

Op deze pagina vind je alle documenten, voordeelbundels en oefenvragen die worden aangeboden door verkoper melissadb.


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49 Ontvangen beoordelingen

24 items

Extensive summary of the articles of Social Influence, Public Communication and Advertising (SIPA)

64x  verkocht

Extensive summary of all the articles required for the course Social Influence, Public Communication and Advertising (SIPA). The articles included in this summary are: - Scholer et al. (2020) - Berger (2020) - Cialdini (2001) - Huta (2016) - Schwartz (2012) - Matz et al (2017) - Berger (2014)

i x
  •  Boek
  • Samenvatting
  •  • 35 pagina's • 
  • door melissadb • 
  • geupload  2020
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i x

Extensive summary of all the articles of the course: Youth Studies: an Interdisciplinary Approach (exam 1)

5x  verkocht

Extensive summary of all the articles for exam 1 of Youth Studies: an Interdisciplinary Approach (YSIA). The following articles are summarized: - Sameroff - Schoon et al. - Twenge & Park - Mackenbach - Patton et al. - Stevens & Vollebergh - Letters to the Editor (2x) - Macleod et al. - Moffit

i x
  • Samenvatting
  •  • 54 pagina's • 
  • door melissadb • 
  • geupload  2020
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i x

Summary book+articles and lectures Interventions and Policies 1

4x  verkocht

Extensive summary of the bookchapters and articles and the lecture notes of the course: Interventions and Policies 1 for exam 1.

i x
  • Voordeelbundel
  •  • 2 items • 
  • door melissadb • 
  • geupload  2020
i x

Lecture notes Interventions and Policies 1 (for exam 1)

3x  verkocht

Notes of the first 3 lectures of the course Interventions and Policies 1 for exam 1 (including important screenshots of the slides)

i x
  •  Voordeelbundel
  • Samenvatting
  •  • 22 pagina's • 
  • door melissadb • 
  • geupload  2020
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i x

Extensive summary content of the book and articles for exam1: Interventions and Policies 1

3x  verkocht

Extensive summary of book chapters (Planning, Implementing, & Evaluating Health Promotion Programs, Mckenzie) and articles for exam 1 of the course: Interventions and Policies 1. The summary contains the following book chapters: H2, 3, 4, 6 and 7. And the following articles: - Michie, van Stralen, & West - Kok, Peters, & Ruiter - Arthur & Blitz - Movsisyan et al. - Cane, O’Connor, & Michie - Sutton et al. - Arauz-Ledezma, Massar, Kok

i x
  •  Voordeelbundel
  • Samenvatting
  •  • 50 pagina's • 
  • door melissadb • 
  • geupload  2020
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i x

Summary of the book: Understanding Motivation and Emotion (course: Self-regulation)

16x  verkocht

Extensive summary of the book: Understanding Motivation and Emotion from John Marhall Reeve, which is part of the course: Self-regulation. The chapters that are summarized are: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17

i x
  •  Boek
  • Samenvatting
  •  • 73 pagina's • 
  • door melissadb • 
  • geupload  2020
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i x

Extensive summary of all the articles of the course: Risk behavior and addiction in adolescence

51x  verkocht

Very extensive summary of all the articles from the 8 lectures of Risk behavior and addiction in adolescence. The summary consists of the articles from: - Gladwin et al. - Dobbs - Sussman - Lopez-Leon & Raley - Brand et al. - Van den Eijnden et al. - Ryan et al. - Koning et al. - Kildare & Middlemiss - Kobus - Arnett - Teunissen et al. - Volkow et al. - Catellanos-Ryan & Conrod - Romer - Paschall et al. - Simons-Morton et al. - De Looze et al. (x2) - Onrust et al. - Kleinjan & Engels - Flaherty ...

i x
  •  Voordeelbundel
  • Samenvatting
  •  • 79 pagina's • 
  • door melissadb • 
  • geupload  2020
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i x

Summary articles & lecture notes Risk behavior and addiction in adolescence

29x  verkocht

Very extensive summary of all the articles from the 8 lectures the notes of all 8 lectures of the course: Risk behavior and addiction in adolescence.

i x
  • Voordeelbundel
  •  • 2 items • 
  • door melissadb • 
  • geupload  2020
i x

Aantekeningen van alle hoorcolleges van Introductie Interdisciplinaire Sociale Wetenschap

10x  verkocht

Aantekeningen van alle 8 hoorcolleges van het vak Introductie Interdisciplinaire Sociale Wetenschap (voorheen: Introductie ASW), inclusief reponsiecollege en belangrijke figuren uit de sheets.

i x
  • Samenvatting
  •  • 28 pagina's • 
  • door melissadb • 
  • geupload  2020
Snel bekijken
i x