Assignment 2 + summary
The National Children’s Rights Committee (NCRC) states that for
the majority of South Africans who live in depressed rural areas or
in overcrowded townships and unsafe and unsanitary housing, are
at high risk of disease and other issues.
Briefly explain the most important factors in the environment that
contribute to ill-health such as disease, disability, and death in
South Africa.
• A lack of sewers drains and services for disposing of solid and
liquid waste – waste have a huge impact on environmental health risks.
Some wastes give off dangerous gases such as methane. Some of
these gases can be explosive or toxic, not to mention their contribution
to the planet’s greenhouse effect.
• lack of a safe and sufficient water supply – clean water is
particularly important in the health compartment, because when water is
not clean, people can become extremely sick of unsafe water. There is a
high possibility of the presence of pathogens in water. They are the
cause of several serious diseases such as diarrhoea, typhoid, and more.
These diseases can be fatal.
• overcrowded and inadequate living conditions – For communities,
inadequate shelter and overcrowding are major factors in the
transmission of diseases with epidemic potential such as acute
respiratory infections, meningitis, cholera, etc. Outbreaks of disease are
more frequent and more severe when the population density is high.
• insufficient safe and clean fuels for domestic cooking and
heating, which means that expensive and often unhealthy fuels are
used (coal, paraffin, and wood) which cause pollution, as well as
health problems for infants and children – Together with widespread
use of 4 kerosene stoves, heaters and lamps, these practices also result
in many serious injuries and deaths from scalds, burns and poisoning.
, • poor control of workplace environments, in both the formal and
informal sectors, leading to chemical and biological contamination
of land, air, water and food resources which result in unacceptable
levels of pollution – According to the World Health Organization
(WHO), about 25000 people died per day in 2008 because of consuming
contaminated water. Some diseases, like humidifier fever, are
associated with exposure to toxins from microorganisms that can grow in
large building ventilation systems. However, these diseases can also be
traced to microorganisms that grow in home heating and cooling
systems and humidifiers. Pollution is a serious health factor that can
cause various health risks.
List and evaluate the four basic functions of nutrients.
Nutrients: Function:
Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates provides a ready
source energy for the body.
Fat: Fat provides stored energy for the
human body and functions as
structural comments of cells.
Protein: Protein is necessary for tissue and
organ formation; it also provides
energy – but it is not a primary
Water: Waters transports all
vital/essential nutrients to all body
parts, and it aslo aids body
temperature regulation.
Minerals: Minerals Regulate body
processes – are vital for proper
cellular function.
Vitamins: Vitamins promotes normal body-
system functions
From the list of eating disorders provided below, assess how they
are different from each other:
Anorexia – anorexia is an eating disorder, characterized by low weight,
food restriction, the fear of gaining weight and a strong desire to be thin.
Many people with anorexia see themselves as overweight even though