L.l f4AN {. E 9_Ro O ucrto_$
-.-igtinq! :y!i:lc!e=ap.rr o {nick
Esids tlre! -sqc{s&g
:s:u$-OI$ fi',i d cpnt-qrt t-l1 fr q=qe-=qe= -r^r:!ri 9\ !s_ sp_9{!a
uses qs o f,ood so.',rcY
*1gs!l!se-sL&sA1P--99!{rg:9e(hs-!s-5L-a-J-q lou)
irS -'-consistS of <reCt,le -{cssu<, in ocder tp nnoke
tJne p€,rrr s \rocd
-) trp of, iL \s c,ot\<-d the. \ons
s) loose sk,n <r(\n the. or<,skrn
i di ducn'\s *) cor\<-d t\) Unot \i OrL ebo
the t cst cs
-) u.fhe-re Sg<rrn ore tr-m rori I stpred untr\ dn
or€- mo.la-rre
s<.rnrn\€erous k-rburt.e5 4r-l
cod uc,e
-t tJ. into tjne"
Lt^x-<n enn'rni€<rous le-rbul-es qr<- in siateo\
cel\s cduc.e tcsLost<rone
. VqS dtfcr<n5 -' duCL U^o&, Cgfcr€S rn the
idqrnis tD
, -esPs{:p*gtotd - l- perr --ef- {std - Slq!- p:qels#e mu!^rs
to [ubr,&L<, the opcxirnS, oU Sn<- -{ap durinq e\qq,llofu1on
rosboLe- q\qnd -'' q\on thqYs<.crcji.es on o\\roVnE ft...rid
serre{ron c}ulrinq ,
-) helps m S€-rn e
eJ-wr r oducz.d in the- t<stcs
ur, qc.Lr5gerrn ond secretions
eni'nol ves'rcJ Co <x s q\ond and th<- tote
\qnd to f,orw. sen\€rr.
' fqlt \on be- -' orro\) be uoi'tJn rr'\\Jscr\\or r,'oo\ls tjnot
or€- line irh ilio
-'i' obout lOc,w'. t
-) ovo tr ovor\e.s qre- u<-d q\ on c.r\io a.''d
conlrq cjci
. endOrvre,tfiurn -> <r oC sue, Uno \n inn€r
r^rot\ oC -une
. e<rgix -' lous<r fJ\J ccnn<-ctin
-) cdntrcrins q\onds qL <g e into {ng
n^ucl,ts nq
6 VO61.I(1Q -) sc-ular c.qno\ L run fror.r Une {ne cervr x
ond o €rrs tp Une. eg6s\d<.
-) oL enin6r 6f dh<. vqqr{1q crr< €otds ccrtted tolc'rq
-! bet-*,,.:e<n the lobio is o arnoll r nd;olr stf,
csl\ed i!.e- CJitorrs
-) thick- wol\e.d rltuscll\or or
" ovq -, t^ro olor\<5 \n {n<- sbdo{.^.en