Nutritional needs
Concept clarification
The process of breaking down food and substances taken in by the mouth to use for
energy by the body
The process of obtaining and consuming
Nourishment contained in a balanced diet
Nutrients play an important role in keeping our bodies healthy
Essential nutrients that have large minimal daily requirements
Nutrients such as vitamins and minerals that are essential in small amounts for
proper growth and metabolism of a living organism
Building up/synthesis of cell structure from digested food materials
The chemical breakdown of complex substances in the body to form small units to
release energy
Nutrition is the cornerstone to health
Nutritional status determines the rate at which wounds and fractures heal, individual
immunity, the way chronic illnesses progress, exercise tolerance, energy levels, skin
appearance, hair, height and weight
The nurses’ role in nutrition
Can help people eat correctly during illness
Educate people on eating for optimum health
Nutrients are required for growth and maintenance of all body tissues and for the
normal functioning of all body processes
The metabolism of nutrients is regulated by hormones
Energy is extracted from certain nutrients and used by the body through metabolism
Energy is released from food into the body through digestion and absorption
Carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism are all sources of energy and are classified as
Micronutrients are nutrients essential in small amounts for proper growth and
metabolism a living organism e.g. vitamins and minerals
Functions of nutrients
To act as an energy source
To enable to growth and maintenance of body tissues
To help regulate body function
, Water
Water is the most important chemical substance for the maintenance of life
Without water, survival is limited to days
The fluids a person drinks as well as fruits, vegetables and proteins eaten all provide water
Waste is secreted by the kidneys through water
Water is essential in keeping faecal matter soft and preventing constipation
A person should drink an average of 2l of water per day
Fibre is essential for the normal functioning of the body and the gastro-intestinal tract
It hold water which increases faecal bulk and prevents constipation
Has a decreasing effect on blood cholesterol levels
Has a regulating effects on blood glucose levels
It disperses carcinogenic substances in the faeces
It reduces the availability of certain nutrients (to an extent)
Dietary guidelines: the multimix principle
Group 1 Group 2
Staple food Protein supplements
Mealie meal, samp, bread, dumplings, rice, Fried beans and peas, groundnuts, peanuts,
potatoes, sweet potatoes, spaghetti, peanut butter, powdered milk, cheese,
macaroni, flour, amadumbe amazi, meat, chicken, fish, eggs
Group 3 Group 4
Vitamin-mineral supplements Energy supplements
Vegetables: spinach, cabbage, carrots, Butter, margarine, oil, animal fat
tomatoes, pumpkin, onions etc Fatty foods: bacon, fatty meat
Fruit: bananas, oranges, apples, mango, Sugar, jam, honey, condensed milk
pawpaw, peaches etc
Choose one food from each group at each meal
Choose something different at each meal