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i(Version 1 to Version 7) HESI EXIT RN Exam V1-V7,
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2020/2021 i
i i i i i i i i
i(Version 1 to Version 7) HESI EXIT RN Exam V1-V7,
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2020/2021 i
1. Following idischarge iteaching, ia imale iclient iwith iduodenal iulcer itells ithe inurse ithe ihe iwill
idrink iplenty iof idairy iproducts, isuch i as i milk, ito ihelp icoat iand i protect ihis iulcer. i What i is ithe
ibest i follow-up iaction i by ithe i nurse?
Review iwith ithe iclient ithe ineed ito iavoid ifoods ithat iare irich iin imilk iand icream
2. A imale iclient iwith ihypertension, iwho ireceived inew iantihypertensive iprescriptions iat ihis
i last ivisit ireturns ito ithe iclinic itwo iweeks i later ito ievaluate ihis iblood ipressure i(BP). iHis iBP
iis i158/106 iand ihe iadmits ithat ihe i has i not ibeen itaking ithe iprescribed i medication ibecause
ithe idrugs i make ihim i “feel i bad”. iIn iexplaining ithe i need i for ihypertension icontrol, ithe inurse
ishould istress ithat ian ielevated iBP iplaces ithe iclient iat irisk i for iwhich ipathophysiological
Stroke isecondary ito ihemorrhage
3. The inurse iobserves ian iunlicensed iassistive ipersonnel i(UAP) ipositioning ia inewly
iadmitted iclient iwho ihas ia iseizure idisorder. iThe iclient i is i supine iand ithe iUAP i is iplacing
isoft ipillows ialong ithe iside irails. i What iaction i should ithe inurse i implement?
Instruct ithe iUAP ito iobtain isoft iblankets ito isecure ito ithe iside irails iinstead iof
ip illows.
4. An iadolescent iwith imajor idepressive idisorder ihas ibeen itaking iduloxetine i(Cymbalta) ifor
it he ipast i12 idays. iWhich iassessment i finding irequires i immediate i follow-up?
Describes ilife iwithout ipurpose
5. A i60-year-old ifemale iclient iwith ia ipositive ifamily ihistory iof iovarian icancer ihas
ideveloped ian iabdominal i mass iand i is i being ievaluated i for ipossible iovarian icancer. iHer
iPapanicolau i(Pap) ismear iresults iare inegative. i What iinformation ishould ithe inurse i include
iin ithe iclient’s iteaching iplan?
Further ievaluation iinvolving isurgery imay ibe ineeded
6. A iclient iwho irecently iunderwear ia itracheostomy iis ibeing iprepared ifor idischarge ito ihome.
iWhich i instructions i is i most i important ifor ithe inurse ito i include i in ithe idischarge iplan?
Teach itracheal isuctioning itechniques
7. In iassessing ian iadult iclient iwith ia ipartial irebreather imask, ithe inurse inotes ithat ithe ioxygen
ireservoir i bag idoes inot ideflate icompletely iduring i inspiration iand ithe iclient’s irespiratory
irate iis i14 ibreaths i/ i minute. iWhat iaction ishould ithe i nurse i implement?
Document ithe iassessment idata
Rational: ireservoir ibag ishould inot ideflate icompletely iduring iinspiration iand ithe
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ic lient’s irespiratory irate i is iwithin i normal i limits.
8. During ishift ireport, ithe icentral ielectrocardiogram i(EKG) imonitoring isystem ialarms.
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Which iclient ialarm ishould ithe inurse iinvestigate ifirs?
Respiratory iapnea iof i30 iseconds
9. During ia ihome ivisit, ithe inurse iobserved ian ielderly iclient iwith idiabetes islip iand ifall. iWhat
iaction ishould ithe i nurse itake ifirst?
Check ithe iclient ifor ilacerations ior ifractures
10. At i0600 iwhile iadmitting ia iwoman ifor ia ischedule irepeat icesarean isection i(C-Section), ithe
ic lient itells ithe inurse ithat ishe idrank ia icup ia icoffee iat i0400 ibecause ishe iwanted ito iavoid
igetting ia i headache. i Which iaction i should ithe i nurse i take ifirst?
Inform ithe ianesthesia icare iprovider
11. After iplacing ia istethoscope ias iseen iin ithe ipicture, ithe inurse iauscultates iS1 iand iS2 iheart
isounds. iTo idetermine i if ian iS3 iheart isound i is ipresent, iwhat iaction i should ithe i nurse itake
Listen iwith ithe ibell iat ithe isame ilocation
12. A i66-year-old iwoman iis iretiring iand iwill ino ilonger ihave ia ihealth iinsurance ithrough iher
ip lace iof iemployment. iWhich iagency i should ithe iclient ibe ireferred ito iby ithe iemployee
ihealth i nurse i for ihealth i insurance ineeds?
13. A iclient iwho iis itaking ian ioral idose iof ia itetracycline icomplains iof igastrointestinal iupset.
iWhat isnack ishould ithe i nurse i instruct ithe iclient ito itake iwith ithe itetracycline?
Toasted iwheat ibread iand ijelly
14. Following ia ilumbar ipuncture, ia iclient ivoices iseveral icomplaints. iWhat icomplaint
iindicated ito ithe inurse ithat ithe iclient i is iexperiencing ia icomplication?
“I ihave ia iheadache ithat igets iworse iwhen iI isit iup”
“I iam ihaving ipain iin imy ilower iback iwhen iI imove imy ilegs”
“My ithroat ihurts iwhen iI iswallow”
“I ifeel isick ito imy istomach iand iam igoing ito ithrow iup”
15. An ielderly iclient iseems iconfused iand ireports ithe ionset iof inausea, idysuria, iand iurgency
iw ith i incontinence. i Which iaction ishould ithe i nurse i implement?
Obtain ia iclean icatch imid-stream ispecimen
16. The inurse iis iassisting ithe imother iof ia ichild iwith iphenylketonuria i(PKU) ito iselect ifoods
ithat iare iin ikeeping iwith ithe ichild’s idietary irestrictions. iWhich i foods iare icontraindicated
ifor ithis ichild?
Foods isweetened iwith iaspartame
17. Before ipreparing ia iclient ifor ithe ifirst isurgical icase iof ithe iday, ia ipart-time iscrub inurse
iasks ithe icirculating i nurse i if ia i3 i minute isurgical i hand iscrub i is iadequate ipreparation i for
it his iclient. iWhich iresponse ishould ithe icirculating i nurse iprovide?
Direct ithe inurse ito icontinue ithe isurgical ihand iscrub ifor ia i5 iminute iduration
18. Which ibreakfast iselection iindicates ithat ithe iclient iunderstands ithe inurse’s iinstructions
iabout ithe idietary imanagement iof iosteoporosis?
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Bagel iwith ijelly iand iskim imilk
19. The icharge inurse iof ia icritical icare iunit iis iinformed iat ithe ibeginning iof ithe ishift ithat iless
ithan ithe ioptimal i number iof iregistered inurses iwill i be iworking ithat ishift. iIn iplanning
iassignments, iwhich iclient ishould ireceive ithe i most icare ihours iby ia iregistered inurse i(RN)?
An i82-year-old iclient iwith iAlzheimer’s idisease inewly-fractures ifemur iwho ihas ia
iFoley icatheter iand i soft iwrist irestrains iapplied
20. A imother ibrings iher i6-year-old ichild, iwho ihas ijust istepped ion ia irusty inail, ito ithe
ipediatrician’s ioffice. iUpon i inspection, ithe inurse i notes ithat ithe i nail iwent ithrough ithe ishoe
iand ipierced ithe ibottom iof ithe ichild’s i foot. iWhich iaction ishould ithe inurse i implement i first?
Cleanse ithe ifoot iwith isoap iand iwater iand iapply ian iantibiotic iointment
Provide iteaching iabout ithe ineed ifor ia itetanus ibooster iwithin ithe inext i72 ihours.
have ithe imother icheck ithe ichild's itemperature iq4h ifor ithe inext i24 ihours
transfer ithe ichild ito ithe iemergency idepartment ito ireceive ia igamma iglobulin
21. The imother iof ian iadolescent itells ithe iclinic inurse, i“My ison ihas iathlete’s ifoot, iI ihave ibeen
iapplying itriple iantibiotic iointment i for itwo idays, ibut ithere ihas ibeen i no i improvement.”
iWhat i instruction ishould ithe i nurse iprovide?
Stop iusing ithe iointment iand iencourage icomplete idrying iof ithe ifeet iand iwearing
ic lean isocks.
22. A i26-year-old ifemale iclient iis iadmitted ito ithe ihospital ifor itreatment iof ia isimple igoiter,
iand i levothyroxine isodium i(Synthroid) i is iprescribed. iWhich isymptoms i indicate ito ithe
inurse ithat ithe iprescribed idosage i is itoo ihigh i for ithis iclient? i The iclient iexperiences
Bradycardia iand iconstipation
Lethargy iand ilack iof iappetite
Muscle icramping iand idry, iflushed iskin
Palpitations iand ishortness iof ibreath
23. A iclient iwith ia ihistory iof iheart ifailure ipresents ito ithe iclinic iwith ia inausea, ivomiting,
i yellow i vision iand ipalpitations. iWhich i finding i is i most iimportant ifor ithe inurse ito iassess ito
it he iclient?
Obtain ia ilist iof imedications itaken ifor icardiac ihistory
24. The ihealthcare iprovider iprescribes ian iIV isolution iof iisoproterenol i(Isuprel) i1 img iin i250
i ml iof iD5W iat i300 i mcg/hour. iThe inurse ishould iprogram ithe i infusion ipump ito ideliver i how
imany iml/hour? i (Enter inumeric ivalue ionly.)
Rationale: iConvert img ito imcg iand iuse ithe iformula iD/H ix iQ. i300 imcg/hour i/
i1,000 imcg i x i250 i ml i= i3/1 ix i25 i= i75 i ml/hour
25. The ipathophysiological imechanism iare iresponsible ifor iascites irelated ito iliver ifailure?
i(Select iall ithat iapply)
Fluid ishifts ifrom iintravascular ito iinterstitial iarea idue ito idecreased iserum iprotein
Increased ihydrostatic ipressure iin iportal icirculation iincreases ifluid ishifts iinto
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