Due date: 31 AugustZA2l
Unique No: 6{9606
Marks = 50
Cut out this section of the tutorial letter and hand in as .Assignment 02
Student name and surnarne:
ZwlEa,z;l.. . N u?p* k* Student number:
5 :,62 Oq 5t
This assignment is like the one in PTEAC'IX. In the PTEAC1X assignment you however had to
shadow the same group of learners in order to experience learning with them in different classroom
in different subjects.
ln this assignment you stay in one classroorn and you observe different groups of learners
who come to this classroom to have their lessons with the same teacher.
The focus is on learning through observation of learners in order to experience learning
through the eyes of learners. The aim of the assignment is therefore to gain a learner
perspective of how learning is experienced in your subject area.
Discuss this assignment with your mentor to explain that you need to observe how the learners
experience their learning.
Agree with the teacher/mentor on a day when you will do the observations (it must be in your first
week of practical teaching).
A. Your observations must cover the whole day, six lessons.
not put the name of the teacher anyvrrhere on the form.
Complete the whole template for each the six periods observed.
B. the reflection template. (1S)
C. Give a description of your perspective on learners and learning? (15)
Submit AssignmentA2 within the first week of your teaching practice.
LEARNER OBSERVATION FORM: Date of observation:
Subject: Lesson theme: Credk Ltcu.sartt'onS* DebttprS
Period 1
A. What are the learners doing? (Classroom activities) Time spent on each task
x Receiving information I nn inUfeS
Applying Skills 19 "^ i nrJbeJ \
Practicing new skills zC rninuttes (c lassu'vo (L)
Participating in collaborative activities
Doing homework g .-, inufes
Taking a test or quiz
Using technology (Specify
Viewing videos
Presenting information
Using resources other than the textbook
B. What do learners demonstrate?
X lnterest in subject Y Competency in reading, writing, mathematics,
map work, and so forth
Critical thinking skills Ability to follow directions
Time management skills Respect for others
v Self-discipline Participation in pairslgroup
Expression of personal opinions OTHERSISPECIFY
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tt ttre De.bho rs L tr and iLs Lrp0{Se.
Su bject-related skil ls
(sPecity) Tr^{' n€'F
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cJebt.,t. L b- et(t 6n *
'iffi"--'i&TPlt3'-'W&?'o ry$lsYl
Subject-related products (model, report, test, completed worksheet, drawing, poem, calculations,
&rrE rS, t0rn lekc( cr,n (Lc,bi urrl rCIrY1 *he
tt.r*bocL &htu
D. What was the best evidence of learning you observed?
Ls1t nars vr€rg cl awL
How did learners with barriers to learning participate in classroom activities?
lhd& w€t'. ,'10 learne{s 'uo
t'th- bc,w r )-€{,,s
How did the learners interact with one another?
Fe to esr fi. UrctioD-
How did learners react to praise/rewards?
th{. fuatbr rcatwcl keo: ursi thetr fi[Lrfie
Were there in your opinion enough opportunities for the learners to participate in the learning
process? What did you learn from this for your own practice?
Hre"e- r^1ff6 the 'rEnt thure w6rq
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