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Best selling His Dark Materials: Northern Lights notes
EHL100 Northern Lights: His dark material study Guide
- Summary • 37 pages • 2022 Popular
- R206,00
- 7x sold
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Detailed Breakdown Of Philip Pullman's groundbreaking HIS DARK MATERIALS trilogy in form of study guide. 
A young girl is destined to liberate her world from the grip of the Magisterium which represses people's ties to magic and their animal spirits known as daemons. 
"His Dark Materials" is one of the supreme works of imaginative fiction for both children and adults published in the 20th century. Northern Lights introduces Lyra, an orphan who lives in a parallel universe in which scie...
Newest His Dark Materials: Northern Lights summaries
EHL100 Northern Lights: His dark material study Guide
- Summary • 37 pages • 2022 New
- R206,00
- 7x sold
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Detailed Breakdown Of Philip Pullman's groundbreaking HIS DARK MATERIALS trilogy in form of study guide. 
A young girl is destined to liberate her world from the grip of the Magisterium which represses people's ties to magic and their animal spirits known as daemons. 
"His Dark Materials" is one of the supreme works of imaginative fiction for both children and adults published in the 20th century. Northern Lights introduces Lyra, an orphan who lives in a parallel universe in which scie...
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