Universiteit Leiden (UL) • Master economic and consumer psychology
Meest recente samenvattingen voor de opleiding Master economic and consumer psychology op de Universiteit Leiden (UL). Op zoek naar een samenvatting voor Master economic and consumer psychology? Wij hebben diverse samenvattingen voor de opleiding Master economic and consumer psychology op de Universiteit Leiden (UL).
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Vakken Master economic and consumer psychology op de Universiteit Leiden (UL)
Er zijn samenvattingen beschikbaar voor de volgende vakken van Master economic and consumer psychology op Universiteit Leiden (UL)
Populaire samengevatte boeken Universiteit Leiden (UL) • Master economic and consumer psychology
Nieuwste samenvattingen Universiteit Leiden (UL) • Master economic and consumer psychology
Summary of the relevant chapters for the Psychology of Media and Communication exam. Exam grade: 9
Summary of the articles for the course "The Psychology of Economic Behavior". Exam grade: 8
This is a summary for the course Applied Data Analysis. It consists of extensive lecture notes and a summary of the book by Field. My grade for the exam was a 9.2.
This is a summary of the lecture notes and the book of the course Applied Data Analysis. It explains the lectures and gives a summary of the book by Field. My grade for the exam was a 9.2.
This is a really convenient glossary of all the concepts that are described in the lectures of the Psychology of Economic Behavior. It helped me a lot while studying and made the course a lot more clear to me.
This is a really convenient glossary of all the concepts that are described in the lectures of the Psychology of Economic Behavior. It helped me a lot while studying and made the course a lot more clear to me.
These are my notes of the lectures of the course The Psychology of Economic Behavior at Leiden University. Together with my glossary (begrippenlijst), I got an 8 for this course.
These are my notes from the lectures of the Psychology of Economic Behavior. Together with my glossary (begrippenlijst), I got an 8 for this course.
I got a 9.5 after studying with this! This is a summary I wrote for the course "Psychology of Economic Behaviour" by Eric van Dijk at Leiden University in 2022. I included all class materials that are relevant for the exam: the lecture slides, the articles, and what Eric said during the lectures. 
I got a 9.5 in the exam after watching all the lectures and then studying only with this summary.
extensive lecture notes. Almost every word of the teacher copied and paste in the document. Pictures added to the document for further clarification of the texts. Do mind my small English mistakes and small word mistakes since i'm orginally dutch.