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Best selling Antony and Cleopatra notes
Antony and Cleopatra Summary
- Other • 9 pages • 2020 Popular
- Available in package deal
- R120,00
- 5x sold
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Are you struggling to write your Antony and Cleopatra essays in Matric? Look no further than this comprehensive summary of William Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra. This summary is tailored specifically for IEB matric students, providing a clear and concise overview of the play's plot, characters, and themes. You'll learn about the passionate love affair between Mark Antony and Cleopatra, and how their relationship is tested by the political and social forces around them. 
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Newest Antony and Cleopatra summaries
Antony and Cleopatra Essays
- Package deal • 8 items • 2020 New
- R150,00
- 18x sold
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This bundle contains eight essays on the setwork Antony and Cleopatra. Most essays have been marked and received 93 and 100%. 

Note: this bundle is the same as the Antony and Cleopatra Bundle, but without the summary, character analysis and quotation list notes.
- Package deal • 17 items • 2020 New
- R200,00
- 23x sold
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Bundle valued at R1865 - Selling for R200!
Antony and Cleopatra - Summary, Characters & Themes Analysis
- Summary • 7 pages • 2020 New
- Available in package deal
- R80,00
- 21x sold
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This document provides an in-depth summary of Antony and Cleopatra, as well as detailed analyses of the main characters. It also provides some themes and potential essay topics. It was created by a top 1% English student.
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Afrikaans and English BUNDLE
- Package deal • 4 items • 2020 New
- R120,00
- 6x sold
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Bundle of Afrikaans and English Notes - Valued at R400, Selling for R120
Antony and Cleopatra Summary
- Other • 9 pages • 2020 New
- Available in package deal
- R120,00
- 5x sold
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Are you struggling to write your Antony and Cleopatra essays in Matric? Look no further than this comprehensive summary of William Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra. This summary is tailored specifically for IEB matric students, providing a clear and concise overview of the play's plot, characters, and themes. You'll learn about the passionate love affair between Mark Antony and Cleopatra, and how their relationship is tested by the political and social forces around them. 
Our summary break...
Antony and Cleopatra*SALE* FULL summary of all acts with themes, quotes, and character details and more
- Summary • 10 pages • 2020 New
- R59,00
- 12x sold
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Antony and Cleopatra FULL summary of all acts with themes, quotes, and character details and more. All acts explained concisely and clearly.
Antony and Cleopatra Bundle
- Package deal • 10 items • 2019 New
- R240,00
- 80x sold
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This bundle includes a summary, character and theme analysis, as well as a quotation list containing over 130 quotations, with detailed annotations. It also contains 8 essays written by an A plus English student (top 1% for English in finals). Most essays have been marked and received between 93% and 100%.
IEB - Antony and Cleopatra
- Summary • 7 pages • 2019 New
- Available in package deal
- R99,00
- 58x sold
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This pack of notes provides a summary of Antony and Cleopatra as well as important quotes.
Antony and Cleopatra Quotations
- Study guide • 10 pages • 2019 New
- Available in package deal
- R90,00
- 10x sold
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This document contains over 130 quotations from Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra, with quotations divided by character and annotated with themes, speakers and possible uses in an essay.
Rome vs Egypt - Essay
- Essay • 2 pages • 2019 New
- Available in package deal
- R80,00
- 3x sold
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This essay, which received 100% when marked, explores the contrasting worlds of Rome and Egypt, the characters which represent each place and the reasons for Antony's inability to exist in both realms.
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