, HRM3702/201/2/2019
The answers to the questions in Assignment 01 are given below.
Question 1
Which of the following acts or association promotes the prevention of occupational accidents and
diseases and eliminates their causes and their results or consequences in commerce and industry?
1 National Occupational Safety Association of South Africa
2 Mine Health and Safety Act 29 of 1996, as amended
3 Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993 (OHSA), as amended
4 Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Disease Act 130 of 1933
The correct answer is option 1. Refer to pages 41 to 44 of the study guide.
The National Occupational Safety Association of South Africa (NOSA) (option 1) is an organisation
that plays an important role in the promotion of health and safety in South African workplaces. The Mine
Health and Safety Act 29 of 1996, as amended (option 2) provides for the health and safety of all
people involved in the mining industry. It regulates the reporting of incidents (events or occurrences) and
accidents in the workplace, and the appointment of representatives and committees to monitor health
and safety in the workplace. The Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993 (OHSA), as
amended (option 3) provides for: (1) the health and safety of persons at work and of persons in
connection with the use of plant and machinery; (2) the protection of other persons against hazards to
health and safety caused by the activities of persons at work; and (3) the establishment of an advisory
council for occupational health and safety. The Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Disease
Act 130 of 1933 (option 4) helps to safeguard employees when they are injured and to make sure that
employers support their compensation by paying their tariffs.
Question 2
Once a month, management and health and safety representatives hold a health and safety meeting. One
of the objectives of this meeting is to remind representatives of their duties. Which ONE of the following
options is NOT a duty of a health and safety representative?
1. Participate in consultation with inspectors at the workplace and accompany them on
2. Review the effectiveness of health and safety measures
3. Inform the workforce of workplace hazards
4. Identify potential hazards and potential major incidents at the workplace
The correct answer is option 3. Refer to pages 42 and 43 of the study guide.
Every employer must provide and maintain a safe working environment without risk to the health
of employees and others, and inform the staff of workplace hazards (option 3). Options 1, 2, and 4
relate to the duties of a health and safety representative.
, HRM3702/201/2/2019
Question 3
Maya Soni, from India was presenting the latest financial statements to the CEO when she
mispronounced the word “capital”. Tom Jones, one of the spectators began to giggle at Maya and said in
an undertone “that is perfect chinglish”. Maya felt embarrassed and wrapped up her presentation. Which
of the following types of harassment is taking place?
1. sexual harassment
2. ethnic harassment
3. gender harassment
4. quid pro quo harassment
The correct answer is option 2. Refer to pages 34 and 35 of the study guide and the section
entitled “Working conditions” in the e-reserves.
Sexual harassment (option 1) refers to unwanted sexual attention and coercion. The unwanted nature
of sexual harassment distinguishes it from behaviour that is welcome and mutual. Sexual harassment
is targeted at a specific person and it results in psychological and physiological harm to victims
(e.g. victims experience depression, nervousness, frustration and hypertension), which in turn leads to
decreased productivity and increased absenteeism.
Ethnic harassment (option 2): The population of a typical workplace, like the population of many
countries, has become increasingly diverse. As organisations employ more people of various racial
and ethnic groups, incidents of ethnic harassment are on the rise. Ethnic harassment is an obvious
source of stress. It may manifest at work as slurs or derogatory comments about a person’s racial or
ethnic group and may result in the exclusion of the person from work groups or social activities.
Gender harassment (option 3) refers to behaviour that reflects an insulting, hostile and degrading
attitude towards a person. Individuals at all levels of an organisation may face harassment on the job,
ranging from suggestive remarks and obscene jokes to threats of job loss and physical assaults.
Gender harassment can lead to physical ailments as well as psychological problems. It also has a
negative effect on job satisfaction and productivity.
Quid pro quo harassment (option 4) is a form of sexual harassment that occurs when submission to or
rejection of sexual conduct is used as a basis for employment decisions.
Question 4
Sandy is a psychometrist and is conducting psychometric tests for the position of health and safety
officer. One of the criteria for the post is to determine the emotional stability and motor skills of
candidates to ensure the most suitable candidate is selected for the job. In which of the following
activities is Sandy involved in terms of promoting health and safety in her organisation:
1. top management commitment
2. selection and placement
3. publicity
4. training
, HRM3702/201/2/2019
The correct answer is option 2. Refer to the section entitled “Promoting safety in the workplace”
in the e-reserves.
Sandy is involved in selection and placement (option 2): Employees with certain personal
characteristics or traits can increase the risk of accidents in specific jobs. Employers may use tests to
determine emotional stability and reliability, to measure muscular coordination (motor skills) and to test
visual skills. These test results can then help employers to place employees in jobs that suit them best.
Top management commitment (option 1): Responsibility for safety starts at the top and, therefore,
successful safety programmes require strong support from management. Top management must
become personally involved in safety activities on a regular basis. They must give safety matters high
priority at company meetings, the company safety officer must hold a high rank or position, and he or
she must be respected within the organisation.
Publicity (option 3): Safety posters can be combined with other techniques to reduce the occurrence
of unsafe behaviour. They serve as a visual reminder that safety rules must be obeyed. These posters
should, however, be changed often to keep employees’ interest and attention.
Training (option 4): Safety training is especially important for new employees, but current employees
should attend regular refresher training courses as well. Specialist safety organisations provide such
training. First-aid training for specific employees is also an important element of a safe working
environment. The first-aid provider at the workplace is someone who is trained in the delivery of initial
medical emergency procedures and the use of a limited amount of equipment to perform a primary
assessment and intervention while awaiting the arrival of emergency medical service personnel.
Question 5
40% of employees in the auditing department are married women with young children. They have
requested Shelly to look into an arrangement that would allow them to work from home as their jobs do
not require them to be present at the office.
Which of the following appropriate forms of virtual work arrangements should Shelly consider?
1. cyberlink
2. frontline
3. telecommuting
4. netlink
The correct answer is option 3. Refer to page 33 of the study guide.
There are three forms of virtual work arrangement. Firstly, telecommuting (Option 3) is known as work
carried out in a location, for example a home, that is remote from the central offices and where the
worker has no personal contact with co-workers but is able to communicate with them by electronic
means. Cyberlink (Option 1) involves teams of people (employees, customers, suppliers) who are linked
to the same process in a virtual team but work face-to-face and in cyberspace to realise a product or
service goal. Frontline (Option 2) involves people who work away from the office, most frequently at a
customer’s site. Netlink (Option 4) does not form part of the virtual work arrangement.