exam preparation notes organisational development iop3705
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OD definition
Burke: “OD is a. pla.nned process of cha.nge in a.n orga.niza.tion’s culture through the utiliza.tion
of beha.vioura.l science technology, resea.rch, a.nd theory.”
French: “OD refers to a. long-ra.nge effort to improve a.n orga.niza.tion’s problem-solving
ca.pa.bilities a.nd its a.bility to cope with cha.nges in its externa.l environment with the
help of externa.l or interna.l beha.vioura.l-scientist consulta.nts.”
Beckha.rd: OD is a.n effort (1) pla.nned, (2) orga.niza.tion wide, a.nd (3) ma.na.ged from the top, to
(4) increa.se orga.niza.tion effectiveness a.nd hea.lth through (5) pla.nned interventions in the
orga.niza.tion’s “processes,” using beha.vioura.l science knowledge
Beer OD is a. system-wide process a.imed a.t:
(1) enha.ncing congruence between orga.niza.tiona.l structure, process, stra.tegy, people,
a.nd culture;
(2) developing new a.nd crea.tive orga.niza.tiona.l solutions; a.nd
(3) Developing the orga.niza.tion’s self-renewing ca.pa.city. It occurs through
colla.bora.tion of orga.niza.tiona.l members working with a. cha.nge a.gent using
beha.vioura.l science theory, resea.rch, a.nd technology
Cummings & OD is a. system wide a.pplica.tion a.nd tra.nsfer of beha.vioura.l science knowledge to the
Worley pla.nned development, improvement a.nd reinforcement of the stra.tegies, structures a.nd
processes tha.t lea.d to orga.nisa.tion effectiveness.
5 cha.ra.cteristics/fea.tures covered by Cummings & Worley OD definition:
1. OD a.pplies to cha.nges in the stra.tegy, structure & processes of a.n entire system, like a.n
2. OD is ba.sed on the a.pplica.tion a.nd tra.nsfer of beha.vioura.l science knowledge a.nd pra.ctice
3. OD is concerned with ma.na.ging pla.nned cha.nge
4. OD involves both the crea.tion a.nd the reinforcement of cha.nge
5. OD is oriented to improving orga.nisa.tiona.l effectiveness
Difference between OD a.nd Cha.nge Ma.na.gement (CM)
OD Cha.nge Ma.na.gement
OD supports va.lues of huma.n potentia.l, CM focuses more na.rrowly on cost, qua.lity a.nd
pa.rticipa.tion, development, performa.nce a.nd schedule competitive a.dva.nta.ge
OD is concerned with the tra.nsfer of knowledge a.nd CM does not necessa.rily require the
tra.nsfer of skills so tha.t the system is more a.ble to ma.na.ge these skills cha.nge in the future
OD involves cha.nge ma.na.gement, but cha.nge ma.na.gement ma.y not involve OD
A. Brief History of OD
Evolution of OD ha.s emergence in a.pplied
Beha.vioura.l sciences with 5 stems:
,La.bora.tory Tra.ining: growth of “T-
groups”- Sma.ll group lea.rn from their
own intera.ction; Workshop developed
for people rea.ct to da.ta. A.bout their
own beha.viour. 2 conclusions:
(1) Feedba.ck a.bout group intera.ction
wa.s rich lea.rning Experience; (2)
process of ‘group building’ ha.d
potentia.l for Lea.rning tra.nsferred to
“ba.ck-home” situa.tions.
3 trends emerged: 1) emergence of
regiona.l la.bora.tories
2) Expa.nsion of summer progra.m to
yea.r round
3) Expa.nsion of T-group into business
a.nd industry w/ Na.tiona.l Tra.ining
la.bs increa.sing involved with industry progra.m
A.ction resea.rch/survey feedba.ck: A.R contributions of Collier, Lewin a.nd Whyte – discovered tha.t resea.rch
needed to be closely linked to a.ction if orga.nisa.tion members were to use it to ma.na.ge cha.nge.
Results of A.R 2 fold: 1) members of org a.ble to use resea.rch on themselves to guide a.ction &
cha.nge 2) Socia.l scientists a.ble to study tha.t process to derive new knowledge tha.t could be used
elsewhere. John French study on overcoming cha.nge led to development of pa.rticipa.tive
ma.na.gement a.s mea.ns of getting employees involved in pla.nning a.nd ma.na.ging cha.nge.
*key component of most A.R studies: systema.tic collection of survey da.ta. tha.t were fed ba.ck to client org.
Common pa.ttern in A.R/SF = da.ta. collection, da.ta. feedba.ck, a.ction pla.nning, implementa.tion & follow-
Norma.tive A.pproa.ch: the belief tha.t a. huma.n rela.tions a.pproa.ch represented “one best wa.y” to
ma.na.ge orgs. Exa.mples- Likert’s Pa.rticipa.tive Ma.na.gement Progra.m cha.ra.cterised orgs a.s ha.ving a.
type of ma.na.gement system including: exploitive a.uthorita.tive; benevolent a.uthora.tive; consulta.tive a.nd
pa.rticipa.tive group & Bla.ke a.nd Moutons Grid Orga.nisa.tion Development a.pproa.ch with 2 objective: 1)
to improve pla.nning by developing a. stra.tegy for orga.nisa.tiona.l excellence ba.sed on clea.r logic a.nd 2) to
help ma.na.gers ga.in the necessa.ry knowledge a.nd skills to supervise effectively. It consists of 6 pha.ses
designed to a.na.lyse business & to overcome the pla.nning & communica.tion ba.rriers.
Productivity/ Qua.lity-of-Work life: two pha.ses: 1) Trist et a.l @ Tra.vistock developed work designs a.imed a.t
better integra.ting technology a.nd people referred to a.s “ Sociotechnica.l systems”. Led to the discovery of
selfma.na.ging work groups a.s a. form of work design.
QWL focused prima.rily on the persona.l consequences of the work experience a.nd how to improve work to
sa.tisfy persona.l needs
2) Expa.nded beyond work design to include fea.tures of the workpla.ce tha.t ca.n a.ffect employee
productivity a.nd sa.tisfa.ction like, rewa.rd systems, ma.na.gement styles a.nd physica.l work environment.
Stra.tegic Cha.nge: involves improving the a.lignment a.mong a.n orga.nisa.tions design, stra.tegy, a.nd
environment. Interventions seek to improve both the org rela.tionship to its environment a.nd the fit a.mong
its technica.l, structura.l, informa.tiona.l, HR a.nd cultura.l components.
Triggered by ma.jor disruptions like technologica.l brea.kthroughs or new CEO.
,Ha.s influenced OD pra.ctice in tha.t it requires OD pra.ctitioners to be fa.milia.r with competitive stra.tegy,
fina.nce Movement a.nd ma.rketing a.nd tea.m building, a.ction resea.rch a.nd survey feedba.ck. Skills
improve OD’s releva.nce.
Theories of Pla.nned Cha.nge
Lewin’s Cha.nge Model
Cha.nge is conceived a.s a. modifica.tion of those forces keeping a. systems beha.viour
Sta.ble specifica.lly referring to 2 forces- 1) those striving to ma.inta.in the sta.tus quo
A.nd those pushing for cha.nge. When both forces a.re equa.l a.nd current
beha.viours Ma.inta.ined referred to “qua.si-sta.tiona.ry equilibrium”.
To cha.nge- increa.se force pushing cha.nge or decrea.se those ma.inta.ining current
Sta.te or combo of both. Cha.nge process 3 steps:
1. Unfreezing: This step involves reducing those forces ma.inta.ining the Orga.nisa.tion’s beha.viour a.t its
present level.
2. Movement: This step shifts the beha.viour of the orga.nisa.tion to a. new level.
3. Refreezing: This step sta.bilizes the orga.nisa.tion a.t a. new sta.te of equilibrium.
Lewin’s model provides a. genera.l fra.mework for understa.nding orga.nisa.tion cha.nge
A.ction Resea.rch Model
problem identifica.tion
Sees pla.nned cha.nge a.s cyclic process in which initia.l resea.rch
a.bout org
Provides info to guide subsequent a.ction, results of a.ctions a.re consulta.tion with
a.ssessed beha.vioura.l scientist
To provide further info to guide further info
Is a.imed a.t both helping specific orga.nisa.tions implement
da.ta. ga.thering & prelim
pla.nned cha.nge A.nd developing more genera.l knowledge tha.t
ca.n be a.pplied to other Settings. The model consists of 8 ma.in
1) Problem Identifica.tion: Key executive senses tha.t org ha.s feedba.ck to client
1/more problems
2) Consulta.tion with a. beha.vioura.l science expert: OD
pra.ctitioner & client
Ca.refully a.ssess ea.ch other
3) Da.ta. ga.thering a.nd prelimina.ry dia.gnosis: Ga.ther &
a.na.lyse info to Determine underlying problems.
• Methods of ga.thering da.ta. include interviews,
observa.tions, Questionna.ires a.nd orga.nisa.tiona.l performa.nce
da.ta. 4) Feedba.ck to a. client or group:
• The consulta.nt provides the client with a.ll releva.nt
da.ta.. This willHelp determine the strengths a.nd wea.knesses of a.ction
the orga.nisa.tion. 5) Joint dia.gnosis of the problem: • Members
discuss the feedba.ck & explore whether they wa.nt to work on identified problems. 6) Joint a.ction pla.nning:
• Here the OD pra.ctitioner a.nd client Jointly a.gree on further a.ctions to be ta.ken.
, 7) A.ction: involves a.ctua.l cha.nge from one org sta.te to a.nother. Ma.y include insta.lling new
methods/procedures, reorga.nising Structures a.nd work design a.nd reinforcing new beha.viours.
8) Da.ta. ga.thering a.fter a.ction: Ga.ther da.ta. a.fter a.ction to mea.sure a.nd determine the effects of
the a.ction • Feed results ba.ck to the orga.nisa.tion.
Trends of A.R include- movement from sma.ller sub units of orga.nisa.tion to tota.l systems a.nd communities.
-is being a.pplied increa.singly in interna.tiona.l settings, pa.rticula.rly in developing na.tions
-A.pplied increa.singly to promote socia.l cha.nge a.nd innova.tion- most clea.rly in community development
a.nd globa.l socia.l cha.nge projects.
The role of OD consulta.nt ha.s shifted from ca.rrying out most a.ctivities with a.greement & colla.bora.tion of
ma.na.gement to a. modifica.tion of working with members to fa.cilita.te the lea.rning process.
Positive Model
Unlike Lewin model- tha.t focuses on org problems & how to solve to function better- the positive model
focuses on wha.t the org is doing right, helping members understa.nd when org work a.t best & build off
those ca.pa.bilities to a.chieve better results.
Model ha.s been a.pplied to pla.nned cha.nge through process ca.lled A.pprecia.tive Inquiry (A.I). It
encoura.ges a. positive orienta.tion to how cha.nge is conceived a.nd ma.na.ged.
initia.te the ••The first pha.se determines the subject of cha.nge It empha.sises member
involvement to identify the orga.nisa.tiona.l
Inquiry issue they ha.ve the most energy to a.ddress
• pha.se involves ga.thering info a.bout “best of wha.t is” in the org
inquire into • Org members conduct interviews &tell stories rega.rding certa.in topic
best pra.ctices • These stories a.re pulled together to crea.te a. pool of
informa.tion describing the orga.nisa.tion • In this pha.se, members exa.mine the stories to identify
a. set of themes
discover representing the common dimensions of people’s experiences
themes • The themes represent the ba.sis for moving from “wha.t is” to
“wha.t could be”
envision a. • Here members exa.mine the identified themes, cha.llenge the sta.tus
Preferred • quo a.nd describe a. compelling future. Members collectively visua.lise the
orga.nisa.tion’s future a.nd develop future “possibility propositions”
• fina.l pha.se involves the design a.nd delivery of wa.ys to crea.te the future
design & deliver • It describes the a.ctivities &crea.tes pla.ns necessa.ry to bring a.bout
vision. wa.ys to crea.te • Members ma.ke cha.nges, a.ssess the results a.nd ma.ke
necessa.ry the future a.djustments a.s they move the orga.nisa.tion towa.rd the vision a.nd
susta.in “wha.t will be”
Compa.rison of Pla.nned Cha.nge Models
• Simila.rities: Cha.nge preceded by dia.gnosis or prepa.ra.tion
A.pply beha.vioura.l science knowledge
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