Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) • Psychologie
Meest recente samenvattingen voor de opleiding Psychologie op de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU). Op zoek naar een samenvatting voor Psychologie? Wij hebben diverse samenvattingen voor de opleiding Psychologie op de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU).
Vakken Psychologie op de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)
Er zijn samenvattingen beschikbaar voor de volgende vakken van Psychologie op Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)
- Analyses Toolbox 1
- Angst en depressie bij kinderen en adolescenten P_BANDEKA 4
- APA Writing 1
- Arbeids- & Organisatiepsychologie P_BARORPS 7
- Arbeids- en Organisatie Psychologie 1
- Arbeids- en Organisatiepsychologie P_BARORPS 27
- Arbeids- en organisatiepsychologie deel 2 2
- Assessment and coaching skill P_BASCSK 2
- Assessment and Coaching Skills P_BASCSK 1
- B-these P_BM3BTH 1
- B-these Klinische Leerlijn P_BSTAT3KL 1
- Bachelorscriptie BTHESEKP_9999_1 1
- Behavior genetics in psychology P_BMOLGEN 1
- Behaviour and the Brain part 1: Addiction P_BBAA_1 1
- Behaviour and the Brain part 2: Cognitive Neuroscience P_BBAC_2 4
- Behaviour genetics in psychology P_BMOLGEN 1
- Big Data in Psychology P_BBDPSY 7
- Big Data in Psychology (P_BBDPSY) P_BBDPSY 1
- Biological & Cognitive Psychology P_BBIOCOG 8
- Biological and cognitive psychology 2
- Biological Psychology P_BEVOLPS 2
- Biological psychology P_UBIOPSY P_UBIOPSY 1
- Biologische & Cognitieve Psychologie P_BSTATIS_1 52
- Biologische Psychologie 1
- Brain in Trouble P_BBAA_1 1
- Business Adminsitration 3
- Developmental Psychology P_BEVOLPS 1
- Developmental Psychology & Psychopathology P_BOWPPSY 4
- Developmental Psychology and Psychopathology P_BPSPAPR 1
- Diagnostiek 1
- Diagnostiek in de Klinische Praktijk P_BDKPKN 5
- Diagnostiek klinische praktijk P_BDKPKO 1
- Diagnostiek Voor De Kinische Praktijk 1
- Diagnostiek voor de Klinische Praktijk FGB_P_BDKPKO 6
- Diagnostiek voor de klinische praktijk, kinderen en adolescenten P_BDKPKO 7
- Diagnostiek Voor De Klinische Praktijk, Klinische Neuropsychologie P_BDKPKN 13
- Diagnostiek voor de Klinische Praktijk, Klinische Psychologie P_BDKPKL 3
- Diagnostiek voor Klinische Praktijk, Klinische Psychologie P_BDKPKL 1
- Diversity in Clinical Practice P_BDIVCP 4
- E-mental health 1
- E-mental health, praktijk en onderzoek 1
- E-Testing & Big Data P_BBDPSY 10
- EMental Health, Praktijk en Onderzoek P_MEMHPRO 2
- EmentalHealth praktijk en onderzoek P_MEMHPRO 4
- Emotie, cognitie & gedrag 1
- Emotie, Cognitie En Gedrag Deel 1 1
- Emotie, Cognitie En Gedrag Deel 2 1
- Emotie, Cognitie En Gedrag Vanuit Een Klinisch Perspectief P_BEMCG_2 1
- Emotie, cognitie en gedrag vanuit een klinisch perspectief - deel 1 ECG 1
- Emotie, Cognitie en Gedrag vanuit een Klinisch Perspectief: deel 2 P_BEMCG_2 4
- Emotie, Cognitie en Gedrag vanuit Klinisch Perspectief: deel 1 P_BEMCG_1 4
- Emotion And Social Cognition 1
- Emotion, Cognition and Behaviour P_BEMCG_1 1
- Emotion, Cognition, & Behaviour From A Clinical Perspective P_BEMCG_2 2
- Evidence-based Interventies bij Kinderen en Adoles P_BONWKA 1
- Evolutionary Psychology P_BEVOLPS 5
- Evolutionary Psychology (P_BEVOLPS) P_BPSPAPR 3
- M&D 3 individuele organisatiediagnose 1
- M&D 3: organisatiepsychologie 1
- M&D3: Individuele en organisatiediagnose P_BMD3IOD 1
- Management and Organisation P_BMANORG 4
- Masterclass cultuursensitieve hulpverlening 1
- Masterthese Klinische Psychologie 1
- Measurement and Assessment P_BPSPHM 1
- Measurement Theory & Assessment I P_BMETDIA_1 3
- Measurement Theory & Assessment II P_BMETDIA_2 3
- Measurement Theory and Assessment 1 P_BMETDIA_1 2
- Measurement theory and assessment II P_BMETDIA_2 1
- Medical Neuroscience and Neuroanatomy P_BBAC_2 5
- Medische Neurowetenschappen en Neuro-Anatomie P_BANDEKA 3
- Meten & Diagnostiek II P_BMETDIA_2 2
- Meten en Diagnostiek 1 P_METDIA_1 47
- Meten en Diagnostiek 2 P_BMETDIA_2 34
- Meten en Diagnostiek 3 5
- Methodologie P_BMETHOD_1 1
- Methodologie 1 P_BMETHOD_1 38
- Methodologie 2 P_BMETHOD_2 21
- Methodologie II P_BMETHOD_2 1
- Methodology 3 and start B thesis P_BM3BTH 1
- Methodology 3: Genes, Brain, and Behaviour 3
- Mind Brain And Education P_BMBEDUC 1
- Negotiation P_MNEGOTI 4
- Neuro Imaging 1
- Neuro-Imaging P_MNEUIM 9
- Neurofarmacologie 1
- Neuropsychologie P_BPEDNEU 33
- Neuropsychologie van de Veroudering P_MNPINTM 19
- Neuropsychologische Interventiemethoden P_MNPINTM 2
- Neuropsychology P_BNEUROP 6
- Neuropsychology Of Ageing P_BNPSOUD 13
- Neuropsychology of Aging P_BNPSOUD 1
- Patientdemonstraties 3
- Pediatrische Neuropsychologie P_BPEDNEU 31
- Pediatrische Psychologie 1
- Pedriatische Neuropsychologie 1
- Personality at Work 2
- Personality Psychology 13
- Personality Theory and Assessment P_BPEROND 3
- Persoonlijkheidsleer en Persoonlijkheidsonderzoek P_BPEROND 23
- Persoonlijkheidstheorie 1
- Persoonlijkheidstheorie en onderzoek P_BPEROND 20
- Persoonlijkheidstheorie- En Onderzoek 3
- Philosophy & Psychology P_BFILPSY 13
- Philosophy and Psychology P_BFILPSY 1
- Pre-minor: Emotion and Cognition from a clinical perspective 4
- Preminor Leadership & Cooperation 1
- Prevention of Mental Health Problems P_BPSPAPR 2
- Problemen op school 1
- Psyche en Soma P_MPSYSOMA 7
- Psychofarmacologie P_BPSYFAR 19
- Psychological Communication 2: Professional Skills P_BPSG2PV 7
- Psychological Interventions for Complex Problems P_BPSINCP 1
- Psychological Interview Skills 1: Basic Skills P_BPSG1BA 1
- Psychologie en het Brein 1
- Psychologische Gespreksvaardigheden 1: Basisvaardigheden P_BPSG1BA 1
- Psychologische Gespreksvaardigheden 1: Basisvaardigheden (P_BPSG1BA) P_BPSG2PV 2
- Psychologische Gespreksvaardigheden 2: Professionele Vaardigheden P_BPSG2PV 4
- Psychologische Gespreksvoering 1: Basisvaardigheden P_BPSG1BA 4
- Psychologische Gespreksvoering 2: Professionele Vaardigheden P_BPSG2PV 1
- Psychologische Interventies Complexe Problematiek P_BPSINCP 5
- Psychologische Interventies voor complexe problematiek P_BPSINCP 3
- Psychology PSYC101 2
- Psychopathology and Prevention P_BPSPAPR 5
- Psychopathology and Prevention (P_BPSPAPR) P_BPSPAPR 4
- Psychopharmacology P_BPSYFAR 7
- Psychophysiological measurement P_BPSPHM 1
- Psychosen en prepsychotische beelden 1
- Samenspel Genen & Omgeving P_BSAGEOM 3
- Samenspel Van Genen En Omgeving P_BSAGEOM 11
- Seminarium gedragstherapie P_MGEDTHE 13
- Seminarium Klinische Gespreksvoering 1
- Sensation and Perception P_BSENPER 1
- Social Psychology P_BSOCPSY 1
- Sociale Psychologie P_METDIA_1 34
- Statistics 3 P_BSTAT3KL 3
- Statistics II P_BSTATIS_2 2
- Statistiek P_BSTAT3KL 2
- Statistiek 1 P_BSTATIS_1 69
- Statistiek 2 P_BSTATIS_2 33
- Statistiek 3 P_BSTATIS_2 17
- Statistiek 3 voor klinische leerlijn P_BSTAT3KL 4
- Statistiek 3, Leerlijn Sociale en Organisatiepsychologie P_BSTAT3SOP 1
Populaire samengevatte boeken Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) • Psychologie

J.M.D. Boot • ISBN 9789023256946

ISBN 9789024422630

Rebecca M. Warner • ISBN 9781071807712

Vicki Anderson, Elisabeth Northam • ISBN 9781134441655

Fred Pach, Hans Wisbrun • ISBN 9789001876265

Hal Blumenfeld • ISBN 9781605359625

Michael Ashton, Michael Ashton • ISBN 9780323859509

ISBN 9781526404442

Randy J. Larsen, David M. Buss • ISBN 9780077145644

David Myers, Jackie Abell • ISBN 9781526847928
Lisa D. Ravdin, Heather L. Katzen • ISBN 9783319934976

Alan Agresti, Barbara Finlay • ISBN 9780134507101

Robert J. Gregory • ISBN 9781292058801
Nieuwste samenvattingen Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) • Psychologie
This document provides a detailed breakdown of ANOVA, hypothesis testing, and post-hoc comparisons, focusing on: 
1. Understanding ANOVA 
️ When to use ANOVA (Comparing >2 Means in Different Groups) 
️ How ANOVA Works (Between-Group vs. Within-Group Differences) 
️ F-Test for Comparing Group Means & Interpreting F-Values 
2. Hypothesis Testing & Effect Size 
️ Null & Alternative Hypotheses for ANOVA 
️ Explained Variation Using Eta Squared (η²) – Like R² in Regression 
️ ...
This document provides a detailed breakdown of model selection procedures, assumptions, and regression diagnostics, focusing on: 
1. Model Selection in Regression Analysis 
️ Exploratory vs. Explanatory Approaches (Hypothesis-Driven vs. Data-Driven) 
️ Backward Elimination, Forward Selection & Stepwise Regression 
️ Pitfalls of Automated Model Selection (Cross-Validation & Overfitting) 
2. Checking Assumptions in Multiple Regression 
️ Random Sampling & Representativeness 
️ Linear...
This document provides a detailed breakdown of interaction effects in multiple regression, focusing on: 
1. Understanding Interaction Effects (Moderation) in Regression 
️ Why interaction terms are used in multiple regression 
️ How to interpret models with interaction effects 
️ When the association between two variables depends on a third variable 
2. Hypothesis Testing for Interaction Effects 
️ Global F-Test for Overall Model Significance 
️ t-Test for Interaction Coefficients ...
This document provides a detailed breakdown of partial effects in multiple regression, focusing on: 
1. Understanding Partial Effects in Multiple Regression 
️ Why b-coefficients alone can’t determine effect strength 
️ Standardized Regression Coefficients (b)* 
️ Squared Partial Correlation (R²_partial) & Its Interpretation 
️ R-Squared Change (ΔR²) for Unique Predictor Contribution 
2. Hypothesis Testing for Individual Predictors 
️ t-Tests for b-Coefficients (Significance T...
Multiple Regression Lecture Notes (Advanced Regression Analysis) 
 A complete guide to multiple regression for predicting outcomes using multiple variables 
️ Constructing & Interpreting Multiple Regression Models 
️ Bivariate vs. Multiple Regression (Statistical Control, Shared Variance, Adjusted R²) 
️ Regression Coefficients & Interaction Effects 
️ Hypothesis Testing (F-tests, t-tests, p-values, Confidence Intervals) 
️ Explained Variation (TSS, SSE, RSS) & Predictive Power of Mod...
Linear Regression Lecture Notes (Regression Analysis & Hypothesis Testing) 
 Master linear regression with step-by-step explanations & real-world applications 
️ Constructing & Interpreting Simple Regression Models 
️ Hypothesis Testing & Statistical Significance (t-Tests, F-Tests, p-Values) 
️ Explained Variation (R², Sum of Squares, Residuals) 
️ Assumptions of Linear Regression (Homoscedasticity, Normality, Linearity) 
️ SPSS Output & Interpretation (ANOVA, Model Summary, Coefficie...
Multivariate Association Lecture Notes (Advanced Statistics) 
 Deep dive into complex statistical relationships & causality analysis 
️ Understanding Correlation vs. Causation (Spurious Associations, Simpson’s Paradox) 
️ Multivariate Analysis (Controlling for Third Variables, Mediation & Moderation) 
️ Causal Inference & Experimental Design (Randomized Controlled Trials) 
️ Regression Modeling & Interaction Effects 
️ Real-World Applications in Social Sciences & Research 
This set...
Comprehensive Statistics Notes Bundle – Research, SPSS & Theory 
1. Statistics Master Notes (Full Theory Guide) 
 Covers all fundamental statistical concepts, including: 
️ Descriptive vs. Inferential Statistics*(Mean, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation, Variance) 
️ Sampling Methods (Random, Stratified, Cluster, Multi-Stage) 
️ Probability & Distributions (Normal Distribution, t-Test, Chi-Square) 
️ Hypothesis Testing & p-Values (Step-by-step guide) 
️ Regression Anal...
Comprehensive Statistics Notes Bundle – Research, SPSS & Theory 
This bundle contains three essential documents covering statistics theory, research methods, and SPSS data analysis. 
1. Statistics Master Notes (Full Theory Guide) 
 Covers all fundamental statistical concepts, including: 
️ Descriptive vs. Inferential Statistics (Mean, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation, Variance) 
️ Sampling Methods (Random, Stratified, Cluster, Multi-Stage) 
️ Probability & Distributions...
My report for Personality Theory and Assessment from the first year of Psychology at Vrije Universiteit. I scored an 8.0 on this report!