, DM
1. Name and define the first order cybernetic principles
According to Bevcar & Bevcar, 2006, from a systemic/cybernetic perspective,
meaning is derived from the relation between individuals and elements as each
defined the other.What I mean about the above mentioned definition is that
dealing with first with the issue of recursive organisation we do not ask the
question, why? We are not interested in the cause of a particular behaviour or
situation (Bevcar & Bevcar, 2006).
RECURSION: This is a process which operates on its own products or See people
and events in the context of mutual interaction and mutual influence; not cause
example is between Mavis and April: the more April lies, the more Mavis controls,
which lead April to lie more, which leads Mavis to control more, etc. See behaviour
of A as a logical complement to the behaviour of B and B – A,while dominance may
look more powerful that submission, one cannot dominate another unless that other
agrees to submit; one cannot submit without cooperation (bilateral process) e.g.
Looking from airplane window- yards have meaning only when they have a house
perched on them; highway and car therefore it means that is derived from the relation
between individuals and elements as each defines the other.
FEEDBACK: It is a process whereby information about past behaviour is fed back
into the system in a circular manner or refers to the impact of the behaviour upon the
system and the response of the system to that behaviour. Can be used as a synonym
of recursion for example what April does influences Mavis and what Mavis does
influences April. Positive feedback acknowledges that a change has occurred and
has been accepted by the system and it results in a new state of the system which
deviates from the norm. Negative feedback indicates that status quo is being
maintained illustration p67 – diagnosis of disease- test done- negative means no
change in the body functioning has occurred; status quo is being maintained (good
outcomes); positive (bad); woman who want to be pregnant-perform tests- positive
is pregnant (good); negative not pregnant (bad).Example when you tell a smoker to
stop, he/she smokes more, therefore you nag them more to stop, which causes them
to smoke even more, etc. “we know nothing of our behaviour but the feedback effects
of our own inputs” Powers
Morphostasis: System’s ability to remain stable in the context of change/ System’s
tendency toward stability, a state of dynamic equilibrium or this happens when there
is no change and the system merely carries on. E.g. if the Bird family didn’t go see
a therapist
Morphogenesis: Refers to the system – enhancing behaviour that allows for growth,
creativity, innovation, and change, all of which are characteristics of functional ability
of the system to change in the context of stability. E.g. Bird family goes to see a
therapist then think of a tight rope walker!! – in order for them to remain stable they
need to change all the time (to keep their balance whilst walking) this implies that
therefore, you can’t deal with a 15 year old in the same way that you would deal with
a 2 year old.
RULES AN BOUNDARIES: Rules are acceptable and not acceptable; how to
manage conflict then also rules are made up of the characteristic relationship pattern
within the system which explain the values of the system as well as the