~-_,.1.,.• i• -"-- fJlj-"A"'j I f;ht rkr [kJ,1t,b .
~ Hw.::ehokls : rundicn in econornf is p-irnori~ lo ~ primorli
_ prod~ ion to,Jors_(JEtx:>Ulj lond1 ccpnal1 ef\~re.,preneurs\-\\p)
__I -Sin3\e b'
0 foro1\~ or o ~roup J pe:rle who l1oe
t-°8~ - --
- _ -~- ~ d. a. com()Jon lrKofY)e
i+ Bus11'1<£S enkq ?rlceS , furrllOfl_ ,~ tre_f[odJdbn J gxxh t woice<;
_ __ - lLW l:c deade UJn\ch Fs
ord ~ice s to p-odxe ord f/t:fl
__!;_O f'J1bJre J I , ~-, ~ factors effe,d l~ to prtxkce ~ s ~k:e s 1-
'+ Fore,3n ~ro r ~ 0 h F fldfXJff in /tie econOff\\c ~aer n .
__ _ _ - (Cf"efu~ o~ lar3e num\:er o~ _indioidual em~ -
- 'vlheo the Fore:13n ~dor 16 if\ t\-e drc.u\cr HOlO ..:, or a:or.om~ .
_ . _ - OF' ~: } Jo~4ei tretFar~ <la\ne.
___ _-__~ \ \\~_ to U)Of\i Ct-or \~~ €A)8)'5
½-. Gocernme-t ·. To creo~ ~ptr o~b In 14n\d-}_ ecprom~ cq_n q:-ero!e
_ ar-d p-oduc:~ F~ ~-
- coriciCc~ o\ c\\ o ~ f'l'oel t~ From ~eoel of _I~\ ou~~~l~les to _
certfa\ w,:en nel)t - ¼rot r~ Jaa\'5\(l~\~JUtlQ\~\ and etecuAue. ~
=-1() red·iEi~ibu~ lncome- 1-hf'Ol{Jh \.r~\e" PocJm~ntsl-- ~ lf\~ I\HOO
ord tc
- 1de. care of Jfl"C(Y.e\- !a,\u\1:£ :J _
( ~uro when com HH l)~t ~ <o+em :
.. _ j prodvce wron3 arnounl-s J F and ~ nlfce~ _
2) fuilb to all~t ~ on~ re~rce wh:il-GOeoer In produdtan
J F -; ard senr,ce:; wh1-:e input l<o e:rJJOmtallj <c,oJ.lsRel
, can 62 ~tee\ refeferice to its role p ~.os o~ec;li; ond pr~J:p'".Jo.
1he d1~~icn cori uooful~ ~ l'o an ec.orom·,c. F10uJ diagram that s,mpli£'t-lco/~
S\"\ou$ He pm rnd ro~ 0~ tre detfu\Of) J-akero ln \he econofY)H·
P,eoourc_e market
Ploce where f<£0.ltr:e'oL=oireS of reEOC11ce 9.ffl'13S o:e ~h~ or-cl Gold ·
- l100~d_s Cf.;:J"fo all ecof'C{Yllc rocou,ceG (d',r~!~ and indirerl-18)
- Hou~l½_ sell re'cO(Jrceb k) bu~\oe~s, w'rid. bj trem 'oe-:aL£e- ~ o.,e
nere~,~ fur Eroducin3 ~s c~ oero lees
•:- Busness F~ for reGourcec;; ·. ~ ~<s; ref\~; lri\ere9" ord prot\~ i~ ~ w.,1'o\ds
ftodud- rrorket
- - -
Aoce where F and '2ffOIC£S prcdu~ b~ bus'i~ ore b:xJsht
crd '20k:i
- Th t~ f-rodud- ~rke\- bu~in~e€i c.ombioe. f6::0JrceG to prodt.tt end Ee\1 5 +- 'o -
- House\--dcls l:\Ee limifed locon'e 1-rej. ra::eioo trom So\e ct- \'l::ea§Ce2> \-o ~ ~ £
o.\\d te("u~ . -
- H~~ ~of ccn;urn~ 9:iFin3 m F ;-
~ \c_es ➔ R~ue _
- &..sir.e££> c;_omFre, ~uenue~ to_c~~ i() de.termm1rs pti1 kl'oi\; ~ ord _
wh0'her or rot o gocd or cen.)\ce_~'f-.cu\d te co()}\I\Ua! ro ~ produced.
Araro al0
1oh!s core.- of Flow ot sur\us funds I() ~he ec.orani/ _- - _ =-_ _-
-SJvl~ lri_o\\ 10rrns ore F ¥her lo creole a <.:o.;~ c"t_h.-\f'ciG tar 1~~ t -
- L~ ·,nves\mffit<o ~ ckd,re lo _S::Of\Q_\'fl\c t\roc..dh ,o\-e.
T(()Dl~1Bl£ HAfDO ~ 1en~~ ot h,rns _c~ ~ re~ S\.lrf\\et"S \ho.\
<ceek. to fur~~ Cli:f'i oe\~ -lf\\-efe£,\- ln c()(Y)pei,·tt~ fl"Prtes +o o\lco promc,~
1n~1- In c£de~. €Ffici ~
I vrdues of Harket ';' ti8err,c ~ :Ji=/;ues,