in which a number of themes are covered including physiology, medical microbiology, molecular cell biology and radiology. 
In this document all the lectures from these different themes are summarised with all the detail needed to pass the exam. 
From a student who received an excellent.
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