I (full names):
Student number: Module: TMS3715
Declare that…
1. I understand what plagiarism entails and am aware of the University’s policy in this regard.
2. I declare that this assignment is my own, original work. Where I used someone else’s work, whether a
printed source, the internet or any other source, I give the proper acknowledgement and include a
complete reference list.
3. I did not use another current or previous student’s work, submitting it as my own.
4. I did not allow and will not allow anyone to copy my work with the intention of submitting it as his or
her own work.
1.1 Writing is a process, which involves several identifiable steps and as their teacher I will take my
learners through these following steps so they can successfully produce a newspaper article:
I will teach that they ought to establish and clarifies a purpose of writing a newspaper article,
brainstorms possible topics, collects pertinent materials, identifies an audience, chooses an appropriate
form of writing, and establishes an initial organisational strategy. As their teacher I will help learners
select topics, encourages them to talk to generate ideas and language about the topic, provides
resources, suggestions, and materials and discusses appropriate formats and audiences.
Learners will have to make use of four useful strategies: brainstorming, clustering, free-writing and
asking the six journalists' questions so they can be effective writers because they will be able to choose
and narrow a topic more successfully.
I will offer encouragement, help them organise information, give assistance focusing on the topic, and
provides enough time and structure to ensure learners get off to a good start so they can express ideas
in an uninterrupted flow while keeping the purpose and audience in mind.
I will encourage peer revision sessions and encourage learners to talk to other learners about their
writing and add, cut, and reorder their writing. narrow down topics, eliminate irrelevant writing,
reorganise writing, write additional drafts, and research information. This will make content quality,
clarity, smooth flowing ideas, and descriptive language emphasised.
I will encourage peer proofreading, provide vocabulary, give instruction of specific skills, help learners
evaluate their writing, and encourage them to consult reference materials. Ask learners to correct
mechanical errors (spelling, punctuation, and capitalisation). Writing should be read aloud before the
final copy is made.
I will encourage learners to share by reading aloud, publishing, organising a class book, making their own
books, displaying final drafts, and sharing with newspapers, oral presentations or journals so they can
make their final copies and share their completed work. Writers feel that their writing is important when
they share.
1.2 The teaching of language structures and conventions enables learners to produce coherent and
cohesive texts. According to the DBE (2011), the language structures should be taught for constructing
texts in their context of use. The application of language structures should not be restricted to the
analysis of isolated sentences. It should explain the way in which sentences are structured to construct
whole texts such as stories, essays, letters and reports, which learners learn to read and write in school.