Rules of Honor
Stuvia is here to help you save time studying or earn money from your knowledge. That’s why we push ourselves to deliver you the best user experience on our website for study materials.
In order to guarantee quality products, we greatly value integrity. This means that we expect Stuvia users to use our platform for the right purposes and treat each other’s work with respect. This is why we have established the following do’s and don’ts:
- Use the study material from Stuvia to study faster and easier but also to better understand content or to generate better assignments.
- Only upload documents to Stuvia that are of high quality and are made by yourself.
- Use the study material from Stuvia as a helpful tool during studying if that’s allowed by your teacher, trainer or institution.
- Use study material from Stuvia in a way that matches the code of ethics of your teacher, trainer or institution.
- Copy study material from Stuvia and hand it in as your own work to your teacher, trainer or institution.
- Upload study material to Stuvia without possessing the copyright of the work. You do not upload a scan or copy of another person's work (such as integral (parts of) books (not subjected to the right quote) and answerbooks or other works (summaries of others, etc.).
- Use Stuvia as a tool to help you study or generate assignments if it’s not permitted to use documents from external sources such as Stuvia by your teacher, trainer or institution.
- Use Stuvia in a manner that violates the code of ethics of your teacher, trainer or institution.