Tutorial Letter 201/0/2018
Ecosystemic Psychology
Year module – Feedback and Examination
Department of Psychology
This tutorial letter contains important information about your module.
1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 3
2 FEEDBACK ON ASSIGNMENTS ................................................................................................. 3
2.3 Assignment 1 .................................................................................................................................. 3
2.4 Assignment 2 ................................................................................................................................ 12
2.3. Assignment 3 ................................................................................................................................ 25
3 EXAMINATION PREPARATION .............................................................................................. 33
4 CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................... 34
5 REFERENCE LIST ..................................................................................................................... 35
, PYC4808/201
Dear Student
This tutorial letter serves as feedback for Assignment 1, 2 and 3 for PYC4808 as well as providing you
with some guidelines for examination preparation.
Please read the information carefully as you start revising your work! The examinations are around the
corner and we are sure you are eager to get started with the studying!
2.1 Assignment 1
This assignment was in the form of multiple choice questions. It is vital to be conceptually clear and have
a good understanding with regards to some basic concepts within Ecosystemics. Before we get into a
discussion of the answers, let’s briefly discuss some important concepts that are needed for you to
successfully grasp the module.
Understanding different paradigms, and how certain theories fit within these paradigms is useful not only
in this module, but throughout your studies. Having conceptual clarity will allow one to appropriately link
information in a way that makes sense. Therefore, the starting point is to understand how bodies of
knowledge and their assumptions shape our view of the world. As you have learned right at the beginning
of this module, there has been a shift in the way we think about psychology, and ultimately
psychotherapy. Let’s have a look at what we mean when we talk about a body of knowledge, or of
paradigms and how the shifts in psychology have come about.
A paradigm is a set of interrelated ontological, epistemological and methodological assumptions (Terre
Blanche, Durrheim & Painter, 2006). Different paradigms will view reality differently and so will then
influence the way you see the world. For the purposes of this module, it is necessary for you to be able to
distinguish between different paradigms, and how this then influences one’s thinking. Some people use
the terms ‘paradigm’ and ‘epistemology’ synonymously, however, this is not entirely correct. For the
purposes of this module – let’s just focus on the different paradigms and the underlying epistemological
premises and how certain theories are congruently linked.
This then implies that understanding the relationship between epistemology and theory is important. For
this reason, being able to coherently “match” these concepts appropriately is necessary. One can then
think of the relation in this way: paradigm forms the basket in which a theory is positioned. In the same
way, a specific theory will also encompass certain models (that fit coherently with the underlying
epistemological assumptions) and techniques that fit with these models. These concepts must be
interrelated in a manner that makes clear the linkage between the different levels of knowledge. This
means that it is important for you to understand how one begins to think about thinking, in other words,
what your epistemology is, and how this can influence the way in which you see ‘reality.’ For example, if
one believes that knowledge is embedded in interaction, feedback and information processing, one could
say your epistemology is informed by a cybernetic paradigm. If you believe that reality is co-created
through shared meaning and language, social constructionism would best describe your paradigm.
Systems theory then fits under the cybernetic paradigm or social constructionism (with its own
epistemological premises), and gives rise to structural models or strategic models and a technique of
restructuring, for example in family therapy. Remember at the outset of the module we indicated that your
way of thinking about thinking will be challenged. I am sure that by now you agree with this statement.
, The diagram below provides a visual example of how these concepts are linked. It is necessary for you to
become aware of how knowledge exists, and how one thinks, shapes what one knows and thus shapes
2.1.1 Definitions and examples of concepts
Below are some definitions of the different concepts, as well as appropriate examples.
EPISTEMOLOGY “A set of immanent rules used in thought by large groups of Newtonian epistemology
people to define reality” (Auerswald, 1985, p.2). Epistemology
is deduced from what a person says and how a person thinks, Cartesian epistemology
talks, and acts. Epistemology pertains to how rules that govern
our thinking are created and shared. How we come to know Constructivist
what we know. epistemology
Remember we said that some people use ‘paradigm’ and African epistemology
‘epistemology’ interchangeably, for now it is important to
understand that your epistemology will shape your thinking as It will be useful if you
well as how you view and understand the world. explore the premises of these
examples in order to better
understand them.
THEORY A set of connected principles serving to explain a group of Psychoanalytic theory
phenomena of interest to the researcher, or serving as a
statement of relations believed to prevail in a body of Behaviourist theory
observations. Theories are informed and specified by particular
epistemologies. Existential theory
General Systems Theory
MODEL A projection of the substance of a less understood or developed The models based on the
domain onto the structure of a more developed system. You take works of:
what you see and project it onto something else.
These models are embedded within particular theories, which Developmental Stages of
are also informed by specific epistemological assumptions. It is Sigmund Freud
important to understand how epistemology, theory and model
link together coherently Relational Analysis of Carl
Operant Conditioning of
B.F Skinner
Existential Therapy of
Viktor Frankl
Structural Family Therapy of
Salvador Minuchin
TECHNIQUE A rehearsed or practiced procedure or skill to achieve a Interpretation; conditioning;
particular end/outcome in accordance with a model used. reflection; reframing;
restructuring; free
association; dream analysis
Figure 1 below gives an example of the linkage of levels of knowledge from both a social constructionist
and post-positivist perspective.