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© 2014
ISBN 978 0 409 11817 9
E-Book ISBN 978 0 409 12226 8
Copyright subsists in this work. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form or by any means without
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Editor: Marjorie Guy
Technical Editors: Maggie Talanda and Luella Nicholls
Printed in South Africa by Interpak Books Pietermaritzburg
, Preface
New Entrepreneurial Law is the successor to Cilliers & Benade Entrepreneurial Law and
to the New Companies Act Manual . It is intended to be an aid to Henochsberg on the
Companies Act 71 of 2008 , and as companion to Nagel (ed) Commercial Law(2011).
The chapters on close corporations and partnerships that originally appeared in
Cilliers & Benade Entrepreneurial Law and authored by Professor JJ Henning were
updated and a new chapter on trusts was added.
For various reasons it was ‘. . . a deep and dark December . . .’ as quoted by Bruce
Welling, and therefore I must even more so thank Marjorie Guy and Kerri Dixon for
their support.
In recognition of Hendrik Cilliers and Marius Benade.
December 2014