PYC 4810
Exam Jan/Feb 2019
Questions and Answers
Question 1.1) 5 marks
Personality is a unique and relatively stable pattern of behaviour, thoughts, and emotions shown
by individuals. In the field of organisational behaviour, it has been proposed that the strength of
the effects of personality depends on situational factors such as job demands and social norms.
This brings up a key consideration involved in selecting certain career options, namely the person-job
fit, which refers to the degree that a person’s characteristics are suited to the requirements for
success on a particular job.
Question 1.2) Page 149 in the Textbook 10 marks
The Big Five dimensions of personality are five basic dimensions of personality that are related
strongly to different forms of organisational behaviour. The five dimensions are extraversion
(tendency to seek stimulation and enjoy the company of other people), agreeableness (tendency
to be compassionate towards others), conscientiousness (tendency to show self-discipline and
strive for achievement), neuroticism (tendency to experience unpleasant emotions easily), and
openness to experience (tendency to enjoy new experiences and ideas).
, Design the personality test for yourself
Around the following …..
Question 1.3) Bl 150 in Textbook 10 marks
The Big Five dimensions relate strongly to work performance, with conscientiousness showing
the strongest association with task performance, and the next strongest connection being for
emotional stability (the more emotionally stable someone is, the better their task performance will
be). Agreeableness is related positively to interpersonal aspects of work, and for some occupations
(managers, sales people), extraversion is related positively to performance. The Big Five
dimensions are also linked to team performance, where the higher the scores of team members on
conscientiousness, agreeableness, extraversion, and emotional stability, the better the team
performs. In addition, the Big Five traits are also linked to organisational processes, such as
determining who becomes a leader (i.e. people who are high on extraversion, openness to
experience, and agreeableness).
, Question 2.1) What is a group ? Page 281 in the Textbook (2 Marks)
A collection of two or more interacting individuals who maintain stable patterns of relationships, share
common goals, and perceive themselves as being a group.
Question 2.2) (8 marks)
1. There must be social interaction between the group members
The groupmembers must have some influence on one another.
The interaction can be verbal or non-verbal
2. The group must have a relatively stable structure.
The group can change over time but there must be some sort
Of stable structures that keep the group together.
3. The group members will have a common interest and goals.
They work together to reach a common goal.
4. The members of the group perceive themselves as part of the
Group. Eg. Camera club , bird watching club
Question 2.3) Bl 283 in the Textbook. (5 marks)
Formal and Informal groups.
formal groups Groups that are created by the organization, intentionally designed to direct its members toward
some organizational goal. informal groups Groups that develop naturally among people, without any direction
from the organization within which they operate.