Op deze pagina vind je alle documenten, voordeelbundels en oefenvragen die worden aangeboden door verkoper jlmkuipers.
- 40
- 0
- 11
- Volgers
- Volgend
25 Ontvangen beoordelingen
51 items
Repeated Measures lectures notes
This document entails elaborative lecture notes of the course Repeated Measures, for the masters Clinical Forensic Psychology and Victimology, Klinische Neuropsychologie, Clinical Neuropsychology en Klinische Psychologie.
- College aantekeningen
- • 75 pagina's •
This document entails elaborative lecture notes of the course Repeated Measures, for the masters Clinical Forensic Psychology and Victimology, Klinische Neuropsychologie, Clinical Neuropsychology en Klinische Psychologie.
Understanding Psychopathology lecture notes 2021/2022
This document contains the lecture notes of the course Understanding Psychopathology, given academic year 2021/2022. It is a very elaborate document, containing lots of illustrations and examples. 
This is a re-upload of the document, as something went wrong on Stuvia's side. This is why I don't know the exam date, professor or course number anymore.
- Voordeelbundel
- College aantekeningen
- • 85 pagina's •
This document contains the lecture notes of the course Understanding Psychopathology, given academic year 2021/2022. It is a very elaborate document, containing lots of illustrations and examples. 
This is a re-upload of the document, as something went wrong on Stuvia's side. This is why I don't know the exam date, professor or course number anymore.
Statistiek 3 Aantekeningen
Dit document bevat zeer uitgebreide aantekeningen van de cursus Statistiek 3, academisch jaar 2021/2022. Het zijn aantekeningen met alle uitleg die mevrouw Van Krimpen erbij heeft gegeven. Het bevat veel illustraties voor een duidelijke uitleg. Alle dia's zijn in de aantekeningen verwerkt.
- Boek
- College aantekeningen
- • 105 pagina's •
Dit document bevat zeer uitgebreide aantekeningen van de cursus Statistiek 3, academisch jaar 2021/2022. Het zijn aantekeningen met alle uitleg die mevrouw Van Krimpen erbij heeft gegeven. Het bevat veel illustraties voor een duidelijke uitleg. Alle dia's zijn in de aantekeningen verwerkt.
School Neuropsychology Everything for Exam
This document contains everything that you need to know for the exam of the course School Neuropscyhology: Mind, Brain and Education. 
The bundle contains the following items:
- Lecture Notes 2022
- Articles Summaries
- Book Summary (Mandatory Chapters)
- Important Neuropsychological terms
- Slimstampen Terms

- Voordeelbundel
- • 5 items •
- Book Summary School Neuropsychology • Samenvatting
- School Neuropsychology important terms • Overig
- School Neuropsychology Slimstampen • Overig
- School Neuropsychology Articles Summaries • Overig
- School Neuropsychology Lectures Notes • College aantekeningen
This document contains everything that you need to know for the exam of the course School Neuropscyhology: Mind, Brain and Education. 
The bundle contains the following items:
- Lecture Notes 2022
- Articles Summaries
- Book Summary (Mandatory Chapters)
- Important Neuropsychological terms
- Slimstampen Terms

School Neuropsychology all the literature inlcuding lecture notes
This bundle contains several items for the course School Neuropsychology: Mind, Brain & Education. The bundle contains the following items:
- School Neuropsychology Lecture Notes 2022. 
- School Neuropsychology Articles Summaries.
- School Neuropsychology Book Summary (Mandatory Chapters)

- Voordeelbundel
- • 3 items •
- Book Summary School Neuropsychology • Samenvatting
- School Neuropsychology Articles Summaries • Overig
- School Neuropsychology Lectures Notes • College aantekeningen
This bundle contains several items for the course School Neuropsychology: Mind, Brain & Education. The bundle contains the following items:
- School Neuropsychology Lecture Notes 2022. 
- School Neuropsychology Articles Summaries.
- School Neuropsychology Book Summary (Mandatory Chapters)

School Neuropsychology Lectures Notes
This document contains all of the lecture notes of the course School Neuropsychology: Mind, Brain & Education. 
It is are extensive notes with lots of illustrations as futher elucidation of the course materials.
- Voordeelbundel
- College aantekeningen
- • 83 pagina's •
This document contains all of the lecture notes of the course School Neuropsychology: Mind, Brain & Education. 
It is are extensive notes with lots of illustrations as futher elucidation of the course materials.
School Neuropsychology Literature
This bundle contains the summaries of the mandatory chapters of the book for the course School Neuropsychology: Mind, Brain & Education. 
This bundle also contains summaries of all the mandatory articles.
- Voordeelbundel
- • 2 items •
- Book Summary School Neuropsychology • Samenvatting
- School Neuropsychology Articles Summaries • Overig
This bundle contains the summaries of the mandatory chapters of the book for the course School Neuropsychology: Mind, Brain & Education. 
This bundle also contains summaries of all the mandatory articles.
School Neuropsychology Articles Summaries
This document contains summaries of all of the mandatory articles for the course School Neuropsychology: Mind, Brain & Education. 
The summaries contain illustrations as further explanation of certain theories/models. 
The articles are in the same order as that how lectures were given.
- Voordeelbundel
- Overig
- • 22 pagina's •
This document contains summaries of all of the mandatory articles for the course School Neuropsychology: Mind, Brain & Education. 
The summaries contain illustrations as further explanation of certain theories/models. 
The articles are in the same order as that how lectures were given.
School Neuropsychology Slimstampen
This document contains all the terms you need to know to achieve your credits for the Slimstampen exercises.
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- Overig
- • 9 pagina's •
This document contains all the terms you need to know to achieve your credits for the Slimstampen exercises.
School Neuropsychology important terms
This document contains important terms associated with several impairments, e.g., in atttentional processes, or language processes.
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- Overig
- • 7 pagina's •
This document contains important terms associated with several impairments, e.g., in atttentional processes, or language processes.
Artikelen samenvatting Persoonlijke Documenten en de Constructie van de Levensloop
Book Summary School Neuropsychology
Not really a summary, very long with a lot of unnecessary details. Especially with the price it is not worth it
School Neuropsychology important terms
School Neuropsychology Articles Summaries
Book Summary School Neuropsychology