Help desk
Op zoek naar een samenvatting op de Help desk? Op Stuvia vind je meer dan 7 samenvattingen, aantekeningen en andere studiedocumenten voor alle vakken op de Help desk.
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Vakken op de Help desk
Er zijn samenvattingen beschikbaar voor deze vakken op de Help desk
Nieuwste samenvattingen Help desk
What service can be installed to replace the Indexing Service in Windows Server 2016 to 
provide faster file searching? 
️: Windows Search Service 
What is a domain, and how does it affect computers and users that are members of the 
️: A domain is a grouping of network objects, such as computers, servers, and user 
accounts, that provides for centralized management. Computers and users in a domain can be 
managed to determine what resources they can access, such as printers and...
Structured grades for assigning an issue in a help desk system is most often referred to as a: 
a. tier 
b. level 
c. rank 
d. grade 
️: b. level 
When a resolution is found to a new issue, which one of following is advised? 
a. issue a company directive related to the problem 
b. add Knowledge Base description of the issue and its resolution 
c. e-mail all Help Desk personnel as to resolution 
d. keep it to yourself no one likes a 'know it all' 
️: b. add Knowledge Base description of the...
To raise an incident from one level to another is known as: 
a. triumvirate 
b. deliberate 
c. negotiate 
d. escalate 
️: D 
This sends calls to another agent queue when one queue is long or calls have been in a 
queue longer than a pre-defined time period. 
a. overflow routing 
b. queue timing 
c. call accounting 
d. skill set distribution 
️: A 
To recognize learning as the labor of the Information Age refers to: 
a. synthesizing work and outcome 
b. remaining stagnant in the Information A...
cloud computing 
️: infrastructure in which powerful servers store and process information remotely, 
delivering information, communications tools, and software applications on demand to local 
devices via the Internet 
end user 
️: person or group that will use a product 
️: unfinished work or unfilled orders 
️: dispersed functions and powers 
knowledge worker 
️: employee whose primary function is to collect, prepare, process, and distribute 