What is Stuvia?
It’s our mission to help you achieve success in a smart and convenient way. By studying smarter we enable you to devote your time to what really makes you happy!

What is Stuvia?
Stuvia has been the platform of choice for up-to-date summaries since 2010. Our summaries cover a vast variety of books and topics. Stuvia makes it quick and simple to buy or sell your study notes.
We understand that you are busy with your social life, sports, work, amongst many others things. Whatever it may be, we want to help you achieve quick success so you can do what you like doing most. This is why we created a platform where people can buy and sell summaries. Whether it’s for a professional development course or an exam for your degree coursework, with Stuvia you aim for success.

How Stuvia works
Stuvia is a worldwide platform for buyers and sellers of knowledge. Thousands of customers search for the best and most up-to-date summaries every day. We connect them with reputable sellers who are publishers of their own work.
Save time
The days of spending hours of preparation for one exam or deadline is in the past. We have 1.5 million summaries on Stuvia to help you study in a quick and effective way. We help you focus on what’s important, and you can count on receiving a high-quality product. It’s basically like buying time and extra focus on the essence.
Find your subject or titleYour knowledge is worth money
Do what you are good at and earn money with your knowledge. You can create a free account in less than a minute, set your own prices for your documents, and start earning today!
Start sellingThree reasons to use Stuvia

Save time
Save time preparing for a deadline or an exam and find a summary on Stuvia. This is how you get right to the core of what you need to know.

Achieve success
Through user-generated reviews you are ensured the purchase of high-quality summaries. You can also become a seller yourself and earn money with your own notes!

Quick and easy
Whether you buy or sell knowledge, with Stuvia it’s quick and easy. You can buy or upload summaries in under a minute.

Stuvia: smart, effective and transparent
Reviews from more than 1.5 million users
Always up-to-date summaries
Quick and easy sales or purchases
Experiences from the Stuvia Community

Stuvia is an amazing platform for students to earn money! I sell my study notes to earn extra money towards my fees and spending money.

Absolutely amazing! I will continue to use it and to encourage our students and scholars to join too.

It's a great way to help other students with revision notes as well as a means to earn some money doing it
Experiences from the Stuvia Community

Stuvia is an amazing platform for students to earn money! I sell my study notes to earn extra money towards my fees and spending money.
University of South Africa (Unisa)
Absolutely amazing! I will continue to use it and to encourage our students and scholars to join too.
University of South Africa (Unisa)
It's a great way to help other students with revision notes as well as a means to earn some money doing it