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PYC3704 Psychological Research Exam Questions and Answers
PYC3704 Psychological Research Exam Questions and Answers
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PYC3704 Psychological Research
Exam Questions and Answers
Downloaded by: Danieladesousa | Danieladesousa25@icloud.com
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1 PYC3704 Psychological Research
This Idocument Iis Ia Icompilation Iof IUNISA IExam IQuestions Iand IAnswers
Answers Iare Imotivated Iby Ia Icombination Iof:
• Short Isummaries/reasoning Iregarding Ithe Irelevant Itopic(s) Iin Iquestion. I(Incorrect Ioptions
Iare Ialso Imarked Iwhere Iapplicable, Iin Iorder Ito Iidentify Iand Idisregard Ired-herring Ialternatives)
Exams Icovered Iare:
• 2016 IMay-June
• 2016 IOctober-November
• 2017 IMay-June
• 2017 IOctober INovember
• Mock IExam I1
• Mock IExam I2
• Test Iyourself IQuestions Iand IAnswers Ifrom Ithe IStudy IGuide
Please Inote: IThis Idocument Iis Ian Iadditional Itool Ifor Iexam Ipreparation. IThe IStuvia-user Ithat Icompiled
Iand Iuploaded I this I document I takes I no Iresponsibility Ifor I incorrect I answers. I Students I must Iensure
Ithat Ithey Istudy Ithe Iprescribed Imaterial Iand Iunderstand Ithe Icontent.
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2 PYC3704 Psychological Research
May June 2016
Question I1
A Itheory Ican Ibe Idescribed Ias Ian Iinterdependent Iset Iof I- I- I- I- I- Irelations Ibetween I- I- I- I- I-
1. proposed, Iconstructs
2. empirical, Ihypotheses
3. verified, Ivariables
Answer: IThe Icorrect Ioption Iis I1
Alternative I1 Iis Icorrect Ibecause Ia Itheory Iis Idefined Ias Ia I“network Iof Ipostulated Irelations
Ibetween Iconstructs”.
Alternative I2 Iis Iwrong Ibecause Ione Idoes Inot Itest Irelations Ibetween Ihypotheses, Ibut
Ibetween Ivariables.
The Irelations Iare Ipostulated I(and Itherefore Inot Iverified) Iso Ithat Ialternative I3 Iis Ialso
Question I2
A Imeasurement Imodel Iof Iattention Ideficit Idisorder Irelates Ithis I- I- I- I- I- Ito Iits I- I- I- I- I-
1. construct, Iintervening Ivariables
2. hypothetical Ivariable, Iobservable Iinstances
3. variable, Iparameters
Answer: IThe Icorrect Ioption Iis I2
Alternative I2 Iis Icorrect Ibecause I(a) I‘attention Ideficit Idisorder’ Iis Ia Ihypothetical Ivariable
Iused Ito Irefer Ito Ia Icluster Iof Iobservable Isymptoms, Iand I(b) Ithe Isymptoms Iare Ithe
Iobservable Iinstances I(of Ibehaviour) Iwhich Iare Iused Ito Imeasure I(e.g. Iindicate Ithe Iseverity)
Iof Ithe Idisorder.
Alternative I1 Iis Iincorrect Ibecause Ione Irequires Imanifest, Inot Ilatent Ivariables Ifor
Alternative I3 Iis Ialso Iincorrect Ibecause Ia Imodel Iis Inot Ia Ivariable, Ibut Ia Itheory Iof Ithe
relationship Ibetween I‘referents’ I(or Ihypothetical Ientities).
Use Ithe Ifollowing Iscenario Ito Ianswer IQuestions I3 Ito I5
"Acute Istress Idisorder Iamong Ipatients Iwho Isuffer Ifrom Ithis Idisorder Ican Ibe Iexplained Iin Iterms Iof Ihow
Ithe Iintensity Iof Istress Iis Iaffected Iby Ipersonality Ifactors, Iby Ithe Inature Iof Ithe Istressors Iwhich Ithey
Iexperience, Iand Iby Ithe Isupport Ithey Iexperience Iin Itheir Isocial Isystem. IMy Iresearch Iwill Iinvestigate
Iwhether Ithe Ilevel Iof Ianxiety Iof Ithese Ipatients Ican Ibe Ireduced Iby Iproviding Isocial Isupport Ithrough
Igroup Itherapy. IMore Ispecifically, Ipatients Ireceiving Igroup Itherapy Iare Iexpected Ito Iscore Ilower Ion Ithe
IManifest IAnxiety IScale Ithan Ipatients Inot Ireceiving Itherapy"
Question I3
"Acute Istress Idisorder Iamong Ipatients Iwho Isuffer Ifrom Ithis Idisorder Ican Ibe Iexplained Iin Iterms Iof
Ihow Ithe Iintensity Iof Istress Iis Iaffected Iby Ipersonality Ifactors, Iby Ithe Inature Iof Ithe Istressors Iwhich
Ithey Iexperience, Iand Iby Ithe Isupport Ithey Iexperience Iin Itheir Isocial Isystem” Iis Ia(n) I- I- I- I--
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3 PYC3704 Psychological Research
1. hypothesis
2. theory
3. operational Idefinition
Answer: IThe Icorrect Ioption Iis I2
Question I4
The Idependent Ivariable(s) Iin Imy Iresearch Iis/are I- I- I- I- I-
1. personality Ifactors, Inature Iof Istressors, Isupport Ireceived
2. whether Ior Inot Igroup Itherapy Iis Ireceived
3. level Iof Ianxiety Iexperienced Iby Ipatients
Answer: IThe Icorrect Ioption Iis I3
In Ithe Ihypothesis Iit Iis Iindicated Ithe Ilevel Ior Iintensity Iof Ianxiety Iexperienced I‘depends’ Ion Iother
Ivariables Isuch Ias Ipersonality Ifactors, Ithe Inature Iof Ithe Istressors Iand Isupport Iexperienced Iin Ithe
Isocial Isystem, Ishowing Ithat Iit Ifunctions Ias Ia Idependent Ior IY-variable Iwhich Iis Ito Ibe Ipredicted Ior
Iexplained Iin Ithe Istudy.
[The Idependent Ivariable Iis Iusually Ithe Ione Ithat Ithe Iresearcher Iis Iinterested Iin, Ithe Ivariable Ithat Iis
Ithe Ifocus Iof I the Iresearch. IThe Iindependent Ivariable Iis Isomething Ithat Ithe Iresearcher Imanipulates,
Ito Isee Ihow Ithis Iaffects Ithe Idependent Ivariable I(in Iother Iwords, Ithe Idependent Ivariable Iis
Idependent Ion Ithe Iindependent Ivariable).]
Question I5
When Iinterpreting Ithe Iresults Iof Ithis Iresearch II Iwill Iassume Ithat Ipersonality Ifactors Iand Ithe Inature Iof
Ithe Istressors I- I- I- I- I-
1. do Iaffect Ilevel Iof Ianxiety, Ibut Itheir Ieffects Imore Ior Iless Icancel Iout Iover Iall Imy Ipatients Iin Ithe
Iresearch Isample
2. do Inot Iaffect Ilevel Iof Ianxiety
3. do Iaffect Ilevel Iof Ianxiety, Ibut Iaccording Ito Ithe Icentral Ilimit Itheorem Itheir Iaverage Ieffect Iwill
Ibe Izero
Answer: IThe Icorrect Ioption Iis I1
Alternative I1 Iis Icorrect Ibecause Iit Iis Iobvious Ithat Ithe Itype Iof Istressor Imay Ihave Ian Ieffect
Ion Ithe Ilevel Iof Ianxiety Iexperienced, Ibut Iif Ian Iunbiased I(e.g. Irandom) Isample Iis Iselected
Ifrom Ithe Ipopulation, Ithe Iinfluence Iof Ithe Itype Iof Istressor Iwill Ibe Iaveraged Iover Ithe
Alternative I2 Iis Iincorrect Ibecause Ithere Iare Ino Igrounds Ifor Iassuming Ithat Ithe Itype Iof
Istressor Iwill Inot Iaffect Ianxiety.
Alternative I3 Iis Ialso Iincorrect Ibecause Ithe Icentral Ilimit Itheory Iis Inot Iapplicable Ihere I(it
Irefers Ito Ithe Inature Iof Ithe Isampling Idistributions Iof Isampling Istatistics Iand Inot Ito Ithe
Ivalue Iof Ispecific Ivariables).
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