PYC2602 (Child & Adolscent
development) Summary pack
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, Stuvia - De Marktplaats voor het Kopen en Verkopen van je Samenvattingen
Welcome to PYC2602 summary pack
This pack has been designed with you, a fellow student in mind. We have included
the following tools to assist you and make your life a little easier during those really
hectic exam periods.
This pack includes:
Study schedule
Chapter by chapter recap
Really take advantage of this pack by joining us at one of our free study groups. Go
to for more information.
We cover the following section in this exam strategy pack:
Studying a child’s world
A child’s world: how we discover it
Forming a new life
Pregnancy and prenatal development
Birth and the new-born baby
Cognitive development during the first three years
Psychosocial development during the first three years
cognitive development in early childhood
psychosocial development in early childhood
physical development and health in middle childhood
psychosocial development in middle childhood
physical development and health in adolescence
cognitive development in adolescence
psychosocial development in adolescence
The summary comes from A Child's World: Infancy through adolescence by Papalia,
D.E., Olds, S.W., & Feldman, R.D.
Please note: This summary pack has been designed to assist you during your
examination preparation and should be used in conjunction with your study guide and
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, Stuvia - De Marktplaats voor het Kopen en Verkopen van je Samenvattingen
Some simple strategies to assist you in becoming an extra-
ordinary student
Defining your vision and planning for success
Make sure that you are clear about why you are studying. Without a clear
destination of where you are heading, you will not know when you have arrived.
Defining your vision for your life and your studies is not a one-off activity at the
beginning of a three or four year degree, but an on-going reflection of the horizon.
The next step is to schedule realistic study time. The aim of a study schedule is to
map out how much time you can dedicate to your studies. Try breaking your study
sessions into easy bite-sized sessions with breaks in between of no longer than 10-15
Make sure you maximise your time with minimum distractions. As Oprah says, "Doing
the best in this moment puts you in the best position for the next moment"
Strategy number 2: Be flexible
As Mama Glow author Latham Thomas says, "Don't victimise yourself. Learn to shift
from "Woe is me" to "Wow is me!"."
Planning for success comes with its challenges, especially when the unexpected
happens. Instead of boarding the sympathy train, deal with the situation then and
there, and move on. By implementing flexibility in your schedule, you have created
room for life to happen, without jeopardising your vision.
Strategy number 3: Connect with others
We all think we can do it alone, but honestly, we can't. We need others, not only for
moral support, but also to help us study. Take the time to get to know others in your
classes, or if you are studying through correspondence, ask the lectures to link you
with students doing the same module, or join an established study group.
Connecting with the right study partners gives you motivation and drive to complete
assignments, and moves your performance from average to extra-ordinary.
Strategy number 4: Schedule in your 30-second dance parties
Celebrate all your achievements, regardless of how small or big they are. Complete
a chapter, a theory, a topic with a 30 second dance party. Get up and celebrate –
move your body. This promotes your self-confidence and boosts your motivation to
get on to the next piece of work. Also give yourself a break when you can’t get
through something. Each piece of work has its own challenges
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, Stuvia - De Marktplaats voor het Kopen en Verkopen van je Samenvattingen
The Study of Development: Then and Now
Child development focuses on the scientific study of processes of change and
stability in human children.
Developmental scientists study two kinds of change: Quantitative and Qualitative.
Quantitative: Change in number or amount: Height, weight, size of vocab, or
frequency of communication. Largely Continuous.
Qualitative: Change in kind, structure or organisation. Discontinuous: It is marked by
emergence of new phenomena that cannot be anticipated easily on the basis of
earlier functioning. Eg. Change from a nonverbal child to one who understands
words and can use them to communicate.
Most people show an underlying stability in aspects of personality and behaviour i.e.
most shy children generally display shyness to a moderate degree throughout their
Charles Darwin was the first theorist to emphasize the developmental nature of
infant behaviour.
The Study of Child Development: Basic Concepts
Domains of Development *Study table 1-1 pg 11*
Physical Development: Growth of body and brain, the development of sensory
capacities and motor skills and health. All influence other aspects of development.
Eg. Child with frequent ear infections may develop language more slowly than a
child without this physical problem.
Cognitive Development: Change and stability in mental abilities, such as learning,
memory, language, thinking, moral reasoning, and creativity. Closely related to
physical, social and emotional growth. Ability to speak depends on the
development of mouth and brain. A child who has difficulties in expressing herself in
words may bring negative reactions in others, affecting her popularity and sense of
self worth.
Psychosocial Development: Change and stability in personality, emotions, and
social relationships. Can affect cognitive and physical functioning. Anxiety about
taking a test can worsen performance. Social support can help children cope with
stress on physical and mental health. Physical and cognitive capacities affect
psychosocial dev by contributing to self-esteem and social acceptance.
Development is a unified process.
Influences on Development
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