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Newest The New Learning Revolution summaries

Summary of EDT 201K - The Young Child and Learning
- Summary • 14 pages • 2017
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- R90,00
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A summary of The Young Child and Learning - EDT 201K - First year
Summaries, notes and exam question papers and answers

Summaries EDT201K
- Summary • 8 pages • 2017
- R80,00
- 10x sold
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Summaries of The high school revolution; the corporate revolution; the development of the nervous system and learning and the child. Based on the new learning Revolution by Dryden G 2005; and The young child in context by MW De Witt 2011
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Assignment 2. It was marked 100%. Very insightful, and I have included page numbers to reference where the answers are in the prescribed books.
The young child and learning. Previous exam questions and answers. Explanations and references

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