Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA) • Business Administration
Meest recente samenvattingen voor de opleiding Business Administration op de Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA). Op zoek naar een samenvatting voor Business Administration? Wij hebben diverse samenvattingen voor de opleiding Business Administration op de Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA).
Vakken Business Administration op de Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA)
Er zijn samenvattingen beschikbaar voor de volgende vakken van Business Administration op Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA)
Populaire samengevatte boeken Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA) • Business Administration
Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller • ISBN 9781292093147
Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt • ISBN 9781119607519
Benoit Leleux, Jan van der Kaaij • ISBN 9783319974446
Dr. William Trochim, James Donnelly • ISBN 9781133954774
Peter Block • ISBN 9780470620748
Frank Quix, L.S. Sloot • ISBN 9781000035926
Geoffrey Parker, Marshall W. Van Alstyne • ISBN 9780393249125
Tyler Cowen, Alex Tabarrok • ISBN 9781319182045
Philip t. Kotler, Philip Kotler • ISBN 9780131452589
Charles W. L. Hill, Charles Hill • ISBN 9781260092349
Charles Conn, Robert McLean • ISBN 9781119553021
Tyler Cowen, Alex Tabarrok • ISBN 9781319383039
Henk W. Volberda, Robert E. Morgan • ISBN 9781408019184
Nieuwste samenvattingen Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA) • Business Administration
A comprehensive and short summary of all papers that are mandatory readings for week 2 for Strategy and Organisation. All the relevant content is summarised and it's structured following the guidelines for the exam. 
The summarised papers are: 
- Hedley (1977): Strategy and the “Business Portfolio”
- Porter (1987): From competitive advantage to corporate strategy
- Prahalad & Hamel (1990): The Core Competence of the Corporation
A comprehensive and short summary of all papers that are mandatory readings for week 3 for Strategy and Organisation. All the relevant content is summarised and it's structured following the guidelines for the exam. 
The summarised papers are: 
- Hax & Majluf (1991): A Formal Strategic Planning Process
- Mintzberg (1994): The Fall and Rise of Strategic Planning
- Grant (2003): Strategic planning in a turbulent environment: evidence from the oil majors
A comprehensive and brief summary for Strategy and Organisation mandatory readings in week 4. The papers are:
- Eisenhardt & Zbaracki (1992): Strategic Decision making
- Hambrick & Mason (1984): Upper echelons
- Quinn (1989): Logical incrementalism
- Mintzberg, Ahlstrand, & Lampel (1998): Strategy as cognition.
Extensive book chapter summary for the exam in 2020. Bullet points for greater overview. Includes thorough explanations of concepts and graphics from the book!
All lectures summarized in bullet points
Summary of the following articles:

"What is Strategy?" (Porter, 1996)
"Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage" (Barney, 1991)
“Strategy and the Business Portfolio” (Hedley, 1977)
“Separation of Ownership and Control” (Fama & Jensen, 1983)
“What is Disruptive Innovation?” (Christensen, Raynor & McDonald, 2015)
This is a summary of the online course Corporate Social Responsibility at the University of Amsterdam (Semester 1 - period 2). The summary includes all the required lectures and all required chapters of both books required for this course: 
- 7 Roles to Create Sustainable Success - Carola Wijdroogen 
- Winning Sustainability Strategies - Benoit Leleux & Jan van der Kaaij (ISBN 978-3-319-97444-6 ) 
This summary also includes all tutorial information. You will definitely have everything that...
Extensive Retail Marketing summary H1-H21 in english (full book - written by Frank Quix). This course is given by Antron Dreesmann academy. I used my summary next to the book for the tables, because my summary is excluding tables/graphs. You don't need the tables, because the table is explained in (key)words in the summary. It's only for understanding the context even better. Passed my exam with an 8,6 (2 days of studying).
Readings and Lectures Summary (2020/21) FOR THE FINAL EXAM
This is an integrated summary for the Theories of Strategy course. The summary includes all required readings and lecture content in an integrated format to be optimally prepared for essay questions and citing authors with the correct theories.