On Stuvia you will find summaries, practice questions and other study documents for all subjects. Find all the summaries you need by looking for your subject.
You can also search for study books on Stuvia. Use your textbook as a starting point to find the best summaries, practice exams or notes.
Do you need summaries or notes during your time at UNISA? On Stuvia you'll find all kinds of documents that make studying for subjects easier.
Tens of thousands of people are searching for notes on Stuvia every day. Including yours! Some documents even sell hundreds of times.
Each time your document is sold, you earn money. This money is immediately credited to your account.
In less than a minute, you have created an account, set the price of your document and started selling!
Find the most downloaded documents of all studies in South Africa. Are you looking for summaries for your field of study? We have the most recent and best written summaries of South Africa!
These are the notes and summaries that are most recently published by sellers on Stuvia.
Ieb english home language - othello notes Summary
Ieb english home language poetry analysis Summary
The theory of flight notes - english home language ieb Summary
Org4801 poe 2025 answer with references and case application Package deal
Test (elaborations) english home language analysis of william wordsworth's "london, 1802" Exam (elaborations)
Ieb english home language - othello notes Summary
Ieb english home language poetry analysis Summary
The theory of flight notes - english home language ieb Summary
Org4801 poe 2025 answer with references and case application Package deal
Test (elaborations) english home language analysis of william wordsworth's "london, 1802" Exam (elaborations)
Hundred thousands of people are searching for your content every day. You can easily upload your summaries to our platform and start earning money from your study notes. Your knowledge is worth money! Over 700,000 top sellers have already joined and are making money from their knowledge daily. Sign up for free today and start earning while helping others!
With the money I earn on Stuvia I buy data so I can upload my notes to 
Stuvia :D and buy energy drinks for late night study shifts! SOON I will be 
paying for rent with all my Stuvia money! Whoop whoop!
With the money I earn on Stuvia I am able to enable my studies with more ease while still helping fellow students in the progress of theirs.
Amazing amazing site....!! I will most definitely be making use of them next year when i do my masters!! Will possibly upload some documents to assist other students!
I truely like this community of people who are willing to share their intellectual property and help all students excel in their respective disciplines.
I work hard on all my assignments and didn't think it's possible to earn from it. This is a great platform, thank you very much. Will be uploading more work
Stuvia is a great platform to share knowledge regarding different subjects. It is easily downloaded and as a lecturer, it provides great opportunities for earning an extra buck or two.
Stuvia is a great platform to sell documentation for all courses/degrees etc. It is also a rewarding way of generating some income on the side for all your hard work. A I love Stuvia
Stuvia is a great platform for students to support each other, It is good to know you have site where you can learn from others and others learn from you!

Stuvia is great, it is such a good way of earning extra money! As well as having easy access to loads of summaries and notes made by other students, it makes studying so much easier.
Stuvia is great, it is such a good way of earning extra money! As well as having easy access to loads of summaries and notes made by other students, it makes studying so much easier.
Stuvia is a great platform! It's simple and easy to use, and provides an awesome way to help students, like myself, to not only receive an educational advantage in their studies, but also to earn an income. I love it!!!
A brilliant place to share your work and to find other students' notes. Stuvia has helped me sell to students across the country - and sometimes across the globe!
Sulke inisiatief is wonderlik vir ons onderrig stelsel. Ek is baie dankbaar vir mense soos julle. Ek het 'n Afrikaanse program wat ook dalk tot julle webtuiste kan bydrae

Stuvia is the best way to sell notes and many study materials. Stuvia made it easy for me to access study materials and now i can study and earn at the same time,its really wonderful. Stuvia is the best !!

I think Stuvia is a great initiative - linking students wanting to sell notes with student who need to buy notes! It’s very accessible to both the buyer and seller! I would definitely recommend stuvia to anyone wanting to sell or buy notes!
I am truly honoured to be part of such a initiative. I not only get paid for my notes but i get to help others succeed academically. Thank you stuvia
Stuvia.com is amazing,whether you're looking for course material or looking to post your course material to help others,Stuvia is the place to do it.It's an Amazing website.
I absolutely love stuvia - not only is it quick and easy to use, it covers every subject for university and high school and has an abundance of notes, quizes, and exams.
I absolutely love Stuvia! I think it's an awesome idea. Instead of
throwing away old notes and letting them go to waste, rather upload them to Stuvia to earn some money out of them. This site really has benefitted me!
I appreciate the platform Stuvia provides to academics. I found it very helpful in my own studies as well as my research and I would recommend Stuvia to students of every discipline. 

This is a great site to earn a little income by selling your notes which you worked hard to prepare, and can hopefully be of some use to other students.