,Table of Contents
Abstract 2
Introduction 3
Problem statement 4
Definition of key concepts 4
Subjects and method 5
The interviews 6
Participant 1 6
Participant 2 8
Participant 3 10
Themes that emerged from the interview and subsequently literature study 11
Discussion 12
The effect of health on perceived life satisfaction 12
The importance of physical activity during retirement 14
Financial situation and the need for additional income 15
Loneliness and the significant of social support after retirement 17
The effect of life reflection and reminiscence on life satisfaction in retirement 18
Spirituality and death 19
Conclusion 21
Appendix A 27
Consent form - Sample 27
Appendix B 29
Interview schedule – question guideline 29
The purpose of this research study is to examine and distinguish factors that influence life
satisfaction and dissatisfaction after retirement.
Unstructured interviews were conducted with three retired participants following the
Grounded theory approach and, the premises of qualitative research ensued. Six themes were
recognized after analyses of the data collected; health, physical and mental activity, financial
situation, loneliness, social support, reminiscence, spirituality, and death anxiety. An
extensive literature review was done relating to these themes. The outcome of this research
proved that the themes identified are a recurring topic in the existing literature.
The results collected cannot be generalized because of the homogeneity and small sample
size. Factors such as culture and socio-economic status also need to be accounted for.
A more in-depth, integrative study with larger sample size is required to enhance researchers’
perception of life satisfaction after retirement. This will assist in developing measures to
improve life satisfaction for the elderly.
Keywords: retirement, existential meaning, life satisfaction, religion
, Introduction
Advancements in healthcare and technology, awareness of a healthy lifestyle, and improved
social support and living standards had increased the life expectancy of an individual. (Davis,
2002) This factor allows individuals to have more time to reflect and ponder if they are
satisfied or dissatisfied with the way they live their lives.
Life satisfaction is defined as “a cognitive evaluation of one’s life and represents how well a
person’s current self-aligns with his or her ideal self.” (Maher & Conroy, 2015, p. 593) A
person's perception of life satisfaction is unique to their circumstances and attitude towards
their situation. The meaning of life is exceedingly influenced by the social environment,
cultural impact, and past personal experiences. (Day, 2007)
Elderly individuals attribute successful aging to being mentally fit, productive, and still being
passionate about something. (Castel, 2019)
Therefore successful aging is not fully dependent on physical abilities but also on the
psychological state of the mind and the elderly meaning of life. Aging with a meaningful life,
“does not involve ‘winners or losers in terms of longevity and health, but rather the need to
focus on what is most meaningful to a person, especially in older age. Sometimes this
involves not doing more to stay active, but, perhaps, doing less, giving up some control over
our lives, being more mindful of others and being more aware of the need to forgive and
forget.”(Castel, 2019, p. 6)
Meaningful aging urges us to find inner peace and purpose in life. It is crucial to remember
that meaningful and successful aging is subjective and, many factors influence it.
Victor Frankl explained that existential meaning is a universal need. Personal meaning has
two of the four existential needs in regards to life satisfaction which are feeling meaningful
and attributing meaning to experiences. Finding meaning in life amidst difficulties is difficult
but, cultures have demonstrated that even when faced with hardship or misfortune it is how
the individual deals with it and their attitude towards the situation.
Successful aging requires a more holistic approach to old age in general. It prompts us all to
find purpose and peace in our lives and find importance in life by concentrating on what is
most meaningful despite declining physical and cognitive abilities.