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100 Marks
Duration: 5 hours
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, 2
October/November 2021
1. Lessons learned from OBE.Concerns regarding the OBE (C2005)
concerning assessment. In the classroom lead to moving towards
a content-based approach as in CAPS. Indicate the statements that do not fit in
this regard. (2)
1.1 the overcrowded schools and classrooms coupled with the large numbers
of unqualified and under-qualified teachers
1.2 the limited resources, including the big gap between under-resourced,
poor schools and well-resourced, rich schools
1.3 the complexity of the system and its vocabulary, the heavy burden of
assessment, and the lack of a learning culture in many schools
1.4 None of the above – these statements all describe the challenges related
to OBE.
2. Choose the most appropriate option.The following analogy is used to
explain assessment in teaching and learning in the school context, namely
that assessment is the vehicle taking learning forward. In this analogy,
the driver is (2)
2.1 the learner
2.2 the teacher
2.3 the assessor
2.4 the moderator
, 3
October/November 2021
3. The following analogy is used to explain assessment in teaching and learning
in the school context, namely that assessment is the vehicle taking
learning forward. The seven general aims of the CAPS curriculum describing
the qualities learners must have such as problem-solving ability, being
organised in one’s life, being able to work with others, etc. are seen as
one of the following in the analogy. Choose the correct option (2)
3.1 milestones along the way to adulthood
3.2 the major destination
3.3 the ultimate destination
3.4 seven destinations to reach
4. The following analogy is used to explain assessment in teaching and learning
in the school context, namely that assessment is the vehicle taking
learning forward. Why is assessment also described as a journey in this
analogy? Indicate which statement answers this best. (2)
4.1 In school, learning is similar to move from one place to another, from not
knowing to know about a topic in CAPS. Assessment help on such a
4.2 To come to understand assessment is a route on which student-teachers
travel to become assessors.
4.3 Understanding and being able to apply assessment theory is something
that develops along the way. That way along which we learn how to
assess learners effectively is a journey.
4.4 In school, every year, the teacher and the learners in a class are on a joint
journey towards the final examination at the end of the year.