North-West University (NWU)
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Latest notes & summaries North-West University (NWU)
Notes on Study unit 1.1 What is philosophy
This document is more powerful and helpful for this module I bet you won't regret.
This documents are more you can trust with this information that I provided I bet you won't regret it.
A summary of the disclosure standard IAS 8; accounting policies and how to disclose a change in accounting policy, how to disclose changes in accounting estimates and calculate the effect thereof in prior and current financial years and how to correct different types of errors and disclose them
A summary of short term employee benefits and the accounting treatment thereof
A summary of important definitions, lease payments, discount rates, recognition, initial and subsequent measurement of leases from respectively the lessee's and the lessors point of view.
A summary of the important definitions in IAS 36, the impairment test and indicator review, recoverable amount and disclosure. Includes an example with journal entries of different scenarios that can occur when an asset is impaired.
A summary of the definition, recognition, initial and subsequent measurement, the rebuttable presumption and disclosure of investment property as well as how to account for transfers to and from the cost model and the fair value model.
A summary of the definition, elements of the definition, initial and subsequent measurement (amortization and impairment), recognition and disclosure of investment property in terms of IAS 38