Name of the Teacher Date Level of the class Length of lesson
Tahlita Botha 03/01/2020 A1 Elementary 60 min
Lesson Type:
Lesson Topic:
Places in a town
Lesson Aims: Lesson Outcomes:
By the end of the lesson, students will be better By the end of the lesson, students will have
able to…
1. Students will have recognized and produced the target
1. Recognize and produce the target vocabulary related to vocabulary in an activity that replicates a real-life scenario.
places in a town in a real-life context. The target vocabulary 2. Produced the target vocabulary in a written and spoken
includes: bus station, cinema, playground, city centre, library, context.
museum, hotel, post office, restaurant and supermarket.
2. Be able to produce the target vocabulary in a written and
spoken context.
,Target vocabulary:
Bus station, cinema, playground, city centre, library, museum, hotel,
post office, restaurant, supermarket.
Anticipated difficulties: Suggested solutions:
1. Female students might be more reserved than their male 1. Split the class as evenly as possible. Possible ways to split the
counterparts as males are often more doted on in Chinese class includes splitting the class into two groups of boys and one
society (Ruth Whickham). This might be even more of a group of girls, or into three groups, mixing the female students
challenge since with the male students.
Deliberately engaging female students in conversation is also
necessary. Therefore it is important to incorporate activities that
engage the entire class and encourage both male and female
students to participate.
2. Pronunciation has to be drilled through numerous activities that
2. Students may find it difficult to pronounce: r, l, and n, since they would require students to spell and say the words out loud to get
have no equivalent in Mandarin (Dunsmore, 2018). Therefore; familiar with the sounds (Dunsmore, 2018). The students will
station, cinema, playground, centre, library, hotel, restaurant and practice or drill the pronunciation in every phase of the lesson.
, supermarket may be hard to pronounce, even on an elementary The student talking time will be significantly higher than the
level. teacher talking time to practice pronunciation throughout the
lesson. Corrections will be made where necessary.
3. Students will get to know each other through group activities. It
3. Shyness may occur among some of the students, since they will make them feel more at ease to participate in the class
may feel embarrassed to make pronunciation mistakes in front of activities. This positive environment and reassurance from the
the class. (The TEFL Academy, 2019). teacher will help them get out of their comfort zones (The TEFL
Academy, 2019).
4. Make sure that every student feels included in activities by
4. The age range of the class is 18 - 38. That means that students including group activities in the lesson plan that creates an
have different life experiences and might not be able to see eye to environment that encourages group participation between
eye on everything. This could lead to disagreements between the students.
older students and the younger students. Older or younger students
might opt to keep quiet if they feel like the older/younger generation
might judge them.
5. The teacher can include multiple pictures of the inside and outside
5. It might be difficult to explain some of the target vocabulary to of the places in town. These pictures will give students a better
students, especially since some of the vocabulary (like museum, understanding of the vocabulary. The teacher can also include
hotel ect.) is very specific and therefore showing a picture of the photos of actual places in China where possible (for example
outside of the building may not be enough for students to truly using a picture of the city centre in Hong Kong instead of a picture
understand the meaning. of New York’s city centre). It will help students relate to the
pictures a bit better, and therefore they will be better able to
understand the target vocabulary.
, 6. The teacher needs to spend some time researching possible
cultural differences between his/her culture and the Chinese
6. Culture differences between Teacher and Students. The teacher culture.
may not be aware of certain social cues or traditions in the Chinese
culture which may upset some students. 7. The teacher has to create an environment for the students that
encourages them to relax and promote teamwork. Therefore the
7. The students' ages range from 18 - 38. Students may find it lesson will start with a warmer. All activities and games will also
difficult to relate to one another depending on their age therefore help to put everyone on the same level.
working together might become a bit challenging.