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Predictor Exam 2021 Questions with Answers

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Predictor Exam 2021 Questions with Answers

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  • February 14, 2022
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  • 2021/2022
  • Exam (elaborations)
  • Questions & answers
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1) A i15 iyears iold ihigh ischool istudent iwith ia imild isore ithroat iand ilow-grade ifever ithat ihas
ipersisted ifor iabout i3 iweeks. iShe ireports igeneral i malaise, ifatigue, iand i loss iof iappetite. iThe iNP

isuspects i mononucleosis. iWhich iof ithe ifollowing i is i the iLEAST iappropriate iintervention?

a. Palpate ithe ilymph inodes iand ispleen
b. Examine ithe iposterior ioropharynx ifor ipetechiae
c. Obtain ia iCBC, ithroat iculture, iand iheterophil iantibody itest.
id. Obtain ian iurinalyses iand iserum ifor iLFTs iand iamylase

Explanation: imononucleosis iis ia isymptomatic iinfection icaused iby ithe iEpstein-Bar ivirus.
iCommon i is ipeople i15-24 i years iof iage. i Common isigns iand isymptoms i following i incubation

iperiod i(1-2 imonths) i include i fatigue, ichills, i malaise, ianorexia, iwhite itonsillar iexudates iand

i lymphadenopathy ior iposterior icervical iregion. iSplenomegaly ican ibe ipresent. iA i maculopapular ior

io ccasionally ia ipetechial irash ioccurs i in i less ithan i15% iof ipatients. iA idiagnosis i is iusually i made

iusing ithe iMonospot. iIn iaddition, ineutropenia iand i lymphocytosis iare iusually idetected iin ithe iCBC.

2) A i32 iyears iold imale ipatient icomplaint iof iurinary ifrequency iand iburning ion iurination ifor i3
idays. iUrinalyses ireveals i bacteriuria iand ipositive initrites. iHe idenies iany ipast ihx. iOf iurinary itract

iinfections. iThe i initial itreatment ishould i be:

a. trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole i(Bactrim, iSulfatrim) ifor i7-10 iday
b. ciprofloxacin i(Cipro) ifor i3-5 idays
c. Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole ifor i3 idays
d. 750 img iciprofloxacin ias ia ione-time idose

Explanation: itrimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole i(TMPS) iis iusually in iappropriate imedication itoitreat
iurinary itract iinfections i in i most ipatients. i In ithe icase iof icommunity iresistance ito iTMPS

>20%^, ianother imedication ishould ibe isubstituted. iIn imen, ithe iappropriate ilength iof itime iis i7-10
idays. iWomen i may i be itreated ifor i3 idays i for iuncomplicated iUTI

3) Which iagent iis imost ieffective ifor ithe itreatment iof inodulocystic iacne?
a. Benzoyl iperoxide i(Benzac)
b. Retinoic iacid i(RetiniA)
c. Topical itetracycline
id. Isotretinoin)

Explanation: iIsotretinoin i(Accutane) iis ia isystemic iagent iindicated ifor itreatment iwith isevere
i inflammatory iacne. iGuidelines i for i its iuse i must ibe iclearly iunderstood iby ithe ipatient. iA iwoman iof

ichildbearing iage i must iuse ian ieffective i method iof icontraception i because i isotretinoin i is

iteratogenic. iThere iare imany irestrictions i in iprescribing ithis i medication i because iof ithe iteratogenic

ie ffects i is igiven iduring ipregnancy. iTherefore, iit i is ia i pregnancy icategory iX.

4) An i18 iy/o iwoman iis itaking ia icombined ihormonal ioral icontraceptive. iShe ishould ibe
iinstructed ito iuse ia ibackup i method ifor ithe iprevention iof ipregnancy

a. Throughout ithe iweek iof iplacebo ipills
b. If iprescribed itopiramate i(Topamax) ifor ithe itreatment iof imigraines.


,c. If iprescribed iamoxicillin/clavulanate i(Augmentin) ifor ia isinus iinfection
d. if ishe iforgets ito itake ia isingle idose iof ithe icontraceptive

Explanation: iAnticonvulsant iincluding iphenytoin i(Dilantin), icarbamazepine i(Tegretol),
iprimidone i(Mysoline), itopiramate i(Topamax) iand i oxcarbazepine i(Trileptal) ireduce ithe

ieffectiveness iof icontraceptives. iDepo-medroxyprogesterone iacetate i injections ior ilevonorgestrel-

ireleasing i intrauterine idevices iwould i be ia i better imethod iof icontraceptive i for ipatients itaking

ianticonvulsants. iMost icommonly iused iantibiotics i have inot ibeen iproven ito ireduce ithe

ieffectiveness iof icontraceptives. iRifampin i is ian iexception, iand iadditional i…. iBe iused i by iwomen

it aking ithis idrug iand iusing ioral icontraceptives, itransdermal, ior ivaginal iring ipreparations.

Additional ibackup icontraception ishould ibe iused iif itaking iantifungal iagents. iNo iadditional
iprotection i is i needed ithought ithe iweek iof iplacebo ipills. iMissing ione isingle idose iof icontraceptive

idoes inot irequire iadditional iprotection, i missing i more ithan ione idoses idoes.

5) A i44 iyears iold ifemale ipatient ihas idiabetes. iHer itotal icholesterol i(TC) iis i250 img/dl i(6.5
i mmol/L), iLDL= i190 i mg/dL i(4.94 i mmol/L), iHDL= i25 i mg/dL i(65 i mmol/L), iand itriglycerides=

i344 img/dL i(8.94 i mmol/L). iWhat iagent ihave ithe igreatest ieffect ion i improving iher i lipid iprofile iand

ireducing i morbidity iand i mortality iassociates iwith idyslipidemia?

a. Niacin i(Niaspan)
ib. Atorvastatin
c. Omega i3 ifatty iacids
d. Fenofibrates
Explanation: iFirst iand iforemost, iit iis iessential ito ieducate iindividuals ion ia iheart-healthy
i lifestyle. iLDL-C i is ione iof ithe i major iculprits i in ithe idevelopment iof iatherosclerotic i heart idisease.

iThe itarget ilevel iof iLDL-C i is i between i50 ito i70mg/dl ito iprevent iplaque i formation i in ithe i blood

ivessels. iGuidelines istrongly irecommend istatin itherapy i because ithey iprimarily i lower iLDL-C

i levels, i but ithey ialso i have ithe isecondary ieffects iof i lowering itriglyceride iand i increasing iHDL-C

i levels.

6) A i30 iyears iold ifemale icomes iinto ia iclinic iwith iclassic isigns iand isymptoms iof iappendicitis.
iThe iNP i fails ito irefer ithe ipatient ito ia isurgeon. iThe iappendix iruptures iand ithe iwoman idie. iThis i is

ian iexample iof

a. Failure iof idiligence
b. Professional iliability
c. Negligence
id. Malpractice

Explanation: imalpractice, ia inegligence itort, ioccurs iwhen ia ihealth icare iprofessional’s iactions ifall
bellow ithe iappropriate istandard iof icare iand ihurts ithe ipatient. iIn ithis icase ithe ipatient icame iwith
isings iand isymptoms i indicating iappendicitis iand ithe iNP ifailed ito irefer ithe ipatient..

7) A iNP ihas irecently ibeen ihired ito iwork iin ia ifast itrack ifacility. iThe iNP iemployer iasked iif
ishe i has i “a iproblem iprescribing i medications i for iemergency icontraception.” iThe iNP ireplies

iaffirmatively. iThis i is:

a. Grounds ifor idismissal
b. An iethical idilemma ifor ithe iNP


,c. Illegal iaccording ito ithe istandards iof inursing
d. Patient iabandonment.
Explanation: iin ithis iinstance, ithe iNP ihas ia idifference iof iopinion iwith iher iemployer ibased ion iher
ireligious ior imoral i belief iabout iproviding iemergency icontraception. iThis isituation i is ian iexample

iof ian iethical idilemma. iFailure ito iparticipate i in ithe i provision iof icare ito ithe ipatient ibased ion ithe

iNP’s i beliefs i is ineither iagainst ithe i law i nor ia iviolation iof ithe istandards iof ipractice

8) A ipatient ipresents iwith ipruritic ilesions ion iboth iknees. iThere iare ivisible isilver iscales. iHow
iShould ithis icondition i be i managed?

a. Topical iantifungal icream ior iointment
b. Oral iantibiotics
c. Topical icorticosteroids icream
d. Topical ianti-fungal/ isteroid icream

Explanation: iPsoriasis iis icharacterized iby ierythematous ipapules, ias iwell ias iitchy, ired, iprecisely
idefined iplaques iwith isilvery iscales. i Auspitz isings i is ianother icommon i finding. iTopical iagents

icontaining itar iand isalicylic iacid imay ibe iused. iTopical isteroids, isuch ias ibetamethasone, i may ialso ibe


9) Antidepressant idiscontinuation isyndrome iis iless ilikely iif ithe ipatient
a. Is imale
b. Is iless ithan i35 iy/o
c. Has itaken ian iSSRI iwith ia ishort ihalf ilife
id. Gradually itapers iSSRI iuse

Explanation: iAntidepressant idiscontinuation isyndrome iis imost ioften iseen iin ithe iprimary icare
office iin iassociation iwith iSSRI idiscontinuation, ibecause iSSRIs iare ithe imost icommonly
iprescribed iclass iof iantidepressant i medications. iInterruption iof itreatment iwith ian ianti-depressant

imedication i is isometimes iassociated iwith ian iantidepressant idiscontinuation i syndrome; i in iearly

ireports i it iwas ireferred ito ias ia i“withdrawal ireaction. iSymptoms iof iantidepressant idiscontinuation

isyndrome ican i include i flu-like isymptoms, i insomnia, inausea, i imbalance, isensory idisturbances,

iand i hyperarousal. iTapering i is irecommended i by iexperts.

10) Patient iwith ibenign iprostatic ihyperplasia i(BPH) ishould ibe itaught ito iavoid iwhich ione iof ithe
ifollowing idrug iclasses?

a. Alpha iadrenergic iantagonist
b. Anti-androgen iagents
c. Tricyclic iantidepressant i(TCA)
d. Sulfonamides
Explanation: itricyclic iantidepressant ishould inot ibe iused iby imen iwith ibenign iprostatic
ihyperplasia ibecause iof ithe i increased irisk iof iurinary iretention isecondary ito ithe ianticholigergic

ie ffects iof iTCAs.

11) Which iof ithe ifollowing iis ithe ibest iresponse ito ia iwoman iwho ihas ijust iadmitted ishe iis ia
ivictim iof ispousal iabuse?

a. What iwas iif iyou idid ito imake ihim iangry?


, b. You imust iseek irefuge iimmediately
ic. I iam iconcerned iabout iyour isafety
d. I iam igoing ito icall ia ishelter ifor iyou
Explanation: iThe ifirst istep iis ito iestablish itrust iin ithe itherapeutic irelationship. iwithout itrust ifuture
icollaboration, i intervention iand iclient ioutcome icannot ibe iaccomplished ito ifacilitate iappropriate

iand isafe ibehavior. iThe iexperience iof iabuse i is ia itraumatic ipsychological icrisis ithat i must ibe

iaddressed ias isuch. iThe ihealthcare iproviders i must iemphasize ithe i fact ithat ithe ivictim i has i not idone

ianything iwrong iand ithey i must ialso iemphasize ithe i fact ithat ithe ivictim's i life iand ithe i livesio f itheir

ichildren ican i be i in idanger i if ithe i abuse i is i not iaddressed. iIt i will i not i disappear i with ia i lack iof iaction.

iAn iorder iof iprotection iagainst ithe iperpetrator iis ioften irecommended.

12) For iwhich ipatient igroup idoes ithe iUS iPreventive iServices iTask iForce irecommend iroutine
iscreening i for iasymptomatic ibacteriuria

a. pregnant iwoman
b. Children
c. Patients iwith idiabetes
d. patients iover ithe iage iof i70
Explanation: ian iincreased iincidence iof ibacteriuria iis ifound iin iall ithe ipopulation ilisted. iHowever,
ibacteriuria i in ipregnant iwomen i increases ithe i mother…..Also i increased i is ithe irisk iof ia ipre-term

idelivery, iwhich ithen i increases iperinatal iand i fetal i morbidity iand i mortality. iThe irecommended

i it….

13) What idiabetic icomplications iresult ifrom ihyperglycemia?
1. Retinopathy
2. Hypertension iresistant ito itreatment
3. Peripheral ineuropathy
4. Accelerated iatherosclerosis
ia. 1,2,3
b. 2,3,4
c. 1,3,4
d. 1,2,4
explanation: iComplications iof iuntreated ior iuncontrolled ihyperglycemia iover ia iprolonged iperiod
io f itime i include:

Microvascular icomplications: iRetinopathy, iNephropathy, iNeuropathy
Macrovascular icomplications: iCoronary iartery idisease, iCerebrovascular idisease, iPeripheral
ivascular idisease

14) A i6 iy/o ipresents iw/ icomplaints iof isore ithroat iand ifever ifor i2 idays. iHe ihas imultiple
ivesiculated iulcerations ion ihis itonsils iand iuvula. iThere iare ino iother iremarkable i findings. iWhat iis

it he i most ilikely idiagnosis?

a. Viral ipharyngitis
ib. Herpangina
c. Epiglottitis
d. Tonsillitis


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