Tutorial Letter 203/0/2021
Research Methodology
Year module
Department of Psychology
This tutorial letter contains feedback on
Assignment 03
Bar code
, HMPYC80/203
Dear Students,
Part 1 of Assignment 3 involves an article review with the aid of the Research Review
Inventory (R.R.I) as provided in Resource Material 02 of Tutorial Letter 102. The 58 items
of the R.R.I. are used to review the following article:
Van der Walt, F. (2018). Workplace spirituality, work engagement and thriving at
work. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology/SA Tydskrif vir Bedryfsielkunde,
44(0), a1457.
URL web address: or
To prepare you for this task you were expected to do an example review in Learning
Activity 6 (pages 55 and 56 of Tutorial Letter 102). The answers to this example review
are provided in Tutorial Letter 104. Note that the Research Review Inventory is important
for Assignment 07 and 08 where you will produce a research proposal of an acceptable
standard, and then peer review various proposals with the Research Review Inventory.
Part 2 of Assignment 3 involves answering 15 questions from chapters 9, 10, 11, 12 and
13 of the prescribed textbook. The answers to the multiple-choice items for questions 59
to 73 are provided in the second section of this tutorial letter.
Assignment 03 contributes 15% to the final module mark.
, HMPYC80/203
PART 1: Review an article
The Research Review Inventory (R.R.I) is provided in Resource Material 02 of Tutorial
Letter 102. The 58 items of the R.R.I. are used to review the article:
Van der Walt, F. (2018). Workplace spirituality, work engagement and thriving at
work. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology/SA Tydskrif vir Bedryfsielkunde,
44(0), a1457.
First read the entire article to get an overview of the situation. Analyse the scenario in
terms of research interest, statement, problem or question, and identify the constructs,
themes or variables.
You were required to use the Research Review Inventory (See Resource material 01, 02
and 03 in Tutorial Letter 102 from page 67) to review the article.
Only the rating was required for this assignment, without any comments.
For articles and completed research reports all 58 items are used in the review.
Items should be reviewed and rated on a three-point rating scale from 1 to 3. The ratings
are defined as follows:
1 or a: Absent, incorrect, or completely wrong.
2 or b: Only partially addressed. It is does not attain the item requirement(s) or
3 or c: Sufficiently up to standard in terms of the item criteria.
Every item should be reviewed and rated on the three-point scale (1 to 3, or a to b).
Remember, if the item criterion is not explicitly addressed then allocate a low rating. Good
academic writing is clear and transparent. If a reader needs to guess at whether an issue
has been implemented and addressed or not, then the writing is neither clear nor
transparent... Only give a high rating if the item criteria have been explicitly addressed.
The answers to the rating scales are provided below. The exact wording of items 01 to 05
is provided to clarify the use of the R.R.I. The abbreviated item wording is used for items
06 to 58 as shown in the Review Log for the Research Review Inventory (Resource
Material 03 in Tutorial Letter 102).
Item Rate Rating item (R.R.I) Justification
01 3 01. The title contains at least one Yes, the item criterion is achieved and a
central psychological construct rating of 3 (sufficiently up to standard) is
from the research proposal or allocated.
study. “Workplace spirituality", "work
engagement" and "thriving at work" are
key psychological constructs.
02 2 02. The title indicates the research The item criterion is not completely
setting or demographic information satisfied and a rating of 2 (partially
of the sample population. Any one addressed) is allocated.
of the following is sufficient: where, "Work" and "workplace" are indicated. This