Word Xtra
Use the format Select a word, on the home tab in the clipboard group click on the
painter paintbrush called Format Painter, click and drag on a different
word to copy the style of the first word.
Find text On the home tab click Find which is in the Editing group, type in
the word you want to find.
Find and replace On the home tab click Replace which is in the Editing group, type
text in the word you want to find and to replace, replace all, OK, close.
Check spelling and Review tab, Spelling & Grammar button, in the editor pane click
grammar the word under Suggestions to accept the spelling, OK.
Correct a spelling Right-click a word that is underlined in blue or red, click on a word
or grammar in the shortcut menu.
Find formatting Home tab, Find button (editing group),
, more button,
Format button, font, change details, OK, Find next button, close.