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Unknown Business Management notes convers
The Business World and Business Management; Entrepreneurship;
Email Establishing a Business; The Business Environment; Corporate Social
Responsibility; Planning; Organizing; Leading; Controlling the
management process
University of South Africa
Study Unit 1: The Business World and Business Management
The role of business in society
Transformation of resources into goods and services society needs
Business cannot operate without society
Needs and values of society influence what business does. i.e. protecting the environment
Organizations influence behavior patterns of people in a particular society by developing new
products. i.e. Impact of cellphones, tablets etc. on social life.
Success of business has an impact on the prosperity of a society. i.e. mining towns
Needs and need satisfaction
Humans have many varied and seemingly unlimited needs
Society has limited resources to satisfy those needs, which requires a choice to be made about how
best to utilize the limited resources.
Most people have limited resources (money) to afford our unlimited wants, so we have to decide how
best to utilize the little we have to obtain the greatest satisfaction.
Decision to obtain the maximum benefit (satisfaction) with the limited resources = Economic
Consumerism = The social force that protects consumers from unsafe products and malpractices by
exerting moral and economic pressure on business.
According to Maslow, all humans have same basic needs, but not everybody strives to satisfy the
same ones. Page 1
According to Maslow, once basic needs (hunger) are satisfied, we strive to satisfy the next level i.e.
security etc.
Unlimited needs (Maslow’s hierarchy):
1. Physiological Needs (hunger, thirst)
2. Security Needs (protection)
3. Social Needs (love, recognition)
4. Esteem Needs
5. Self-Realisation Needs
Basic Physical and Psychological needs may overlap
Limited Resources
1. Natural Resources (land, forests, water)
2. Human Resources (labour, physical and mental talents)
3. Capital (buildings, machinery, computers – Not for final human consumption)
4. Entrepreneurship (Individuals who accept the risk, also rewarded with profits for the risks)
Main Economic Systems
Free Market Economy (free enterprise system)
o Products and services demanded by a community is supplied by private organisations seeking
o Members of a community may possess assets and earn profits from them
o Allocation of resources are affected by free markets
o Community can freely choose between products, services, place to stay etc.
o Minimum interference from the state.
o Right for individuals to possess property such as land, buildings equipment vehicles etc.
o People are free to do with their assets as they wish (freedom of distribution)
o Freedom of choice – producers can decide whether they can profitably produce products.
Command Economy
o Alternative to Market Economy
o Known as communism
o State owns and controls resources and factors of production
o System of communal ownership. Individuals own no land, factories or equipment
o Compromise between Free Market and Command Economies
o State owns and controls the principal/strategic industries (steel man, transportation,
communication, health and energy)
o Private initiative controls less important and smaller maters such as trade and construction.
o Strategic and basic resources should belong to every member of the community (Command
Economy), the rest operate within the Free Market Economy.
Mixed Economy
o Includes a mix of both public and government control (capitalism and socialism)
o Degree of private economic freedom with centralized economic planning and government
The prevailing economic system is South Africa is a Socialist-Oriented economy with a High degree of
government participation and control
The need-satisfying institutions of the free market economy
Business Organisations Page 2
o Also known as Profit Seeking Businesses
o Most are privately owned (Private Enterprises), but state can also own businesses.
o State owned business = Public corporations (Transnet etc.)
Government Organisations
o Do not operate on a profit-seeking basis.
o Also known as Government Departments
o Provide a service to the community.
o Obtain funds from Treasury (people pay for these services through taxes).
Non-Profit-Seeking Organisations
o Owned by state and private organisations
o Do not strive to make a profit
o Seek just sufficient income to cover costs
o Sports clubs, welfare, religious etc.
The Nature of Business Management and the Classification of the Study Material for Business
Purpose and task of Business Management = Achieving the maximum output with the lowest possible
input of production factors.
Purpose of Business Management = Produce the most units of products or services at the lowest
possible cost
Task of Business Management = Study of the principals that have to be applied to make a business as
profitable as possible. Could include a study of the environmental factors that could have an effect on
the success of an organization, its survival or its profitability.
Economics = Study area of economic problems in the community
Business Management = Focus on the problems of the individual organisations in the same
Study Unit 2: Entrepreneurship
What is an Entrepreneur?
Entrepreneur decides what, how, by whom and for who products and services should be produced.
Entrepreneur is someone who starts a business with the intention of making a profit.
Assumes risk of losing all resources if venture fails.
Entrepreneurship is the factor of production that mobilises land, labour and capital.
Characteristics include:
o Have innovative ideas
o Identify opportunities
o Find resources
o Take financial risks
o Bring about change, growth and wealth in the economy
o Re-energies economies and create jobs
o Start, manage and grow small business
Reward for taking risk is profit
Entrepreneurship in South Africa Page 3