Sell your study notes in a split second

Your study notes, summaries, flashcards, study guides and other study resources are worth money. Stuvia is an online learning platform where you can sell and share your study notes to your fellow students. We offer a generous commission on every sale.

Start selling
earn money data statistics

Sell your study notes online in a quick and easy way


Your knowledge is worth money

Did you write textbook summaries or notes? These documents are worth money!


Easy uploading

In less than a minute, you have created an account, set the price of your document and started selling!


Make money quickly

Each time your document is sold, you earn money. This money is immediately credited to your account.

Stories from top sellers

It's a nobrainer

Earn money with your study notes

How to upload a document

How much does a seller earn at Stuvia?

By selling documents on Stuvia, you're starting to create a passive income for yourself. Besides, you've already done the work, so count your profits!


Average earnings per month


Average number of days until your first sale


Average earnings per sale


Average documents sold per month

Success stories from our sellers

Anne - Business Administration

With my summaries on Stuvia I help other students while earning a nice contribution myself. Most of the time I save this money to buy something big. However, I also did some shopping after the first payouts I received.

Mikael - Medicine

The first year that I sold flashcards turned out to be an unexpected success. In only two years, I turned over 14.000 dollar on Stuvia.

Mikael has earned R641.899 since he started

Iris has earned R29.612 since she started

IrisAshmira - Law

Even though I finished law school, I still sell my summaries and notes on Stuvia. I used the earnings to pay the half of a flight ticket once. And when I used to be short in cash, I used the money to go shopping or pay rent.

RikEijbergen - Creative Business

I always sent my classmates my summaries, until I found Stuvia. Now, my documents have been sold over 900 times and I have been able to take a trip twice with the money I earned.

Rik has earned R74.084 since he started

In 2024 Stuvia




127 countries

What can you sell on Stuvia?

All of your written study documents can be sold on Stuvia, including:


College notes


Textbook summaries




Course notes


You can't sell the following on Stuvia
  • × Old exams
  • × Powerpoint class slides
  • × Scanned (text)books
  • × Published scientific articles

How does it work?

Did you write summaries of your textbooks while preparing for an exam? Or did you write notes each class? You can now earn money with your knowledge. Well-written summaries receive great reviews. Resulting in more sales and higher earnings.

You’re the boss

You always retain ownership of your documents. Customers only have the rights to read your work for personal use. It’s forbidden for them to distribute your work to others.

Be found

Write a catchy title and solid description of your documents, so customers can easily find your summaries online - such as Google for example.

Set the best price

You set the price for your study notes and documents. You can even make discounted package deals of your top summaries to attract even more customers.

Use the Stuvia Network

As soon as your documents are online, we include them on the right Stuvia pages that are search traffic optimized. We also send notifications to members interested in your field of study.

Score top reviews

Improve your online reputation by getting high scoring reviews. This is a great way to generate more sales.

Earn money from each summary

Some documents sell hundreds of times. Once your documents are on Stuvia, your work is done. Sit back, relax and start making money!

Create your personal study store

Create a free sellers account, set the price of your documents and upload them on Stuvia. That's it! Help others with your knowledge while earning money.

Frequently asked questions

What do I earn by selling my content on Stuvia?

You set your own price per document with a minimum amount of R50. The more documents you sell, the more you earn. Some documents are sold more than a hundred times. Find tips on how to sell the most here here.

What does it cost to sell on Stuvia?

Nothing! You create a free account and post your work to Stuvia without further costs. cost. We take a small commission each time you sell a summary. The commission will be automatically deducted, so you don’t have to worry about any hidden costs after your payout.

When will I receive my earned money from Stuvia?

We transfer your earned money into your Stuvia account right after you’ve sold a document. Once you’ve earned over R100 , you can cash out. We transfer this money every Monday so you can decide when you want to be paid. You can also use this credit to buy study material for yourself!

How does Stuvia deal with copyright?

There are a number of things to consider when writing a good summary without violating copyright. For example, you are not allowed to copy texts literally but you are allowed to quote them. You must make correct citations when doing this.

Would you like to be sure that you meet the copyright requirements? Stuvia has a helpful checklist for just that, which can be found here.

Sell and share your summaries and study notes to others

Whether you’re studying or following a course for your work; preparation is everything. Do you always prepare for your next exam by creating study notes or summaries? Stuvia helps you to earn money online by selling your study resources to your fellow students. In that way, you can create a passive income with your study notes or summaries.