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, Assessment 1
1. Five qualities that a good teacher should have listed in the order of importance, with
the first being what I feel as the most important.
a. Strong and clear communication – When it comes to teaching, strong
communication skills are a must, a good teacher must be able to communicate
well with his/her students in order to meet their needs. Many students may feel
afraid or overwhelmed about learning a new language. By communicating with
them you can approach the subject in an enjoyable way that can support their
learning. I feel this is the most important because if you cannot communicate with
your students, you wouldn’t be able to teach effectively and assess the needs of
your students. Communication is key for teachers to be successful in their
profession as learning and teaching are connected through good communication
b. Patience – Patience is an important characteristic for effective teachers in both
practice and as a model. As a teacher you must remember that not every student is
the same, each student is different and can bring new challenges to you that may
or may not be in your comfort zone. The teacher needs to work patiently with the
students and practice this skill. Every student is unique and will have their own
unique struggles and may also learn differently from their peers. This may require
the teacher to explain repeatedly or taking extra time to show the process of
solving a problem. Patience is a must for a good teacher and demonstrating
patience as a teacher is a great way to be a role model to students.
c. Adaptable – When working with other people, students, or other teachers alike,
certain expectations may not always be met. Your teaching methods may not
work in a certain way with a certain student or class, schedules may change, and
adjustments may need to be made with little or no notice. A great teacher can
adjust their teaching methods and expectations so they can still find success. They
are willing to always evaluate what is working for their students and adjust where
needed. This trait is vital for teachers who want to help each unique individual
find success in their classroom. It's an important characteristic when teaching to
always move your lessons around in the way that promotes learning in the best
possible way.
d. Show empathy – Empathy is an important quality for teachers, students are often
dealing with more than we know outside the classroom. As a teacher, it’s
important to be able to empathize with what they are feeling, even if it may not
seem like a big deal. Being able to empathise with your students can be a bonus
for the teacher. This can assist the teacher in having a connection with the student,
this can also have a direct impact on the performance of the student. Teachers
who aren’t empathetic can’t help students overcome real difficulties, trivial or
severe. As a teacher it’s vital to be able to put yourself in a student’s shoes and
help them feel understood. When you teach, it's important to be sensitive and
thoughtful to make sure the learners feel they're in a safe environment.
Nabeel Abed Academy
, e. Be organised – Having the right materials, showing up on time, and being
prepared for the lesson can have a big impact on how the lesson goes. It is very
important to stay organised so the students can have a productive lesson. Some
students may also look up to you and being organised can have a positive impact
on the way they organise their life
Top qualities and skills for a good teacher (Jan 2020)
2. Two most common methods of teaching in ESL:
a. PPP (Presentation, Practice, and Production)
b. ESA (Engage, Study, and activate)
3. Difference between the PPP and ESA method and the most effective:
ESA and PPP are very similar, they both follow a systematic approach towards taking on
board new information by scaffolding the learning process into smaller chunks hence
contributing to the internalisation of structures in the students’ long-term memory.
However, unlike PPP, ESA provides more flexibility as it allows the teacher to recap or
move between the different stages as needed. Movement between each stage will be
required in each lesson, hence the ESA method is more effective.
4. Importance of a Lesson Plan
A good lesson plan is an essential vitamin to a teacher's survival. Having a plan will
ensure good time management which would enable the teacher to teach with a better
sense of direction and control. Planning allows the teacher to be well versed in the subject
matter and will be able to handle all questions without any stress. It will also help the
teacher maintain a balance between open-class work, group work, and pair work.
Planning can also give the teacher confidence in their methods as it equips them with a
general outline of their goals and things, they need to achieve them and allows the teacher
to improve wherever necessary as it makes it possible to adjust to unexpected
occurrences in the classroom. Allows the teacher to take into consideration the key
principles (variety, flexibility, timing, interaction, logical sequence, and appropriate use
of activities) of having effective lessons.
5. When would be the best time to use:
a. Published course book – When you want to create a structured and balanced
lesson. From this, you would have a guideline as to what the teacher would be
expected to teach for that student's level of English.
b. Newspapers in English – Newspapers are much more current than coursebooks
and have a lot of information which makes them an excellent springboard for
lessons. The best time to use an English Newspaper is when you are teaching the
four skills in particular the receptive skill, Reading and also speaking, while it
Nabeel Abed Academy
, may be a bit difficult, students can learn a lot from it. The teacher may also use
the English newspaper for comprehensions
c. Internet –The Internet is a great tool that entertains students, while providing
subtly educating them requiring them to use a mixture of the four skills of
listening, reading, writing, and speaking. It can be used in the classroom for
authentic material or interactive worksheets, games and for homework or
assignments, provided the student has access to it. When planning a lesson where
you know the student may need to research a topic, it would be best to use the
d. TV/radio – TV/radios are a source of authentic material from the real world, and
they can be used when teaching skills like listening and speaking with a focus on
pronunciation of words.
Assessment 2
1. The word “jot” is a colloquial word; students may not be familiar with this type of
language. It would be better to use formal English. A more effective approach would be to
say “Write that down”
2. The instruction given sounds more like a question rather than an instruction. Many
redundant words were used and can be removed to avoid confusing the student. A more
effective approach would be to say, “Please look at question number 4 and answer it.”
3. The use of a contraction/short form might confuse the students, rather use formal English “I
would”. There are also too many instructions given at once, it can be difficult for students to
follow these instructions and can forget what needs to be done. It would be better to give
one instruction at a time or write down all instructions on a board for students to follow.
4. The instructions are very vague they are not being specific as to which question at the
bottom of the page students need to look at. Instructions need to be communicated clearly
with the students, so they know exactly what is expected of them. A more effective
approach would be to say “Look at question number 2 at the bottom of the page and
think about an answer”
Nabeel Abed Academy