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28 items

Summary of sustainable supply management_325237-M-6
The complete summary of sustainable supply management
- Samenvatting
- • 108 pagina's •
The complete summary of sustainable supply management

Summary Collab. in SCM and Adv. Topics_325233-M-6
The complete summary of the advanced topics
- Samenvatting
- • 98 pagina's •
The complete summary of the advanced topics

Formulas summary of Mathematics mid-term for pre master_350897-B-6
All the formulas and topics you need to study to get 9+ for mid term mathematics for pre master. I got 10!!!
- Samenvatting
- • 8 pagina's •
All the formulas and topics you need to study to get 9+ for mid term mathematics for pre master. I got 10!!!

Summary of Supply Chain Management for Pre-master_325226-B-6
The complete summary of Supply Chain Management for Pre-master. This is all you need to pass the exam!!!
- Boek
- Samenvatting
- • 72 pagina's •
The complete summary of Supply Chain Management for Pre-master. This is all you need to pass the exam!!!

Business Research Techniques for Pre-master_320087-B-6_2021
The complete summary of business research techniques for pre-master. This is all you need to pass the exam!!!
- Boek
- Samenvatting
- • 39 pagina's •
The complete summary of business research techniques for pre-master. This is all you need to pass the exam!!!

Business Research Techniques for Pre-master_320087-B-6
The complete summary of business research techniques for pre-master. This is all you need to pass the exam!!!
- Boek
- Samenvatting
- • 107 pagina's •
The complete summary of business research techniques for pre-master. This is all you need to pass the exam!!!

Complete summary of supply chain planning & design_325239-M-6
All you need to pass the exam. Even 7+ in your hand!

This package is the summary of mandatory chapters in the book and lectures. 

- Voordeelbundel
- • 9 items •
- Summary of Chapter 2_Inventory management and risk pooling_ SC design & planning • Samenvatting
- Summary of Chapter 4_Supply contract_325239-M-6_Supply Chain Planning and Design • Samenvatting
- Summary of Chapter 5_The value of information_325239-M-6_Supply Chain Planning and Design • Samenvatting
- Summary of Chapter 6_Supply chain integration_325239-M-6_Supply Chain Planning and Design • Samenvatting
- Summary of Lecture 7_S&OP_325239-M-6_Supply Chain Planning and Design • Samenvatting
- En meer ….
All you need to pass the exam. Even 7+ in your hand!

This package is the summary of mandatory chapters in the book and lectures. 

Summary of Chapter 15_Smart pricing_325239-M-6_Supply Chain Planning and Design
Summary of lecture 15 & lecture
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 10 pagina's •
Summary of lecture 15 & lecture

Summary of Chapter 10_Coordinated product and supply chain design_325239-M-6_Supply Chain Planning and Design
Summary of lecture 10 & lecture
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 8 pagina's •
Summary of lecture 10 & lecture

Summary of Chapter 7_Network planning and distribution strategies_325239-M-6_Supply Chain Planning and Design
Summary of chapter 7 & lecture
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 8 pagina's •
Summary of chapter 7 & lecture