Hello, I make summaries for almost all of the courses that I follow at Tilburg University during my Master in Marketing Management. Since Stuvia asks a part of the money that I earn here, the prices are higher than usually.
- 19
- 8
- 3
- Volgers
- Volgend
48 Ontvangen beoordelingen
32 items
Lectures Marketing Communication 2019
The lectures of Bosmans of Marketing Communication
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 46 pagina's •
The lectures of Bosmans of Marketing Communication
>100 Theoretical Practice Questions IRM
>100 Theoretical Practice Questions IRM, including theoretical Exam questions from this year's exam.
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 9 pagina's •
>100 Theoretical Practice Questions IRM, including theoretical Exam questions from this year's exam.
9 Survey Errors
If you mail me you'll get this for 1 euro. The 9 survey errors are explained by Rik Pieters throughout the whole course. I tried to put all information I could find together in 1 document. It personally helps me to understand the errors better, since the one-line explanations are quite vague.
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 5 pagina's •
If you mail me you'll get this for 1 euro. The 9 survey errors are explained by Rik Pieters throughout the whole course. I tried to put all information I could find together in 1 document. It personally helps me to understand the errors better, since the one-line explanations are quite vague.
Necessities Conjoint
Necessities Conjoint analysis. Including a formula sheet.
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 15 pagina's •
Necessities Conjoint analysis. Including a formula sheet.
Necessities Survey Research/ Methodology
The "bare" necessities of Survey Research. Only the basic information which you should study for the exam.
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 28 pagina's •
The "bare" necessities of Survey Research. Only the basic information which you should study for the exam.
Survey Research
You can message/email me to get the summary for 4 euros. 
The summary includes all info from the slides/transparencies up until session 8 so far. notes from Pieters, and the thumbs up. Everything will be updated this week.
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 115 pagina's •
You can message/email me to get the summary for 4 euros. 
The summary includes all info from the slides/transparencies up until session 8 so far. notes from Pieters, and the thumbs up. Everything will be updated this week.
Conjoint Analysis
The lectures of Conjoint Analysis including notes. 
Everything is updated after the last lecture! Mail me to get it for 5 euros!
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 61 pagina's •
The lectures of Conjoint Analysis including notes. 
Everything is updated after the last lecture! Mail me to get it for 5 euros!
Conjoint Analysis
Philosophy of Science summary Midterm
Summary philosophy of science exam
Slides and notes philosophy of science
Introduction to Research in Marketing - All assignments