Table of content
Contents pages
Roles of an educator
Learning mediator…………………………………….2
Scholar, researcher and lifelong learner………….2-3
Community, citizen and pastoral role……………….3
Learning area specialist………………………………3
Leader, administrator and manager…………………4
Interpreter and designer of learning programmes
and materials…………………………………………..4
, The education system enables educators to be guided by certain standards to which
they must adhere to, these standards can be referred to as roles of an educator that are
there to shape one to be competent in their line of work, even though the focus is in the
classroom environment but it also extends to the community at large. In order to
effectively fulfil what is expected of an educator, the seven roles assist in assuring one
to be able to perform tasks required hence in the following context they will be
explained, discussed as to how one can be able to successfully fulfil each role and
furthermore entail discussions that are substantiated with practical examples.
One of the seven roles of an educator is to be an assessor in a sense that you are able
to assess learner’s performance and keeping records of evidence of the assessment,
providing feedback that is constructive and make corrections once the assessment is
done, and think of new ways to improve learning based on the outcomes of
assessment, in line with assessments like summative and formative assessment.
In order to ensure that one is competent in fulfilling the role of an assessor in the
classroom one should know when assessment is needed, for example we have
formative assessment which can be said that at times it is informal and continuous in
this assessment a teacher can present a lesson and in between ask learners
questions ,or engage them to share ideas in pairs or group discussions and later share
with the whole class what they have shared among themselves, this enables the
educator to give immediate feedback to enlighten learners if they are correct or not,
another way would be presentations where learners present about a certain topic e.g.
my family, this gives the educator a chance to know and observe the learners strength
and weaknesses ,in addition classwork after the lesson is a great way to monitor
learners understanding and for the educator to know which aspects need more
explaining. On the other hand, summative assessment focuses more on what the
learners have learnt so far and one can carry out tests, exam or projects to test for
example focusing content such as mathematics (shapes) and also record and assess
the outcomes and most likely give feedback of how well they have passed the test and
where to focus more on that’s where constructiveness comes in place.