, CMY3702
Oct/Nov 2016
SECTION A (Answer ALL questions on a mark reading sheet provided)
1 “Crime classification” refers to one of the following options
1 The categorisation of types of crimes in order to differentiate between crime data, crime
statistics and legal definitions representative of criminal acts
2 The division or arrangement of crime data into segments representative of legal definitions
of criminal acts, according to recorded crime statistics
3 The connection between types of crime in order to separate crime data, cnme statistics
and legal definitions representative of criminal acts
4 The distnbution or arrangement of crime data into precise classes based on the fact that
data on certain crimes show distinct fundamental similarities
2 Most international definitions refer to organised crime as
drug smuggling
corporate structures
3 The pnmary objective of organised crime 1s
| 1 Economic gam |
power and status
3 coercion and violence
4 pervasive corruption
4 The theoretical explanation of conservation crime consists of a number of existing theories
Identify these theones
1 Relative deprivation, general theory of crime, neutralisation, rational choice
2 Rational choice, neutralisation, anomie, differential association
3 Neutralisation, rational choice, deterrence, social learning
» Hl l]
5 Which term best describes crime directed at natural resources?
1 Environmental crime
2 Ecological crime
[3 Conservation crime |
4 Green crime
6 Which form of pollution 1s regarded as one of the oldest environmental problems, usually
ascribed to urbanisation, industrialisation and waste disposal?
1 Aur pollution
2 Thermal pollution
I3 Water pollution |
4 Noise pollution
, CMY3702
Oct/Nov 2016
7 One of the inherent requirements far the commission of white collar cnme can be described
1 impulsivity
2 premeditation
4 rationality
The foliowmng features are wentifted In the definition of victimless cme
1 The absence of an illegal activity, the absence of harm and mutual
2 ine absence of a complainant, the absence of harm and voluntary participation
; and low visibilityof the crime
4 The absence of an iilegal activity, low visibility of the crime and objection of the participant
When a factory dumps hazardous waste in a nver, it 1s an example of which one of the following
categories of crime?
1 Corporate cnme
2 Occupational crime
3 Labour offence
4 Environmental crime
10 relate to public order crimes which differ from country to country
1 Moral laws, codes and standards
~—DnifeTeTTaws, CoUES ang NonTs
3 Different opinions, standards and regulations
4 Moral laws, codes, different sanctions
11 The plays a major role in practising prostitution
1 socio-psychological determmant
2 cultural determinant
3 social determinant
a economic determinant
12 According to Hirschi and Gottfredsen, the explanation of white-collar crime 1s based on the
assumption that human behaviour 1s motivated by
1 poor business ethics
learnt behaviour
[3 self-interest ]
4 moral decline