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Best selling Biostatistical Analysis notes

Concept 3 and 4 - Two Sample Hypothesis and Paired-sample Hypothesis
- Summary • 8 pages • 2020 Popular
- R115,00
- 1x sold
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Summary comprises of Textbook and Lecture Notes. Undertstanding when to apply two sample hypothesis tests regarding the difference in means (one-sided/two-sided t tests and equal/unequal variances); The assumptions underlying the two sample hypothesis testing; How to construct confidence intervals; The F test for difference between two variances ; The Mann-Whitney test; Paired-sample Hypothesis (one-sided/two sided t test, assumptions, condidence intervals)
Newest Biostatistical Analysis summaries

Concept 3 and 4 - Two Sample Hypothesis and Paired-sample Hypothesis
- Summary • 8 pages • 2020 New
- R115,00
- 1x sold
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Summary comprises of Textbook and Lecture Notes. Undertstanding when to apply two sample hypothesis tests regarding the difference in means (one-sided/two-sided t tests and equal/unequal variances); The assumptions underlying the two sample hypothesis testing; How to construct confidence intervals; The F test for difference between two variances ; The Mann-Whitney test; Paired-sample Hypothesis (one-sided/two sided t test, assumptions, condidence intervals)

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