Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing
8th edition by Videbeck Test Bank
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Psychiatric-Mental iHealth iNursing i8th iedition iby iVidebeck iTest iBank
Chapter i1
1. The inurse iis iassessing ithe ifactors icontributing ito ithe iwell-being iof ia inewly iadmitted
iclient. iWhich iof ithe ifollowing iwould ithe inurse iidentify ias ihaving ia ipositive iimpact ion
ithe iindividual's imental ihealth?
A) Not ineeding iothers ifor icompanionship
B) The iability ito ieffectively imanage istress
C) A ifamily ihistory iof imental iillness
D) Striving ifor itotal iself-reliance
iAns: i B
Individual ifactors iinfluencing imental ihealth iinclude ibiologic imakeup, iautonomy,
iindependence, iself-esteem, icapacity ifor igrowth, ivitality, iability ito ifind imeaning iin ilife,
iemotional iresilience ior ihardiness, isense iof ibelonging, ireality iorientation, iand icoping ior
istress imanagement iabilities. i Interpersonal ifactors isuch ias iintimacy iand ia ibalance iof
iseparateness iand iconnectedness iare iboth ineeded ifor igood imental ihealth, iand itherefore ia
ihealthy iperson iwould ineed iothers ifor icompanionship. iA ifamily ihistory iof imental iillness
icould irelate ito ithe ibiologic imakeup iof ian iindividual, iwhich imay ihave ia inegative iimpact
ion ian iindividual's imental ihealth, ias iwell ias ia inegative iimpact ion ian iindividual's
iinterpersonal iand isocialñcultural ifactors iof ihealth. iTotal iself-reliance iis inot ipossible,
iand ia ipositive isocial/cultural ifactor iis iaccess ito iadequate iresources.
2. Which iof ithe ifollowing istatements iabout imental iillness iare itrue? iSelect iall ithat iapply.
A) Mental iillness ican icause isignificant idistress, iimpaired ifunctioning, ior iboth.
B) Mental iillness iis ionly idue ito isocial/cultural ifactors.
C) Social/cultural ifactors ithat irelate ito imental iillness iinclude iexcessive idependency
ion ior iwithdrawal ifrom irelationships.
D) Individuals isuffering ifrom imental iillness iare iusually iable ito icope ieffectively iwith
idaily ilife.
E) Individuals isuffering ifrom imental iillness imay iexperience idissatisfaction iwith
irelationships iand iself.
Ans: i A, iD, iE
Mental iillness ican icause isignificant idistress, iimpaired ifunctioning, ior iboth. iMental
iillness imay ibe irelated ito iindividual, iinterpersonal, ior isocial/cultural ifactors. iExcessive
idependency ion ior iwithdrawal ifrom irelationships iare iinterpersonal ifactors ithat irelate ito
imental iillness. iIndividuals isuffering ifrom imental iillness ican ifeel ioverwhelmed iwith
idaily ilife. i Individuals isuffering ifrom imental iillness imay iexperience idissatisfaction iwith
irelationships iand iself.
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3. Which iof ithe ifollowing iare itrue iregarding imental ihealth iand imental iillness?
A) Behavior ithat imay ibe iviewed ias iacceptable iin ione iculture iis ialways iunacceptable
iin iother icultures.
B) It iis ieasy ito idetermine iif ia iperson iis imentally ihealthy ior imentally iill.
C) In imost icases, imental ihealth iis ia istate iof iemotional, ipsychological, iand isocial
iwellness ievidenced iby isatisfying iinterpersonal irelationships, ieffective ibehavior
iand icoping, ipositive iself-concept, iand iemotional istability.
D) Persons iwho iengage iin ifantasies iare imentally iill.
iAns: i C
What ione isociety imay iview ias iacceptable iand iappropriate ibehavior, ianother isociety imay
isee ithat ias imaladaptive, iand iinappropriate. iMental ihealth iand imental iillness iare idifficult
ito idefine iprecisely. i In imost icases, imental ihealth iis ia istate iof iemotional, ipsychological,
iand isocial iwellness ievidenced iby isatisfying iinterpersonal irelationships, ieffective
ibehavior iand icoping, ipositive iself-concept, iand iemotional istability. iPersons iwho iengage
iin ifantasies imay ibe imentally ihealthy, ibut ithe iinability ito idistinguish ireality i from ifantasy
iis ian iindividual ifactor ithat imay icontribute ito imental iillness.
4. A iclient igrieving ithe irecent iloss iof iher ihusband iasks iif ishe iis ibecoming imentally iill
ibecause ishe iis iso isad. iThe inurse's ibest iresponse iwould ibe,
A) ìYou imay ihave ia itemporary imental iillness ibecause iyou iare iexperiencing iso imuch
B) ìYou iare inot imentally iill. iThis iis ian iexpected ireaction ito ithe iloss iyou ihave
C) ìWere iyou igenerally idissatisfied iwith iyour irelationship ibefore iyour ihusband's
D) ìTry inot ito iworry iabout ithat iright inow. iYou inever iknow iwhat ithe ifuture ibrings.î
iAns: i B
Mental iillness iincludes igeneral idissatisfaction iwith iself, iineffective irelationships,
iineffective icoping, iand ilack iof ipersonal igrowth. iAdditionally ithe ibehavior imust inot ibe
iculturally iexpected. iAcute igrief ireactions iare iexpected iand itherefore inot iconsidered
imental iillness. iFalse ireassurance ior ioveranalysis idoes inot iaccurately iaddress ithe iclient's
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5. The inurse iconsults ithe iDSM ifor iwhich iof ithe ifollowing ipurposes?
A) To idevise ia iplan iof icare ifor ia inewly iadmitted iclient
B) To ipredict ithe iclient's iprognosis iof itreatment ioutcomes
C) To idocument ithe iappropriate idiagnostic icode iin ithe iclient's imedical irecord
D) To iserve ias ia iguide ifor iclient iassessment
iAns: i D
The iDSM iprovides istandard inomenclature, ipresents idefining icharacteristics, iand
iidentifies iunderlying icauses iof imental idisorders. i It idoes inot iprovide icare iplans ior
iprognostic ioutcomes iof itreatment. iDiagnosis iof imental iillness iis inot iwithin ithe
igeneralist iRN's iscope iof ipractice, iso idocumenting ithe icode iin ithe imedical irecord iwould
ibe iinappropriate.
6. Which iwould ibe ia ireason ifor ia istudent inurse ito iuse ithe iDSM?
A) Identifying ithe imedical idiagnosis
B) Treat iclients
C) Evaluate itreatments
D) Understand ithe ireason ifor ithe iadmission iand ithe inature iof ipsychiatric iillnesses.
iAns: i D
Although istudent inurses ido inot iuse ithe iDSM ito idiagnose iclients, ithey iwill ifind iit ia
ihelpful iresource ito iunderstand ithe ireason ifor ithe iadmission iand ito ibegin ibuilding
iknowledge iabout ithe inature iof ipsychiatric iillnesses. iIdentifying ithe imedical idiagnosis,
itreating, iand ievaluating itreatments iare inot ia ipart iof ithe inursing iprocess.
7. The ilegislation ienacted iin i1963 iwas ilargely iresponsible ifor iwhich iof ithe ifollowing ishifts
iin icare ifor ithe imentally iill?
A) The iwidespread iuse iof icommunity-based iservices
B) The iadvancement iin ipharmacotherapies
C) Increased iaccess ito ihospitalization
D) Improved irights ifor iclients iin ilong-term iinstitutional icare
iAns: i A
The iCommunity iMental iHealth iCenters iConstruction iAct iof i1963 iaccomplished ithe
irelease iof iindividuals ifrom ilong-term istays iin istate iinstitutions, ithe idecrease iin
iadmissions ito ihospitals, iand ithe idevelopment iof icommunity-based iservices ias ian
ialternative ito ihospital icare.
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