NHTV (NHTV) • International Tourism Management
Meest recente samenvattingen voor de opleiding International Tourism Management op de NHTV (NHTV). Op zoek naar een samenvatting voor International Tourism Management? Wij hebben diverse samenvattingen voor de opleiding International Tourism Management op de NHTV (NHTV).
Vakken International Tourism Management op de NHTV (NHTV)
Er zijn samenvattingen beschikbaar voor de volgende vakken van International Tourism Management op NHTV (NHTV)
- Change Management CITM2.CHMA-01 5
- Communicative Argumentation 1
- Consumer Behavior COBE-01 1
- Consumer Behaviour COBE-01 2
- Consumer service insights CSI 1
- Costumer Service Insights 1
- Create New Business CITM3.CNB-01 3
- Cross Cultural Studies 2
- Customer Engagement Management CEM 2
- Customer service insights CSI 1
Populaire samengevatte boeken NHTV (NHTV) • International Tourism Management
Stephen Page, Joanne Connell • ISBN 9781408060575
Corné Dijkmans, Jeroen Vinkesteijn • ISBN 9789491838767
Susan Schneider, Gunter K. Stahl • ISBN 9780273746324
Anthony Weston • ISBN 9780872209541
Michael R. Solomon, Margaret K. Hogg • ISBN 9781292245430
Nieuwste samenvattingen NHTV (NHTV) • International Tourism Management
This summary is from different books and multiple articles: 
- Organization and management, an international approach: Chapter 2, 12 & 13. 
- Making sense of change management: a complete guide to the models, tools and techniques of organizational change: Chapter 1, 3, 4 & 8 
- Diagnosing and changing organizational culture: Chapter 3 
- article: The art of interviewing 
- article: Integrating the organizational change literature: a model for successful change 
- article: Change paradigms: an ov...
Spanish summary - Chapter 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8. 
Summary is from the book Aula Internacional
This summary is for the course Online Marketing & Communication 2, in the second year. The summary is based on the book 'Marketing Fundamentals', written by Verhage. The summary is from chapters 2, 3, 6, 7, 8 & 11.
Summary of Aula Internacional 1 and chapters 1,2,3,4,5 of Aula Internacional 2
These exercises were composed in the exam of 2019/2020 for SMOR at the NHTV/BUAS. With these questions and answers about LEAN management, Fishbone analysis, Swimlane flow chart, Process analysis, Pareto analysis and a root-cause analysis, I received an 9,7 for the exam.
This essay contains all the weekly assignments and other assignments that need to be handed in for the final written exam of OCBR at the BUAS/NHTV.
This essay is about the management of changes within a big company. In this case it was a hospital and methods such as Kotter's 8-step model and Caluwe's colour model have been used. This has been taught at the NHTV/BUAS.
This document contains the exam questions and answers of part B of the exam of the course SMOR at the NHVT/BUAS. In my case I received a 9,7 for these exercises and the previous document is part A of the exam. This covers topics and exercises, such as: Pareto analysis, Fishbone, Rootcause analysis, etc. In excel.
This summary contains all theory needed in order to pass the exam of SMOR. In my case I got a 9,7 at the BUAS/NHVT and in my exam I had to create a process flow chart, swimlane flow chart, pareto 80/20 analysis, root-cause analysis and a fishbone analysis.
Report on the research how a camping in Zeeland could improve their HRM at the BUAS/NHTV.