Psyche = soul or mind
Logos = study/knowledge
Psychology comes from the Greek work “Psyche” and “Logos”.
The scientific study of behaviour and mental processes
➢ Behaviour: Overt- can be directly observed (e.g., Crying)
➢ Mental processes: Covert- cannot be directly observed (e.g., Remembering)
Psychology is both a science and a profession.
Psychology might be defined as the scientific study of behaviour and experience carried out
in a manner which enable us to both draw out general principles, and to achieve an
understanding of both the unique nature and quality of an individual’s personal experience as
a human being.
- Systematic methods used to observe, describe, predict and explain behaviour.
- Everything we do that can be directly observed.
- Mental processes associated with that which we think, feel and are faced with.
Physiological processes
- Neurotransmitter and hormone levels, etc.
- Matters concerning your brain.
General principles vs Unique presentation
- We attempt to understand through identification of the general principles but never fail
to recognise the uniqueness of the individual in their subjective experience.
- What is true to me cannot necessarily be true to you or everyone else.
▪ The measurement and description of behaviour.
▪ The understanding and prediction of behaviour.
▪ The application of the knowledge to the task of controlling behaviour
o (e.g., Health intervention)
Trying to help, change or promote health conditions.
Psychology comes up with belief systems about human behaviour
,Psychology differs from other systems of belief about people in one crucial respect :
Psychologists are concerned not only with what we know about people, but also with
how we come to know these things.
Psychological theories are based in evidence or arguments.
*Textbook notes
There are many systems of belief about people, our behavior and what makes us who we are>
Psychology is one of these belief systems, but it is not the only one.
Psychologists are concerned not only with what we know about people, but also about how
we come to know these things. in many approaches to understanding people, approaches that
differ from psychology, it is important to know who is making claims about people, their
behavior and what makes them human.
▪ Psychology is a very broad discipline and there are many aspects to it.
▪ Undergrad level will never become psychotherapists.
▪ learners for a wide range of disciplines take courses in psychology to learn ways of
thinking about people that are helpful in their chosen fields.
▪ psychologist themselves work in a wide range of contexts.
▪ At present in South Africa, to become a psychologist registered with the Health
Professions Council of South Africa [HPCSA] you have to have a master’s degree in
psychology and have completed a recognized internship.
o To be accepted into a master’s program in psychology you need to 1st have a
bachelor’s degree majoring in psychology and an honors degree in psychology.
o Places on these courses are limited
▪ Studying psychology provides an excellent background for a wide range of careers.
Psychologists cannot simply say that they do not like what, for instance, Freud said. What they
would need to do is show how, in their view, the ways in which Freud came to his conclusions
are lacking in logic or simply incorrect.
In focusing on the methods of finding things out, psychology is similar to many other scientific
approaches to understanding the world
Look at the statement about human development: “How people develop in later life is related
in some ways to the early experiences.” If we assume for the moment that the statement is
, true, why is it true? How do we explain that it is true? We may have a lot of evidence that it is
true, but this does not explain why.
1. Ask a question. For example, is there a difference in psychology marks between male
female students?
2. Do background research; i.e., gathering information
3. Formulate a hypothesis; i.e., tentative explanation
4. Collect data; information
5. Analyse the data; make sense of the information
a. Can we have rejected or accepted at this stage?
6. Communicate the results; publish results/conference
We learn patterns of behavior in childhood that we continue to apply throughout life. there is
something about the way that our brains and bodies work that determines both our early
experiences and our later behavior.
the way in which we decide between different theories of human behavior depends upon the
methods that we used to test and develop theories.
evidence has been found that identical Twins raised pot will tend to develop in ways that are
strikingly similar. this evidence has been used by those who favor genetic explanations for
human behavior. (nature)
Psychology is Empirical
- Empiricism is the premise that knowledge should be acquired through observation
Psychology is Theoretically Diverse
- A theory is a system of interrelated ideas used to explain a set of observations.
- The conclusions in psychology are based on direct observation
Psychology Evolves in a Socio-Historical Context
- Trends, issues, and values in society influence psychology’s evolution- putting
psychology in both a social and historical context.
▪ Behaviour is Determined by Multiple Causes
▪ Behaviour is Shaped by Cultural Heritage
▪ Heredity and Environment jointly influence Behaviour (Nature vs Nurture)
▪ People’s Experience of the World is Highly Subjective
, Becoming a psychologist requires the completion of a master’s degree and, usually, an
To enter a master’s course, you must have:
- A psychology major
- An honours degree in psychology
Usually takes up to 5 years
Psychologist Psychiatrist
Has a master’s degree in Psychology? Has a medical degree
Involves intense academic training; Is a physician who specialises in the diagnosis
and treatment of psychological/ psychiatric
Learns about many different areas of
psychology before choosing a specification
Registration body for healthcare professionals in the field of psychology amongst other
healthcare fields.
- To be eligible for to registration with the HP CSA - need to complete an internship
and write board exams after completion of your academic training.
• Psychologists can be registered in one or more of the following registration categories:
- Clinical,
- Counselling, NOTE: There is no
- Research, such thing as a
“Child psychologist”
- Industrial and
- Educational psychologist.
• The HPCSA also has registration categories for counsellors and psychometrists. An
Honours degree, internship and registration examination are required.
Scope of practice is limited.